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Soft launch... CMBS Battle Pack 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

Imperial Grunt, your Battle Pack seems to be excellently designed (I have only played two missions in US campaign so far). But the precision artillery bug is ruining your work for me. Did you notice that precision artillery was ineffective in your testing of the missions? I have fired over 15 Excalibur rounds (3x per fire mission) and none have hit their targets. Given what I have heard from others on the forum, itt seems that my experience is not unique. Are you aware of plans to fix this bug? As it stands, precision artillery is a waste of time to call because the success rate is less than 10% (I'm being generous). The shells land a matter of feet or even inches away from the targets, but never hit. I feel that this is not the case in real life against stationary targets. 

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I am currently playing the new Russian Campaign (now in miss 5) which by the way is very good BUT I would like to make a comment and a request to the campaign designers of the campaign and in general:

-If ammo on artillery batteries is to be shared among more that one missions of a campaign, please state so clearly in the briefing of each mission! I am a very profligate consumer of artillery ammo and I suffer severe psychological distress to see empty batteries at the start of a new mission :-) 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/5/2017 at 0:59 PM, Euri said:


If you manage to isert quickly two fireteams carrying 2-3 AT tubes each in the big building on your right and, once you hear tanks and BMPs approaching, you withdraw them to the "back" rooms where they are not exposed to enemy fire (except if the enemy comes around the buidling) you have over 50% chance to hold the position and inflict heavy casualties to the advancing Russians. Just remember to withdraw your Strykers in to safety

Finally got around to trying that... I've managed to sufficiently dull the right flank attack of russians with only one tank left alive and probably damaged enough that it went into hiding. But the price was quite steep.

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I am past 7th mission "cavalry has arrived" (playing Dunkirk's "Mole" track through much of it) right now and the campaign is good - but at this point I've started to wonder how realistic would it be for US Army to send such a light mechanized force against russian forces with high amounts of heavy armor? Yeah gamewise it sorta gives a weird but interesting perspective of US being a subpar force in battles but from a purely realistic position wouldn't it be an unwarranted risk?


oh and BTW 'take out tunguska to use choppers' in every single mission becomes a bit stale

Edited by kraze
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18 hours ago, kraze said:

I am past 7th mission "cavalry has arrived" (playing Dunkirk's "Mole" track through much of it) right now and the campaign is good - but at this point I've started to wonder how realistic would it be for US Army to send such a light mechanized force against russian forces with high amounts of heavy armor? Yeah gamewise it sorta gives a weird but interesting perspective of US being a subpar force in battles but from a purely realistic position wouldn't it be an unwarranted risk?

My bold: Probably.

18 hours ago, kraze said:

oh and BTW 'take out tunguska to use choppers' in every single mission becomes a bit stale

LOL try just sending the choppers in then. That will spice things up. :D

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The last mission is the best in the US campaign due to how tight it is and also, finally, tanks!

Finished the campaign with Major Victory, was really fun, although stryker gunner AI just keeps making me rage. Until Battlefront fixes them reloading under fire and inevitably dying - it will keep hurting this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

--- US 2# mission spoilers! ---

Finally trying the new US campaign and I am having trouble with the US campaign 2# mission (big city assault conducted with reinforced stryker company). I have beaten this mission but with over 50% casualties and most of these are infantry casualties.

My main troubles:
- The enemy defense lines inside the city make it almost impossible to use supporting fires without huge risk to the strykers and using artillery can only go so far on its own. I am taking big infantry casualties because I am not able to provide sufficient fire support to the infantry.
- Time limit doesn't allow me to move slowly enough to take no risks in urban combat. Also the incoming Russian arty strikes make moving slow pretty deadly ;)
- The enemy counter attacks cause big casualties when they happen in the middle of urban combat that is already on its own just barely under control. I fail to attack  and be ready to defend the same time.
- The are so many angles and buildings to cover and I don't have the bullets to blow up every dubious looking building.
- Efficient use of javelins is pretty challenging or near impossible inside the city apart from couple of main roads and I also really really need the infantry teams for the urban combat. If I split an AT team from all of my squads I am stuck with over sized clumsy infantry teams dying to RPGs ext..

How did you guys start approaching this one? Or do you have some gameplay or battle blogs you could link?


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On 6/30/2017 at 10:28 PM, Imperial Grunt said:

Hi everyone, first of all, thank you very much for trying the Battle Pack and I hope you are having fun with the battles. I've tried to make them challenging!

I will be doing an update soon based on the feedback posted here and that will be pushed out to you guys as soon as it's ready. No ETA yet but it's in progress.

One thing I wanted to ask is if anyone has played the separate battles in a head to head manner?  All of the seperate battles are tailored for head to head play instead of being optimized for play against the AI. If so, I would greatly appreciate feedback on those experiences.

Thanks again, I'll try to get the update out as soon as possible!


I have nearly finished 'Honor' and have just started 'Fort Apache' both playing h2h Pbem against @IanL.

There is 30 minutes on the clock left in 'Honor' and playing as the Americans I have yet to get across the river. My opponent has cunningly destroyed 2 out of the 3 centre bridges with substained artillery barrages'. I feel both sides have a good chance, the Americans with their Javelins and the Russians with their T-90's.

Enjoying all of the BP so far. Many Thanks @Imperial Grunt!

And Happy Julian New Year and Happy Orthodox New Year everyone!


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4 hours ago, Kuderian said:

I have nearly finished 'Honor' and have just started 'Fort Apache' both playing h2h Pbem against @IanL.

One of us can have a chance at revenge :)


4 hours ago, Kuderian said:

There is 30 minutes on the clock left in 'Honor' and playing as the Americans I have yet to get across the river. My opponent has cunningly destroyed 2 out of the 3 centre bridges with substained artillery barrages'. I feel both sides have a good chance, the Americans with their Javelins and the Russians with their T-90's.

Man that took a lot of artillery rounds! During testing on a QB map I took out bridges quite a bit quicker than that. Jury is still out on if it will pay off but I'm trying to shape the battle. I am very afraid of those Javelins - that is for sure.


4 hours ago, Kuderian said:

Enjoying all of the BP so far. Many Thanks @Imperial Grunt!


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10 hours ago, Kuderian said:

I have nearly finished 'Honor' and have just started 'Fort Apache' both playing h2h Pbem against @IanL.

There is 30 minutes on the clock left in 'Honor' and playing as the Americans I have yet to get across the river. My opponent has cunningly destroyed 2 out of the 3 centre bridges with substained artillery barrages'. I feel both sides have a good chance, the Americans with their Javelins and the Russians with their T-90's.

Enjoying all of the BP so far. Many Thanks @Imperial Grunt!

And Happy Julian New Year and Happy Orthodox New Year everyone!


Warning, more spoilers


Another PBEM player here, both scenarios on the US side...

In Honor I stayed away from the bridges and went for the fords, so I was able to cross at ~30 minutes into the game but with the iglas knocking down the Apache life is not easy and I am not sure I'll be able to pull a victory off now that we are ~30 minutes from the end.  Should the Apache survive this would be a very difficult scenario for the Russian side.

In Fort Apache I am having serious issues with my dismounted .50 cal and grenade launchers teams getting stuck in an action spot and not being abel to move.  I wonder whether this should be reported as a bug?

Overall, the battle pack was great value!


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  • 5 months later...

I finally "completed" the Battlepack RUS campaign.


Well mission 4 "Highway to Hell" my complete vehicle force got completely obliterated by permanent US/UKR fast-mover strikes (60 minutes non-stop to the end). Even desperately hiding them in bushes didn´t help. Are I am supposed to stop them with these 3 Strela guys? :lol: They launched all missiles they had with them, including those on their IFV´s and didn´t hit a thing which is not that suprising as a IR Strela isn´t probably the best counter to a current gen fighter. At least give me the Tunguska.

Also over 60 minutes of incoming airburst artillery made the day for most of my infantry platoons.

Furthermore the tank threat is completely overwhelming your AT capabilities especially when these air strikes take out your T72´s. I did pretty well with the force preservation to this mission. Was forced to cheese out hostile armor with my BMP3´s if they managed to stay alive long enough without getting hit by some JDAM´s.

In the end I lost the battle to factors that don´t seem to be in my hands, which is fine. Many real word commanders have experienced things like this and still had to continue their mission. However I think it is a bad choice to force a campaign end when you don´t achieve a victory in this scenario. Especially because I´ve won all three prior missions with a Total Victory, getting kicked out of the campaign due to lethal enemy air assets felt like being cheated out.

I once played a campaign in on of the WW2 CM´s were the campaign creator informs you right from the bat that you allowed to loose 2 scenarios except for scenario No. X where you must achieve victory in order to proceed. In my opinion this is extremely well handled as I often don´t have a clue what will happen if I can´t achieve an objective. Fearing a campaign loss I tend to nonsensically sacrifice my troops in order to achieve a pyrrhus victory which perhaps isn´t even required and even brings the danger that I won´t be able to complete missions later on.

Great thing, there is a website that informs you about the campaign trees and also the requirements in order to proceed in the tree. Thank you for providing this informative page. Didn´t consult it on this run however. I would´ve really preferred when the RUS campaign would have managed things different in this aspect.

However even though I didn´t manage to get to the end in both campaigns I enjoyed them and for ten bucks you get really good content. Goddamn hard, reminded me of some traumas I´ve had in CMFI/GL. I also renew my suggestion to improve the briefing writing and add some hints about the war and political situation or even personal details of the forces involved like some custom campaign creators have done really great.

Looking forward to see more of these Battlepacks in the different CM games as I tend to love nothing more than good campaigns.


Edited by MANoWAR.U51
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