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CMFB Bonus Beta AAR (Allied: Attacking, Advancing, Allied)


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Just how could Baneman's filthy heathen swine not accept such a generous offer when presented with such a picture of perfection?

Truly, this screenshot is a portent of greater deeds to be done, with greater glory and honor to be won!

All Hail the Mighty Canister Round! The most time-honored round in existence!

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I am going to take this picture to a print shop, have it blown up to 24"x 36".  Then I will transfer it to black velvet, frame it, and mount it over my fireplace in my living, relegating the current picture of dogs playing poker to the basement.

Nothing speaks "class" like a black velvet painting over the mantle! Well, except for the singing bass on a plaque. Perhaps you could mount one of those over the painting? ;)

If I'd known it was going to grace your wall, I would've tried to remember which friggin' key combo gets rid of the white info at the top of the screen. Sorry 'bout that.

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Turn 43:00 to 42:00

Death Visits: did he ever leave?

I've just noticed that Baneman has a dozen more replies and a hundred more views than my thread. This cannot stand! I shall add more visuals and more teasers. My thread will surpass his; in count, in views, and in glory!

As always, an overview, as we start the turn:



This is how I view the battle, as it has evolved:



And this, my friends, is what awaits us this turn:



I shall focus upon several different events. However, they are not separated in time or space: they are all inter-related and affect one another. I've watched this turn repeatedly, sipping on a glass of red, decanted for me by my intern. She knows she erred, and is attempting to get back in my good graces. Regardless, the mellowness of the red was a nice contre-pointe to the frenzied action of this minute... She chose well.



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Ken, Shift + Esc is the magic combo which ye seek.

I join the many other acolytes who swoon at your storytelling prowess, even though your military prowess may, at times,  be...interesting.

As to Lori's Mound, your need to "defend it's honor" no doubt requires you to penetrate it with your entrenching tool and dig into it, deeply. 

Okay, off to take a cold shower....


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Ken, Shift + Esc is the magic combo which ye seek.

I join the many other acolytes who swoon at your storytelling prowess, even though your military prowess may, at times,  be...interesting.

As to Lori's Mound, your need to "defend it's honor" no doubt requires you to penetrate it with your entrenching tool and dig into it, deeply. 

Okay, off to take a cold shower....


Thanks for the combo!

As for military prowess being "interesting", well, that's kind of the point of these public AARs. I'll let my private pbem partners relate to you how they've been victorious over me. (Cue the chirping crickets.)

In a serious vein, you are correct: this battle is no way to fight a REAL battle. It is, however, the perfect way to fight an AAR battle. I still use solid fundamentals: the terrain dictates the battle. Is there any doubt that I consider Lori's Mound to be the most important thing I can grab hold of? Next turn you'll see why.

Terrain analysis:

Lori's Mound is the key to the Village. (Village is the main obj. Well, that, and killing Baneman.)

The Dell is the key to Lori's Mound. That's why I've deployed a full 1/3 of my infantry force and 1/2 of my Cav to screen/hold The Dell (as far as it relates to Lori's Mound.)

I'm using economy of force to screen my left flank, and I've kept an unengaged reserve.

Enemy course of action: well, this is a bit artificial. I know he wants the village and he wants to kill me. The terrain analysis complements the enemy analysis.

With the above in mind, I have attempted a gamey flag-rush, but Baneman beat me to it. (Hah! the Village is closer to him: that's my excuse.) So, whereas this should be FUN, there are some fundamentals being shown, as well. (Also, some game stuff which may be of interest. Cross-loading halftracks keep part of the teams manning the halftrack mg's. If I split a squad into A, B, and C, and put them all into Halftrack 1, then they'd simply recombine. If I wanted to unload part of the squad and keep the mg's manned, I couldn't. So, I've put Squad 1A and 1B into halftrack Orange, and Squad 1C in halftrack Apple. Squad 2A and 2B join 1C in Apple, and 2C goes to Orange with 1A and 1B. Now, when Apple and Orange get to their destination, I unload 1A and 1B, and 2A and 2C. That allows me to keep 1C and 2C manning the guns. Perhaps I should show more of the 'inside ball'?)



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I was just kidding about your military prowess, lol!  But I guess the comment did suss out some tactical and game-fundamental details.  

However, like you say, AARs are for fun, especially this knife fight, so there is absolutely no need for any such discussion.  Just look at how dry your post above was, compared to your usual banter. I hardly broke a smile as I painfully, laboriously schlogged through it. :D

Besides, frankly, I don't think your pixeltroopers (let alone us!) really want to know that there is an actual plan, and tactics and, like, stuff, ya know,  in your battles. They only really want to have the privilege and honor to die for your pathological entertainment!  Hopefully, this unfamiliar incarnation of Patton will quickly re-adjust back to the Caligula we all know and love.;)

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I was just kidding about your military prowess, lol!  But I guess the comment did suss out some tactical and game-fundamental details.  

However, like you say, AARs are for fun, especially this knife fight, so there is absolutely no need for any such discussion.  Just look at how dry your post above was, compared to your usual banter. I hardly broke a smile as I painfully, laboriously schlogged through it. :D

Besides, frankly, I don't think your pixeltroopers (let alone us!) really want to know that there is an actual plan, and tactics and, like, stuff, ya know,  in your battles. They only really want to have the privilege and honor to die for your pathological entertainment!  Hopefully, this unfamiliar incarnation of Patton will quickly re-adjust back to the Caligula we all know and love.;)

Gah! You've called it: far too dry. In between posts, I'm trying to rebuild my main gaming rig. I've run into a brick wall. Something (expensive) is fried. Again. Grrrr. I need Baneman to post a turn so I can take out my frustration on his men. Or my men. Whichever works.

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Cross-loading halftracks keep part of the teams manning the halftrack mg's. If I split a squad into A, B, and C, and put them all into Halftrack 1, then they'd simply recombine.

I wonder if it would be possible to implement a little "lock" icon that you could toggle to ensure teams didn't recombine in this situation. While this work-around gets the job done, I always worry about buggering up C2 and unit cohesion when squads travel to their ultimate destinations. 

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43:00 to 42:00

A halftrack in a churchyard

As we left my Company HQ, the men were piling out of the halftrack, and racing towards the village, using the church as cover. The halftrack, with .50 cal., was Area Targeting a sound contact. Here's how their minute unfolded...









So far, so good. I like how the TacAI over-rode my command. Kind of.




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Same turn...

43:00 to 42:00

Holy Heverly

Losing control? Hah!... Let's watch Heverly some more.
















I'll re-man that halftrack. A .50 right there is a good thing. That Lynx is gonna be a tough nut. In this fight, its armor is a game changer...



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Turn 43:00 to 42:00

Beside the church...

While Heverly is fighting and dying, just a few yards away, another halftrack is engaged in their own mission.














(Grr...replace "them" with "they" and get back to the fight!)




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My next turn will have me deal with the remaining contacts.

The Dell: It'll be ugly. While my ground pounders die, my bazooka teams (3 of 'em) will deal with the Lynx.

Uncanny Valley: I'm moving my M8s and M16 up.

MP44 House: they are about to find out about American firepower. 'Murica!!

8 wheeler: let's see if .50 can cut through their armor. There are some who'd set up a test. This is a test of WILLPOWER, not a matter of ballistics. A single man, motivated, behind a .50 cal., can change a battle.

Big Field: some movement. I'm ready with my jeep.


Overall, a fun minute. I think I saw a smile on Heverly's face...

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Cross-loading halftracks keep part of the teams manning the halftrack mg's. So, I've put Squad 1A and 1B into halftrack Orange, and Squad 1C in halftrack Apple.

I always detached a two-man Scout Team for this purpose, often leaving them behind when the squad dismounts.

(Granted in a two-team squad, that's not exactly feasible, but those wonderful U.S. 3-Team Squads are perfectly suited for that purpose!)

If they get killed, you're only out a couple of rifles, and the rest of the squad's firepower is intact.

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Turn 42:00 to 41:00, analysis.

This turn was less frenetic than last, but still pretty "kinetic" as the "let's hug our enemies" crowd would say these days.

On my right, the Dell is working as expected. I'm happy to get that hit on the Lynx. My guys still have the Lynx spotted, so I may get another hit next turn. Meanwhile whatever has been covering Lori's Mound is causing me to pull off. I'm moving around towards the Uncanny Valley side of the Mound. I've cleaned out the MP44 house. However, the separate house next to it has a flamethrower team/man in it. That will get some area fire next turn.

In the village center, there's some fire coming from the last house on the left row. (I labeled it "Germs Here" upstream.) They'll get some area fire, too.

I'm advancing my Uncanny Valley M8s with Armor Arcs to engage the 8 wheeler. That thing is a thorn. It shall be plucked...

In the middle, I'm just trying to get my exposed men into cover, moving with various delays.

On the left, Big Field and Black Forest, I'm pulling the jeep back. They protested. I told them I want them to die later, not now. They agreed.


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Thanks. In fact, I was just having coffee in the HQ when a soldier walked in, bandages wrapped about his arm bleeding through, and he said, "C3K, please talk to the doc and let me back into the fight! I want to send mine and thine enemies to their just reward! I can still pull a trigger." I considered having the Corporal of the Guard throw him out for his outburst, but I liked his spirit. I put my coffee down, turned, and told him, "Very well. I will send you on a high-risk mission. I doubt you'll survive. However, you will absolutely have the chance to kill some of Baneman's men."

You should've seen the smile on his face. I think I'll let him drive the jeep next turn.


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To the readership: should have more writeup, or do you like all-pix kind of turn report? Hurry...Baneman has posted another turn. His poor men...  Sorry. False alarm. No doubt he is puzzled and demoralized. Poor man. He knew it would end this way...


Random comment: The Dell. I never wanted it. I'm happy to screen it off. It looks like he's got a solid platoon in there, much as I do. I'd love to find the unit which can fire on Lori's Mound. I think it was near the road on his end (to the right of his four-wheeled PSW). I've got two squads and some snipers up on the road cutting through The Dell. I won't advance. They'll hold, as well as they can, while the real fight continues in the town. If my Uncanny Valley M8s can sight/kill the two armored cars while the Lynx gets destroyed, well, I think I'd be able to sit back and area fire my way into the village.

I've got some random buddy aid going on. I've got 3 bazookas down and I'm trying to gather them up. Against empty and open-topped halftracks, they won't do so well. But, it's better than nothing. And a few rounds into a building could do some good.

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