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SLIM vs Ithikial DAR (Ithikial Stay Out!)

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I've wanted to fight Ithikial since I first discovered his YouTube channel about 2 years ago.

Now, I am going to do it!


The map we're fighting on is a river crossing. There are three objectives in a valley between two prominent hills. Both hills have objectives on them as well.


I am in command of a reinforced company of German Panzergrenadiers:


SLIM's Battalion

75mm AT Gun

Opel Blitz


Attack Company

Scout Team

Sniper Team

3x Pnz Grn Platoon

Weapons Platoon

2x HMG42 Section

Med Mortar Section


Support Company

1x Pnz Grn Platoon

Pz VG Panther (Early)

Jpz IV (Late)

StuG IIIG (Late)


The Attack Company's job is to conduct my main infantry operations.

The Support Company contains my armor, and one platoon of infantry meant for close support of the tanks.

(If CMBN had infantry riding on tanks, that's what they would be doing.)




Initial Plan:


Secure VP Chateau, and estabish supporting weapons.


The Battalion HQ, Weapons Platoon, AT Gun, and supporting assets will seize the Chateau to use as an O.P.

I do not know what the LOS range is, the prevailing weather conditions are Light Fog and Rain.

The intent is to establish mortars and guns in positions from which they can observe the enemy side of the river.


Conduct Combined Arms Attack to secure Road Bridge, Town, and Rail Bridge.


The Tanks and Infantry will advance from North to South, securing the Road Bridge first, then pushing into the town.

The Rail Bridge is considered a secondary objective, and won't be attacked unless the situation permits.



Await further developments.


I don't want to plan too far ahead. I've marked the hotel as a Destroy Objective, but I don't know if I have enough firepower to turn it into rubble. It is so marked because I would rather destroy it than fight for it. If I can ignore it safely then I will do so.




This battle will be slow going, me and my opponent live on almost exact opposite sides of the globe, so it's likely we will have a turnover rate of 1-2 per day, barring Real-Lifetm incidents. I'll leave this thread here for future posts.


This is my first attempt at a "normal" DAR structure, so any comments or criticisms are welcome ;)

Also feel free to yell, "You're doing it all wrong!"

That's fun too.

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You're doing it all wrong! :D

Nice concise planning map.

Out of curiosity, do you have an alternate plan based on limited visibility? I am guessing that light fog and rain will mean the OP will have to move and it is unclear how much your units can support one another. Always hard to tell those things until you actually get a first turn on the map.

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Will be watching this one intently.


Is Hotel a single building? The StuG and Panther should have enough firepower to cause a collapse without too much ammo wastage. 


The Hotel is a multi-part modular building, between 2-3 stories high. I won't exercise the fire and ammo to completely destroy it unless I have to. I'll probably blast the face off the building and leave it useless as an O.P. The StuG was brought along for those purposes, although it's a III not a '42, I learned the crucial difference in my battle against Raptorx7.

That being said, having a large HE chucker would have been a comforting feeling here.


You're doing it all wrong! :D

Nice concise planning map.

Out of curiosity, do you have an alternate plan based on limited visibility? I am guessing that light fog and rain will mean the OP will have to move and it is unclear how much your units can support one another. Always hard to tell those things until you actually get a first turn on the map.


Yes I know, my plan is awful, all my guys are going to step on landmines! :D


The O.P. I'm setting up is really just to interdict the river crossing at the Rail Bridge. I can always leave an XO team in the Chateau to occupy the V.P., and shift the rest of my assets to the left down the hillside. I have no off-map support in this battle, so I don't need to maintain any positions for F.O.'s.

I'll have to check LOS when I get to deploy my troops, and I'll report the results.


Look forward to this.  The map looks like one of the new Quick Battle maps that were released by MarkEzra several months ago.  It will be interesting to see a battle on it.  


I'm glad you're following along!

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This looks good. I'll be following along. What map is that? Want me to do a fly-by of it, post it on YT and link it here?


I think it is this one:  Hills Town Water (1120x736) 010   Link to the thread when the new ones were released is below. 



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This looks good. I'll be following along. What map is that? Want me to do a fly-by of it, post it on YT and link it here?


Welcome Doug!


You would have to ask Ithikial, he did the battle setup. I think he let the CPU choose the map.

Post whatever you would like to YouTube, I was going to post a few videos of my own once we get to the deployment phase. The only thing done so far is the unit purchasing.


EDIT: I see MOS has ninja'd me in fine style!

Edited by SLIM
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Ok, here it is.

Looks like the map in my video has one less VL than the one that you guys are playing on, but other than that, it's the same.

This is a great map. Tough attack. I really need to start digging around in the repository and other sites for better QB maps.

Good luck, SLIM. Is Ithikial going to do his own DAR thread?
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Good luck, SLIM. Is Ithikial going to do his own DAR thread?


I don't know, he might post one up at FGM, but I haven't heard from him since this morning.

Our time zones are pretty much the opposite of each other, so I'm pretty sure he's just waking up right now.


That video you've posted is a slightly cut-down version of the map we're playing on, the map edges North and South are slightly further out.


There's a few Quick Battle map packs floating around, including one big pack with over 100 maps in it. I can't remember where to get it.

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The Deployment Phase:




I've finally seen the briefing, and it's now that I know this is a meeting engagement, and not the attack and defend game type I had planned for. While that does slightly change my overall intent, it doesn't change my execution.




This is the left sector of my deployment zone.

All of my heavy weapons are in this zone, along with the Battalion HQ. The objective of this force is to deny enemy traffic across the Rail Bridge if possible, and observe enemy movement near or in the Hotel. The fog doesn't limit LOS as much as I thought, and from their positions these guys can see to the edge of the map. There is one big problem however:




Visibility is spotty at best from this position, so instead of a proactive stance, these guys are going to anchor my flank. More details to follow later.

Here are the specific deployments:




Loaded into this truck are my Mortar teams, Mortar Ammo Bearers, Anti-Tank Gun, and ATG Ammo Bearers. The truck will quickly shuttle them into position then withdraw. Mortars are going to deploy here for on-call support, ATG will deploy to the side of the hill, hopefully in position to hit the rail bridge, or ford.




These MG's will guard the left side of the weapons position.




The Battalion HQ and these MG's will watch the right. The HQ will be the primary observation team, with their 2 binoculars.

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That covers the left sector, now for the right:




Attack and Support Companies will conduct a movement to contact down this right side of the map. The ultimate objective is to deny enemy traffic over the Road Bridge, and secure the Town. My Scout Team is selected to show Doug an example of my long-range Quick Move technique I alluded to in his DAR vs Bil Hardenberger. Quick Move 3 AS then Pause 5 seconds will get your guys to their destination without getting completely exhausted.




This shot shows how I maintain dispersion over a long distance without falling victim to the "Conga Line of Death". It is a lot slower than normal movement, but it increases the safety factor. Waypoints are plotted every 3 Action Spots, and it's surprisingly quick to do, by group selecting the Platoon, and using the outside forward team as the guidepost to plot the moves.




As I said before, I am now aware this is a Meeting Engagement, which means there is no overall force advantage to either side. Small-Unit Tactics, and control of the map will determine the winner. My overall intent is now to deny the enemy the ability to cross the river, and thus control the majority of the VL's and the map.

My supporting weapons will deploy as they did before, and my Attack Company will move as before also. My Objectives have changed from seizing the Road Bridge, to denying the enemy access to it. Once I have weapons posted, the remainder of the Attack Company will secure the town (in the USMC sense), then move to destroy any enemy forces that have crossed the Rail Bridge. The Solid lines on the image show my currently plotted orders, and the Dashed green lines show my movement plan for Attack Company.


There are a lot of unknowns going into this battle. I have never even seen a Polish OOB, so I don't know what to expect aside from probably British Equipment backed up with Sherman tanks, and Tank Destroyers.

There may be a lot of unknowns making me nervous, but there is absolutely one thing I am without a doubt completely confident in:








Whatever Armor Ithikial brings to the fight, I can smash it to bits, and sell it for scrap! (knock on wood) :P

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FYI: I'm getting single digit frame rates when looking at the map, so I'm going to have to adjust my settings to record video.

I can still take plenty of screenshots however, so that's no problem. If there's any requests for specific screenshots, either of locations or equipment, let me know.

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SLIM, thanks for the visual aid on how you do Quick movement with short pauses to not exhaust your troops on long moves. I'm going to try that.

So, a Meeting engagement, eh? I see now how the map is slightly changed from the one I posted the video of earlier in this thread. The Rail and Road Bridge VLs have been extended to both sides of the river. The Rail Station VL has been added to Ithikial's side of the river. This means that you each have an equal number of VL's on your side of the river, with the Rail and Road Bridge VLs able to be occupied by each of you without a river crossing.

I also note that most (all?) of the VLs are the type that have an outline rather than a solid block.

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I personally use 15s pauses for that. You might get away with shorter pauses in clear terrain but in difficult terrain it is a minimum for not getting tired.


I'll keep that in mind when they hit the woods.


I like the lines made in Paint. Production value through the roof! :D


You know it! Mediocrity is my Specialty!

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  Oh, freaking great.  It would be raining.  I hate it when my glasses get wet!!!


  Watch for bogging on those long runs through the field.  Looks good so far.  I was going to say smoke the hell out of everything and race across the bridges at the same time, but then saw the rain.  Ugh.


  Then again, c3k might suggest the mad charge anyway and have Gebirgestruppen scale the sheer face of the frontal cliff with knives in their teeth to surprise the defenders.  :D   Come to think of it, I'd kinda like to see that too...


  Looking forward to the battle.  I like your armor selections.



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You know I have not tested the speed.


Quick move with 5 second pauses is approx. 30% faster than regular move order. Judging by my own observations of the turn replay.


Well I've already learned something SLIM, I'll be putting that quick-move to use next time I'm advancing in open order. Enjoying the AAR so far!


I thank you!


Watch for bogging on those long runs through the field. I was going to say smoke the hell out of everything and race across the bridges at the same time, but then saw the rain.  Ugh.


  Then again, c3k might suggest the mad charge anyway and have Gebirgestruppen scale the sheer face of the frontal cliff with knives in their teeth to surprise the defenders.


  Looking forward to the battle.  I like your armor selections.


It would not surprise me one bit if Ithikial made a mad dash for one, or both bridges. If he allows me to close them to his own traffic he might as well ask me for a ceasefire now. My intention is not to cross the bridge, but to prevent Ithikial from doing so.


That does sound like Ken, he strikes me as the swashbuckling pirate type.

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Also, in regards to the previous discussion, here is an alternate movement scheme I use when speed becomes more essential:




3AS each waypoint, Move alternating with Quick. I realize Ithikial might just make a mad dash for either of the bridges, and I'd like to get there a bit faster.

The ground condition is muddy, and it will be raining the whole battle, so I won't be moving my tanks off-road if I can avoid it. That means I need to secure the road all the way to the bridge approach in order to bring up my tanks. I think I'll task the Jpz to watch the Road Bridge, while the Panther and StuG move into the town with the Infantry.

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  Nice to see someone else uses move mixed in with quick.   If I am really pressed I will make the quick sections longer and the move sections shorter.  I try to alternate this with units on either side, so some are moving quick while others are only using move.  That way not everyone is doing the same thing at the same time, just in case someone drops fire on them.


  Looking forward to first contact.



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