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New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division

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Hi C3K, Baneman and Frankster65

Cheers for the positive vibes guys :)


Really pleased this one has 'hit a mark' although not quite from 3km! I never tried doing that with my armour when playing this, gave em cover arcs out to 1800m! I'll try that next time through I reckon.


Re Frankster65's comments regarding the map. I'm pleased you appreciate the detail as I was aiming for super realistic. I'm pleased that the time, patience and effort put into that final detailing has paid off.


BTW the landscape this scenario plays out on is the real deal. If interested here is the actual period map of the area which I used to create the map and on which the final stages of this action were played out. I had to make allowances for roads etc as I hate these zig-zag roads (with a passion!) as a/ they really mess with pathfinding and are a pain to move units down b/ they look ****e. So it takes wee while to map roads that are straight/45 degrees to 'fit' with the overall 'feel' of the original road layout.




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Finished playing this H2H last night. Me as Germans and my friend as the soviets. We have about the same level of experience and it was a very fun but though match. I won after about 2 hours when the soviets ceased fire after losing all but a few of his tanks.  My plan was for a armored left hook (all tigers, nearly all Panthers and some PzIV with heavy inf. supp.) to ford the river and continue on the left flank (p 213.4, 211.0, 212.6) and then advance to the Orange and Gelb objectives after the big forests (p203.7 and 204.5). Meanwhile smaller forces were to advance in the middle to Obj Blau then occupy the dominating hills (p215.8) north of it.

My plan worked like charm. The first dried up river was crossed at some difficulties, mostly trying to get a large armored force across small congested areas but also from some AT-guns. I places some of my Panthers on top of the hill 212.9 and 206.6 were they were in position to cover the advance (some SU-76 got hits from over 2500m :) ).

Then when I were across the river and soviets tanks arrived I always seemed to have the advantage of firing first and often took them out before they could do some damage. Even my PzIV when in right position dealt heavy blown to the T34. The enemy tank found that they had great difficulties fighting me at a distance and tried two mayor counterattacks to close in the range and overwhelm my panzers. They manage to knock out several panzers atop of 211.9 and with that the possibly to have a difficult hole in the center of my line just as my left hook approached  212.6. But luck was on my side again and two Panthers from my back arrived in just the right time on the reverse sloop on 211.9 and managed together with some PzIV from my left flank to charge the enemy and knock them out. After that the soviets lacked more than some tanks and although he still had lots of infantry left (soviet inf are terrible ill-equipped in AT-capabilities) he called it a day just as my left hook approached Obj Orange.


Some casualties

German tanks 15

Soviet tanks 32

Soviet Inf 270

German Inf 130


All in all a very fun and challenging mission with a wonderful map and very good supplement materials. It was fun to play as a mechanized armored group against and static defense lines with armored reserves arriving piecemeal. 

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On my Mac Mini early 2009, the scenario takes a long time to load using scenario test mode, then after hitting start button, then surrendering, the HD grinds and grids before finally returning to main interface. On quitting the app, the HD grinds away again for a few more seconds.; this never happens with other smaller scenarios - I thought it was just my old mac and near nonexistent graphics capability.

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All in all a very fun and challenging mission with a wonderful map and very good supplement materials. It was fun to play as a mechanized armored group against and static defense lines with armored reserves arriving piecemeal.

Hi Big Boss

Thanks for the AAR. It sounds and looks like a real ding dong tank battle

Did your mate not force you to clear the objectives? I'd have thought he could have forced a draw at least given your losses?

Glad you found it fun and challenging. Thanks again for the play through and cheers for the AAR.


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One very minor map niggle: From the German perspective, after crossing the stone bridge, the road ends in a "T". If you try to take a right hand turn at the "T", there is a hedge/bocage which intrudes. If you ever release an updated version of this (incredibly fun, detailed, great, etc.) battle, shifting that one piece of foliage would be something to consider.


Did I mention I really like this? ;)



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I completed this scenario vs AI as the German.


Wonderful experience. Thanks so much for this effort. This scenario is going to be one of the classics, for sure.

Thanks very much Champagne :) really glad you found it so enjoyable, and thanks for taking the time to play it and post your comments.




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One very minor map niggle: From the German perspective, after crossing the stone bridge, the road ends in a "T". If you try to take a right hand turn at the "T", there is a hedge/bocage which intrudes. If you ever release an updated version of this (incredibly fun, detailed, great, etc.) battle, shifting that one piece of foliage would be something to consider.


Did I mention I really like this? ;)



Hi Ken

Ah thanks for that :)


I've got a revised version in the works (although it mainly touches up wee niggles such as this but I did beef up the Soviet AT guns to play about with in the version I'm playing through). I'll check it out. I assume you mean the first stone bridge on the German line of advance? 

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Hi Ken

Ah thanks for that :)


I've got a revised version in the works (although it mainly touches up wee niggles such as this but I did beef up the Soviet AT guns to play about with in the version I'm playing through). I'll check it out. I assume you mean the first stone bridge on the German line of advance? 


Yep. That's the one.


FWIW, I'm really, really, really enjoying this. The forces, the scale, the map, are all "just right". You've created a masterpiece.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the fun scenario. Played German against the AI. Took the whole force up the right half of the map. Set the Panthers and Tigers on the high ground in overwatch as the force advanced. The Pz IVs went with the infantry. The panthers started knocking out T34s as soon as they arrived. The first kill was over 3600 meters. At those ranges the T34s never fired a shot. Only 3 got through the kill zone in the center. None made it through on the flank. It was a turkey shoot.

When the AI surrendered there was only one tank left. A Tiger lost its gun in a closer dual, and that was the only damage to a German tank.

Having more of the T34s in the valley to start with would probably give the AI more to fight with for the end game. At least they might get some shots off and do more damage. As it was, they took such a moral hit from tank losses, they surrendered before I could, move on the last 2 objectives.

Thanks for hours of fun,


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I'm currently working on my setup as the Russians against a skilled human opponent. I hope to do better than the AI in LeeW's battle! Setup has probably taken me 6 hours so far and I'm less than half way done, so this better be a good battle!


I've spent a lot of time just looking over the map and it really is a fantastic piece of work.  I have to say that this is the first CMRT scenario that I've played that really wows me. While I've enjoyed CMRT, it has been my least favourite CMx2 game... so far...


I do have one question with regards to light bridges. It seems that all vehicles can cross them. Is the only difference between light and heavy bridges, is that the former are easier to destroy?

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Thanks for the fun scenario. Played German against the AI. Took the whole force up the right half of the map. Set the Panthers and Tigers on the high ground in overwatch as the force advanced. The Pz IVs went with the infantry. The panthers started knocking out T34s as soon as they arrived. The first kill was over 3600 meters. At those ranges the T34s never fired a shot. Only 3 got through the kill zone in the center. None made it through on the flank. It was a turkey shoot.

When the AI surrendered there was only one tank left. A Tiger lost its gun in a closer dual, and that was the only damage to a German tank.

Having more of the T34s in the valley to start with would probably give the AI more to fight with for the end game. At least they might get some shots off and do more damage. As it was, they took such a moral hit from tank losses, they surrendered before I could, move on the last 2 objectives.

Thanks for hours of fun,


Hi Lee

Thanks for giving this a shot and for posting your comments. There are three Soviet AI Plans and various triggers so the AI attacks using three  very different plans. 

There are AI tanks on the map at the start. However how they react does depend on the AI Plan and what triggers you trip. In this case if you mass your armour, as you did and manage to attain some high ground, and depending on the AI Plan you stand a chance of catching them moving in the open. However there are two other AI Plans that anticipate this and have the AI attack very differently...

So it's a bit of luck of the draw. Although using triggers make the AI a bit more reactive there are no conditional triggers so once the AI starts to react, well it carrys on with the plan. Even if that means moving into a very obvious kill zone.


I am playing about with another version that has slightly beefed up Soviet forces but it's a lot harder I've found and I rather like the slightly easier version as the German player stands more chance of attaining their objectives. I can tweak it a bit more though tor educe the chance of the AI surrendering so I'll look at that.


Thanks again for the comments and feedback and pleased you enjoyed it :)

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I'm currently working on my setup as the Russians against a skilled human opponent. I hope to do better than the AI in LeeW's battle! Setup has probably taken me 6 hours so far and I'm less than half way done, so this better be a good battle!


I've spent a lot of time just looking over the map and it really is a fantastic piece of work.  I have to say that this is the first CMRT scenario that I've played that really wows me. While I've enjoyed CMRT, it has been my least favourite CMx2 game... so far...


I do have one question with regards to light bridges. It seems that all vehicles can cross them. Is the only difference between light and heavy bridges, is that the former are easier to destroy?

Thanks for this - be interested to see how it plays out against H2H. The bridges are key in some respects. Light bridges have a weight limit - heavy bridges no weight limit. So most tanks can cross the light bridges but some heavy tanks can only cross using the heavy bridges. Light bridges are easier to destroy for sure.


Glad you liked the map. It was labour of love! Oh it's also a fairly good representation of the terrain the fight took place on - used period maps to get the general layout etc. Be keen to hear how it goes. Make the Germans fight for every inch!

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