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Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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@Holien Thanks for taking an interest in this. This is my first AAR so I'm trying to find the balance of the right amounts of posts and trying to keep it amusing. ;-) Ask me anything you want, but the truth is that I'm a seat of my pants player and, while I do try to look at the big picture, my plans are subject to change from turn to turn. Obviously the key to victory is going to be taking and holding on to the two central VLs. If either one of us winds up trying to defend their starting VL, I expect a CF or a surrender.

When I got home from work today, Bil had sent me his latest file...

I *just* managed to move that left HMG team out of the way before Bil's mortar started the FFE. It's a good thing I moved them or they would all now be KIA/WIA. As it is, they only took one casualty and one lightly wounded. They aren't in a position to provide any fire now, so I'll need to move them again next turn. I took a couple of other random infantry casualties, and I think I counted three casualties given to Bil's troops, so pretty much a zero sum turn, attrition wise.

I now count three armor sound contacts in the woods on Bil's half of the map on my left flank. It seems that may be where Bil is going to make his first big push, and that just makes sense really. His troops are much more exposed to enemy fire on my right flank, though he is making a token advance there. I wager he plans to take my left VL first, then concentrate on the other.

I also noticed a brief armor contact icon visible on the crest of the hill near Bil's starting position. This is, IMO, almost certainly the M10.

So, if I had to guess, I would say Bil is going to soon make a heavy attack on my left VL using a lot of infantry and all his tanks, and at the same time pop the M10 over the crest.

Also, I hear a lot of mortar tubes firing on Bil's side of the map. My troops may have to shift positions often and I will have to be very vigilant of spotting rounds.

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Got the latest file from Bil and things are starting to heat up. Here is the video with all trees removed for clarity.




Bil has moved one of his Shermans forward. Several of my infantry units can see it, but my most forward Panther cannot. I moved an LMG team to the high terrain  to the left of my starting zone (where my HMG team got wiped out by one of Bil's mortars) and it spotted an M10 right at the end of the turn up on the crest of the hill near Bil's starting zone. So, Bil is going to keep that M10 up there (wise, IMO).


I took an unfortunate mortar round to a schreck team I was moving forward, which took a casualty (which, of course, was the soldier carrying the schreck). I'll backtrack the other troop and hopefully he can buddy aid and recover the weapon.


Bill has a hell of a lot of mortar teams. I have a feeling I'm going to be hating them over the next few turns.


Attrition wise, I came out the loser this turn. I only counted about three casualties caused to Bil's forces, while I probably took twice that many.


I'm getting two HMG teams deployed on the high terrain to the right of the VL on my right flank.


I'm probably going to keep my most forward Panther right where it is next turn. Debating whether or not to move the other one forward some.

Edit: After further consideration, I really don't like where either of the Panthers are positioned right now and will be moving them both. Sent Bil the file.

Edited by Doug Williams
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Ouch...both schreck teams look like they took hits. What's your plan to deal with the tank that's shooting up your men? ;)

Move the Panthers forward in such a way that they can see that Sherm and let them shoot it full of holes. In the meantime, hope the M10 doesn't KO one or both of them.

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Not so fast, it is MY birthday (yeah really, go figure) and this is how you go about it correctly.  The tie dye banner is out and the band is playing. Ain't nothing patriotic about cat scratch fever or stranglehold.


Edited by sburke
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And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him.

-Revelation 6:8

Lots of death this turn, for both our forces.

So Bil's mortars are pounding the **** out of me, and he hasn't even deployed the ones that he has up on the hill on his right flank yet. Fortunately, I have two HMG squads on high ground on my extreme right flank that are having a field day on those mortar teams, so it's possible that he may never get them deployed. I was debating whether or not to put them there, whew! Edit: I now see that he did manage to get one deployed.

Bil sent another Sherman forward on his right flank to support his big push to capture the VL on my left. One of my Panthers saw it and scored two penetrating hits. The second hit was right before the turn ended, so I don't know if that's a KO or not, but I wager it is. The first shot actually killed one of Bil's troops before it hit the tank, passed through the tank, then killed another troop on the other side of the tank.

In other news, the LMG team I moved up on the hill to the left of my starting location managed to take out another of Bil's trucks while performing buddy aid on the KIA/WIA HMG team that got wiped out by one of Bil's mortar teams earlier.

On my right flank, not as much action. My troops (other than the HMG teams) took a few random casualties from small arms fire. Those Garands are far superior to the German bolt actions. The German squad MGs sort of make up for that, but not really. I used to own a Garand. Great rifle. I very much regret selling it and plan to get another one sometime.

All in all, attrition wise, I would say we were about even that turn, as far as infantry casualties go. I estimate we each took around ten to twelve casualties. Bil probably lost a Sherm and also the truck. He still has his M10 up on the hill, and the other Sherm that neither of my Panthers can see yet. I suppose I'll move my other Panther forward a bit now.

@Holien Nah, I don't think it was brave. In hindsight, it was a foolish waste of a shreck team.

Edited by Doug Williams
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Wasn't meant as an insult on you battle tactics. More of a comment on Bil's prowess. Prove me wrong and knock him off his horse :)

No worries, my friend. I took no offence. Just trying to have some fun at your (and Bil's) expense. Hey! I'm a poet!

So, what are you guys going to do if I win? Crown me champion? Or have a Thunderdome style free-for-all?

Joking aside, I'm just glad to still be in the game. This map doesn't really allow Bil to show his prowess. It's pretty much a slugfest, which allows me to have a better chance to win than if this was actually a game that showcased skill.

Edited by Doug Williams
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No worries, my friend. I took no offence. Just trying to have some fun at your (and Bil's) expense. Hey! I'm a poet!

So, what are you guys going to do if I win? Crown me champion? Or have a Thunderdome style free-for-all?

Joking aside, I'm just glad to still be in the game. This map doesn't really allow Bil to show his prowess. It's pretty much a slugfest, which allows me to have a better chance to win than if this was actually a game that showcased skill.

 Which is the whole point of the "gamey SOB" challenge.



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Which is the whole point of the "gamey SOB" challenge.



Which brings to mind a quote from Ronnie Coleman (8 time Mr. Olympia):

Or to translate into these forums.....everybody wants to say they beat Bil, but don't nobody want to challenge him. ;-)



Edit: With some exceptions. :-)

Edited by Doug Williams
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Bil sent me the next file late last night, and I just now had a chance to review it.



Looks like my most forward Panther had to fire several more shots in order to finish off Bil's Sherman. Another Sherman showed itself in the same area this turn! Those Shermans breed like rabbits. That leaves two combat ready Shermans that I know of, neither of which is visible to either of my Panthers. 


Fortune smiled on me this turn! Bil's M10 showed itself again and tagged my other Panther with several hits, all of which bounced. The Panther returned fire and took out the M10 with one shot, as is confirmed by the column of black smoke. :-)  This is good news indeed for me as I can now move that Panther forward to help engage Bil's Sherms.


In further good news, my two HMG teams on the high ground of my extreme right flank seem to be very effective in suppressing and causing casualties to the mortar teams that Bil is trying to deploy on the hilltop to the right of his VL.



My HMG teams sure are taking a long time to deploy, however. They have had at least two full turns with no movement orders and are still only "semi-deployed" (yes, they were given the deploy command).


All in all, a fine turn......a fine turn indeed! :-)

Edit: Now that I am getting my next turn ready for Bil, I note that it was actually one of Bil's 57mm AT guns firing on my rear Panther, not his M10. No wonder all those hits bounced. My Panther got lucky and KO'd the M10 before it even fired a shot.

Edited by Doug Williams
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It's possible you KOed that Sherman before the last hit, remember, you just couldn't tell it was KOed until the (last suirviving, I think) crewman got his shizzle together enough to get out. Ye Olde Deathe Clocke, CMx2-style.


Splendid results for you though, this turn, it seems. Congratulations.

Edited by womble
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That turn can be part of the way to your victory.


Take out the At gun with area fire and keep your distance and front armor to them Shermans and I sense things will keep going your way.


I hate to say it, but Bill is not playing one of His finest games I have ever seen.



I see what Bill was trying to do but I think things are falling apart on him and I see no second chances if what he presently doing fails. His units will be hung out to dry if you win the Armor battle

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Thanks for the kind words.

Received the next turn from Bil.

Bil is murder with those mortars. He wiped out my left forward HMG team with two tubes that he managed to deploy up on the hill to the left (his left) of his starting zone. I also suffered a few random infantry casualties from small arms as well as HE fire from Bil's tanks. Bil has his tanks behind a smoke screen right now, but he can't keep that up forever. My rearmost Panther was given orders to advance up beside my forward Panther. On the way there, it took several more hits from one of Bil's AT guns, then the Panther returned fire and KO'd the offending gun. It looks like his other AT gun crew was receiving some buddy aid, and they also took a casualty from MG fire. I'm pretty sure that's the end of Bil's AT guns.

My right flank HMG teams finally managed to deploy, which seemed to double their firepower. Here we see the hilltop to my left of Bil's starting zone, where he was attempting to deploy at least two mortar teams. I think that idea has been vetoed. ;-)

All in all, a good turn. Hate losing that HMG team. On the bright side, my remaining mortar team finally got deployed and I'm hoping they can bring some interdicting fire on Bil's two mortars that are causing so much mayhem. I see Bil moving some troops around behind his tanks. Not sure how he plans to try to take that VL, but I have a couple of squads on that side of the map that have seen very little action so far. If I can neutralize his mortars and keep his tanks in check, my forces will be good to go. :-)  Edited by Doug Williams
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