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ALLIED Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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Thanks for the update and grapics, beautiful as ever... 


Bil, I did not think you could get the Shermans down that slope as ground looked a bit rocky, nice move and avoided the road... Now I see what you are doing and can guess at some approaches you might take...


That M10 certainly is landing the blows, sooner or later one will get through and then the game changes totally...


I presume your two mortar teams are still functional and have ammo left?


Trying to work out what mortar teams you have? Is it 3 x 60mm and 2 x 81mm?


Yes my mortars are both still operational and one has 2 rounds left, the other 9... but I have a third medium mortar that has yet to enter the fray.  I knocked out the HMG, and if I got the mortar as well then the expenditure of ammo was worthwhile.  I have 5 additional 60mm mortars each with 32 rounds... one for each infantry platoon.


I have gained a 6 to 1 hit ratio in the tank v tank battle so far.. can't let him hit me at all though... so I have to be very careful how I engage his armor... don't worry i have a cunning plan.   ;)


Edit: sorry, that should be a 6:1 shots fired ratio, I think I only have 4 hits.. two other rounds missed.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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I have gained a 6 to 1 hit ratio in the tank v tank battle so far.. can't let him hit me at all though... so I have to be very careful how I engage his armor... don't worry i have a cunning plan.


I think I know what it is, or at least I know what I would do in your situation.

Do you use lures when you bait fish?

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The Ninth Minute


I am starting to get a picture of what Doug is doing... on the Finnochio objective side he has a few teams and an HMG in overwatch, while he pushes at least one infantry team across the valley floor to my side of the map... that is rather rude.  ;)




On the Rovinetta objective side Doug has excellent overwatch with both Panthers now pulled up on the wall Panther 2 was sitting on when I hit it. I am going to continue to push my lead platoon towards this objective to hopefully keep him interested... while my main force will go the other way, at least until his Panthers change direction.. and that actually is the move I am waiting for... 




His panthers seem to have excellent vision into my rear areas, shown by this event far in my rear area.. this round was fired by P2 by the way, which was unbuttoned and firing just fine.. so no casualties  or damage from that partial penetration... damn.




Here is an overview of my side showing some of my upcoming moves... note the Shermans will be coming over one at a time so I can gauge the Panthers reaction...





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I think the real question is, how many Shermans will it take to get Doug to react by moving his Panthers?

One? Probably not.

Two? Maybe.

Three? Definitely.

Once those Shermans are deployed in that dead ground, they will be safe unless Doug moves his Panthers to engage.

When he does, your M10 will have a chance to take them out.


The question for you Bil, is how many tanks you would be willing to trade to take out both Panthers?

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The Tenth Minute


The Panther HE round that hit the MMG team last turn panicked the truck parked nearby and it backed onto the road, was spotted and destroyed by Panther 1.






Panther 1 is busy interdicting my forces near the road while Panther 2 obviously has a target armor arc on the S Road Ridge to defend against my M10 coming over the top again. 




Meanwhile Easy Company's support assets are moving up the rear side of the Junction Ridge to setup a Support by Fire position for my push towards the Finnochio objective.



Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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The Eleventh Minute


Doug moved Panther 1 forward in response to my Shermans... from where they are located he will have to move fairly far through those woods.. and that will not be a fast move... I have two Shermans over the top now, next turn they will be able to put some direct fire on Doug's units near the Finnochio objective... I can already interdict his units on the Rovinetta objective.  He has to maneuver his Panthers in response.


Panther 2 is still defending against my M10, which effectively takes it out of the Sherman fight.  Separating armor is rarely a good idea.. they need to work in teams to be most effective.



Doug is starting to move infantry forward out of the trees and up to the wall (red line in the image below).. this actually makes them easier targets.. he seems a tad impatient to come to grips...  the more movement from him the more clear the picture of his dispositions becomes.


The HMG he had setup in the trees pulled out of position in response to my mortar fire and it looks like it headed towards the building I have circled.. I saw one casualty from this team,and it was the team leader (pistol).


He has still only engaged one platoon of my infantry... he is winning the infantry fight right now, but I expect that to change as my full weight comes on line.  One ATG has completed setup and is in good position (I hope) to defend against Panther 1's movement.


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Bil, how were you able to estimate how far P1 would be able to move so precisely in 10 second increments? Is it just experience? Educated guesses?

Why I ask is because you're so clearly confident in your plans and also in your assessments of the enemy - I'm sure it's not bluster so I wonder now you manage it! :)

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Because I thought is would be interesting, guess it wasn't.. sorry for cluttering up the AAR.

LOL we asked for a view to your thought process, you gave it to us and you are apologizing for that?  Sir if you are going to be a fighting officer you need to show more backbone.  Just tell us to STFU with our questions if we don't like the answer.  Then wave your pistols (loaded) around erratically. :D

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Because I thought is would be interesting, guess it wasn't.. sorry for cluttering up the AAR.


please keep them coming. i think Holien is just in awe of your ability so he assumes you have superhuman powers when it comes to tank movement. his logic was so blinded as it seemed more likely than you just posting a long exposition photo of battlefield development :D


i don't know if i missed it somewhere, but if i didn't, would you care to shed light on your left flank with more detail on ATG positions? how much did the situation change since doug didn't move both tanks as one would expect? i'd say he is unsure what is around the woods so he neglected common sense in pure fear thinking the second tank will be better off in safety of his proven position :D

Edited by mbarbaric
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The Twelfth Minute


The HMG team that re-positioned last turn did not enter the building as I thought, but instead stopped and started setting up behind the hedge next to it.  Looks to me that Doug is setting up for my push on Finnochio.



I didn't see anything of Panther 1 this turn.. it's icon did not move and from this position he should not be able to interfere with my Shermans (in blue)... of course LOS checks are never exact and sometimes it is surprising what a unit can see from specific positions.



This is not a good thing... M4 #1 was engaged by small arms fire and something freaked the crew out enough that it reversed far up the side of the Junction Ridge hill... luckily not into the sights of Doug's Panther 1... the tank was unbuttoned and took an opening penetration (from an MG round) so maybe that was what caused it.



Doug has started to push a couple HMG teams up the hill that leads to the S Road Ridge... looks like at least one of them is setting up in that position... I do have several support assets on the Junction Ridge that can attempt to deal with these guys.


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Because I thought is would be interesting, guess it wasn't.. sorry for cluttering up the AAR.


Hi, sorry I was just wondering if you used such timings to make plans with? I guess you now know how long the other Panther would take to move up a similar distance...


Hope I did not cause offence?


I have never seen an AAR of your cluttered so was just intrigued :)


I bet the Panther has picked up some track damage...

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Just looked at latest Screen shots....


Always a PITA and makes me smile when the Pixel Truppen act like humans!! Lets hope the crew calm down and their CO encourages them forward again...


I think this 60mm mortars will be singing soon, they are realy useful if you have direct LOS (as you well know)


For me it looks like that forward Panther could put a dent on your moves if he nudges forward and does not offer his flank, mind you in constircted terrain he could do some silly sideway moves that will offer his flank to you, bit like M10 dance on top of ridge earlier...

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Hi, sorry I was just wondering if you used such timings to make plans with? I guess you now know how long the other Panther would take to move up a similar distance...


Hope I did not cause offence?


I have never seen an AAR of your cluttered so was just intrigued :)


I bet the Panther has picked up some track damage...

I was just showing the movements by the Panther during that turn as I saw them... Nothing analytical. ;)

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Always fun following along Bil. Funny, when i open this map up in game it has hardly any trees on it compared to this version. Someone must have added more after release which is a good thing especially for you. My version is particular bare on the BLUE side of any tree cover.

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The Thirteenth Minute


​Doug obviously came to the same conclusion I did regarding the position of Panther 1 in the woods.. so he moved it to the edge of the woods and got a pay off this turn... I moved M4 #1 off the side of the Junction Ridge hill and right into the sights of Panther 1...



the Sherman took two penetrating hits, but luckily only suffered one crew casualty and minor damage... however I have nothing with a gun that can spot the Panther so I suspect it'll brew up next turn.



Some good news, the German infantry on the wall is taking a beating from the other Shermans....



Doug moved Panther 2 forward some a bit also and is starting to fire at my infantry in the woods again, this means its time to unmask my M10 once again... 

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