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Free Copy AAR: c3k vs DMS. No DMS.


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You should put some area fire into the building were the RPG team was. Just to make sure nobody survived to pick up that RPG again. Possibly there is someone giving buddy aid to the RPG gunner right now!


Well, yes. Of course. I mean, THAT is why Red 2 will face disciplinary charges later! My men know that I expect them to unleash punishment upon ANYONE who dares resist my will. Red 2 did that, but then their nerve cracked and they fled. If Red 2 proves themselves later in a sufficiently gloooooorrriiiioooouuussss manner, I will erase the blight upon their record which was their reversing out of position. I may dismount them and have them assault the position. But that just could be my morning coffee talking. Or not.


I don't -think- there was a SPOILER in your statement, but if there IS someone giving buddy-aid in there, then DMS would be within his rights to challenge you to an AAR. At least, that's how it works in my alternate reality. ;)


When I see infantry, I assume they are like cockroaches (Tony Montana style, "cockharoachis"), and there are 10 more for every one you see. My plan is to recon-by-fire every building and assault and search each one. And then work down to the riverbank and sweep the edges.


Red Squad is split. One team covering the road/bridge. He's the cutoff man. The other team is hard up against the hedge near where that RPG originated. He's my eyes and cover fire. White squad is also split. One half is going to the right of the RPG hut, the other is going into the very yard of the RPG hut.


White 2 is taking Red 2's spot. White 2 is going to hose down RPG hut (coax, 15 or 30 seconds), while White Team moves next to the hut and puts eyes inside, then (10 pause) goes in. Or not. If they enter, whatever's on DMS' side of the hut will kill them. RPG hut will become like an abattoir. Or a glorious altar to my men's devotion to me. I like that.


Sniper team is moving high (a 2 story building), where the smoke is clearing. They'll be overwatch. White 2 will be overwatch. On the far right, Red 2 is HUNTING into position alongside the LRAS equipped mk19 Humvee. They'll put fire down the road paralleling the river. The 2 Abrams moving in on the left will put an end to anything over there. Unless DMS gets infantry up close to them. Then they'll die.


My goal is to use the roads as firelanes, and with each zone sealed off, assault and clear each in zone in turn. I've got ammo to spare. I'll use it.


You'll notice, later, if this works the way I want, that my overwatch/prep fire to assault ratio will be something like 4:1. Or higher. The "J" command (short Target) is great. I can unleash TARGET firepower, lift it, and have a team move forward without taking hits. (Otherwise its gotta be TARGET LIGHT, and the moving team would take suppression from friendly mg fire. Simulating aimed support, but still making men nervous.) The ability to use 25mm autocannon, or Abrams' 120mm multiround (AMP), and STILL get up to/in the structure  is very powerful.


Ken out.


Edited to add: the last screenshot I posted has an error or two. The white line marks White 2's orders to move into that keyhole spot. However, White squad (split) is next to that path I drew, but I used red instead of white for their path. The little red lines (which should be white) originating from the 2 infantry teams show their movement orders.  Errr, if you haven't noticed, I'm trying for color coding to keep things simple for the follow-along. My drawings stick to the same colors for the units as their names.

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I don't -think- there was a SPOILER in your statement, but if there IS someone giving buddy-aid in there, then DMS would be within his rights to challenge you to an AAR. At least, that's how it works in my alternate reality. ;)


I would never intentionally spoil an AAR. My statement was just about my general experience that a single 25mm HE burst is usually insufficient to wipe out a whole squad inside a building. I have learned from painful experience that it is better to make sure an enemy RPG team is dead before moving on. But i wont make any more comments on the tactical situation if you consider that a spoiler.

Edited by agusto
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I would never intentionally spoil an AAR. My statement was just about my general experience that a single 25mm HE burst is usually insufficient to wipe out a whole squad inside a building. I have learned from painful experience that it is better to make sure an enemy RPG team is dead before moving on. But i wont make any more comments on the tactical situation if you consider that a spoiler.


Totally understood, and I didn't take it that way. (Hence the winkie.) I posted my statement for the erudition of any newbs who are peeking into this display of consummate skill and would think they could emulate my leadership on the battlefield. I can safely aver that no one leads men quite the way I do. :)

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Turn 7


24:00 to 23:00


I left last turn with a risky set of orders. I've got 2 Abrams and a Brad to rush across open ground...


I'll post my screenies and then summarize.



































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Turn 7, final











Every move worked.


My Abrams on the left have Area Target orders (30 or 45 seconds) against Red Lodge. Those Russkies are Gone-skis. White Squad moves up to assault RPG Hut and help extricate Red A Team.


Doomvee has 45 second Area Target against Kornet 2 (my right). I just want them neutralized for now. FO is ginning up some HE fire on Kornet 1 (who I suspect fired at the Abrams which got the APS intercept).


There are 5 locations critical to winning. The bridge itself, much like the dot in the center of the "5" on a die, and the two areas on either side of the road and each side of the bridge. DMS has gained both locations on my side, and also the one on the far side. I'll clear Red Lodge/Red Hut, then move Red 2 up to clear the far shore. Red Squad/White Squad and the Abrams will clear my left, then use firepower against the far shore.


After that, a liberal dose of smoke, some infantry across the bridge, and the game is mine. Oh, I'll have IanL saunter across the bridge first, just in case there are any snipers. That's what he's there for. :)



Edited to add: Funny. I just noticed that my FO is missing in that picture, above. With myself selected, ALL units should be highlighted. Hmm, I wonder if they just died and I missed it?

Edited by c3k
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"I posted my statement for the erudition of any newbs who are peeking into this display of consummate skill and would think they could emulate my leadership on the battlefield. I can safely aver that no one leads men quite the way I do. :) "


Bloody and Fast.... "like a rocket-riding stick of death." Excellent Ken. Don't you just enjoy the heck out of New Modern  :D 

"..Oh, I'll have IanL saunter across the bridge first, just in case there are any snipers...."
I thought IanL was "Done"  ;)
Shouldn't be long before Bridge Boxing with the gloves off turns the waters ... Red.. or Blue  ;)
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Turn 8


23:00 to 22:00


Rain falls mainly on the plains


Another photo dump. So much goodness, and just a little bit of sadness...

























So, I lost a team. I'll just consider that a forward ammo dump location! Goodness awaits my next troops to get there. White B takes a hit. DMS has some more guys in RPG hut. White 2 will move and hose it down. DMS lost his BTR over there. When my Abrams demolished Red Lodge, it opened an LOS to the BTR. One round from the Abrams took care of that problem.


DMS' other bridgehead BTR will go away next turn. White 2 advances on RPG hut. Red 2 comes in from my right along the road. The forward-most Abrams will reverse to a good location with LOS to the BTR. It's a 3 way squeeze play. Like pushing on either side of a ripe zit, something's gonna burst.


The long-range sniper shot will just warn DMS that I've got eyes on out there. But I like the psychological impact it'll have. Fear will strike him to the core. He'll hide and think that the long road to the bridge is a just a road too far. I'll expect his surrender, then I'll refuse it! Bwah, ha, ha!


I've got 3 teams, 3 Brads, 3 Abrams, and some other stuff left. A bit more shifting and dodging, and I may be in good shape. (White 2 is MOST at risk, Red 2 second-most. Next turn will be interesting...again.)


Ken out.

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Turn 7


24:00 to 23:00


I left last turn with a risky set of orders. I've got 2 Abrams and a Brad to rush across open ground...


I'll post my screenies and then summarize.




Lukcy me


Turn 7, continued





Or maybe not...


Turn 7, final


After that, a liberal dose of smoke, some infantry across the bridge, and the game is mine. Oh, I'll have IanL saunter across the bridge first, just in case there are any snipers. That's what he's there for. :)


It certainly was a bad omen having that done sticker on my helmet kinda like a kick me sign. :)

Edited by IanL
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Nevermind??? Oh, this will torture me! ;)


The Abrams is a beast...but DMS did VERY well neutralizing the Abrams' advantageous position by using his smoke so well. Now, anyone with a satchel charge can immobilize/destroy them in the town. Just have to get close enough.


I'm moving them around a little bit, just to make it a little more difficult to grapple with them. I don't want to let his BTR get shots on them. He'd strip all the optics/sensors in a heartbeat.


We'll see what DMS has up his sleeve in a bit. He says his dropbox speed is a bit too slow, and my ISP has a 10MB limit; these turns are ~28MB.


Right now, I'm wishing I had two more Brads filled with infantry... Oh yeah, I did have them: they're smoking in the field right now.

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Turn 9


22:00 to 21:00


The most intense minute I've ever participated in, other than that time in the Philippines...


The pix will not do it justice. There were autocannon firing constantly, missiles criss-crossing all over, booms and bombs going off front and back. A whole lotta fun. What follows is a pale imitation of what occurred.


Photo dump commence:
























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But will the Jav maintain lock? Did the explosion throw off the gunner's aim? What was he aiming at, anyway???











Really: that screenie really shows what the game can do. The next one shows what an ATGM can do. ;)











Meanwhile, now that the dueling Javelin and Kornet is done, let's look at the town...















What I totally did not take screenshot of was a battle near the bridge crossroads. "Battle" is a big strong. More like a massacre. I got DMS' infantry in the open in a 25mm chainsaw crossfire. Yeah, "chainsaw" not "chaingun". They dropped hard. His BTR retreated and is hiding, but I think I've rooted out most of his men on my side of the bridge. There was a lot going on...


One final...

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Turn 9, finale...











Whether or not that HQ has DMS is immaterial. The icon stayed in its location, so no WIA/KIA. Shrug.


Next turn, Red 2 and White 2 are each laying area target fire on Kornet 1 or 2 (respectively). My Abrams are advancing...as they should. My Jav teams are changing their underwear and will rejoin the fight in several minutes.


DMS has 3 BTR's left, one on my side...the rest by Tunguska hill. My infantry is too light on the ground. I need to get my 3 teams closer together. My orders are to lay down suppressive fire and gain a bit more elbow room.


Ken out...

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Yeah, that was a lot of firing going on. Long range, short range, airbursts, APS, secondaries, just a joy to behold. :)


Next turn should be a little lighter...I really need to wipe out his two Kornets. Kornet 2 popped off 2 shots about 15 seconds apart. I think it's the new magazine-fed, semi-auto, version! I've got 40mm grenades popping around that one and next turn some 25mm Bushie.


Mortars have 2 more minutes to drop on Kornet 1. I'll use my other Brad to area fire until then and try to pin them down.


I need to spot whatever survivors he has near the bridge. I'm moving closer to the shore for that. If he's go anyone on the far side, I want time to find them before I cross.

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  Couldn't stop reading this.  Really great read.  Top marks.


  Nice touch using Abrams for hand-to-hand combat.  Easily suits your style. 


  Like the cliff-hanger about the strike on the possible DMS location.  Hope IanL has a six-pack for the middle of the bridge...but not Heineken.  It has a red star on the can.  :D



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Turn 9

22:00 to 21:00

The most intense minute I've ever participated in, other than that time in the Philippines...

The pix will not do it justice. There were autocannon firing constantly, missiles criss-crossing all over, booms and bombs going off front and back. A whole lotta fun. What follows is a pale imitation of what occurred.

New Modern is SO intense and fast...oozes intimacy in every second much less 60. 
Salutes Ken... for a great and fun AAR and gift to CM community. 
Pummel, punch and prevail  :)
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