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Ambush - no spoilers


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Just finished this gem.


Really great scenario everyone should play!

I didn't look at the Designer Notes, but from the map style I assume this was made by George McEwan. The map is really a beauty to behold, especially the little town looks extremely credible, detailed and vivid. From the bus station, to all these little individual farms to the little culvert made from barrels and ditchlock elevations.

Gameplay is also extremely gripping and had me constantly at the edge of my seat ;)


My only suggestion would be to increase the fixed time by 10 minutes (keeping some variable extra time), so you are not forced to overly rush at the end, even when playing in WeGo (which I did).

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Hi Rokko

Yup it's one of mine - glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the praise :) I enjoyed doing this wee map. It started out life as a quick and dirty playtest map for early builds and then morphed into what you played.


Yeah the time thing came up during playtesting. On balance the feedback was to keep a bit of pressure on. If players wish they can crack it open in the editor and add ten minutes - although be careful what you wish for ;)

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I was just about to start a thread about this one too.  Played it yesterday and it's a great scenario, if you haven't given it a go yet I highly recommend it.  The map in particular is stunning, and I expect to be back for that alone.
I thought the time worked out pretty well; it definitely gave me one of my more memorable CM moments.  Some spoilers:


I had positioned my scout teams to observe the last farm and treelines on the edge of the map, and when they got a few contacts beyond the open field and nowhere else I assumed it was safe from the farm to the exit. So I brought up my BMPs to suppress the treeline and with less than 10 minutes of regular time started moving some infantry off the map - only to discover resistance right by the exit. I scraped together about a platoon (+) and had them all area firing to suppress the teams in those trees. Two BMPs, two BTRs, a scout team, an MG team, three rifle squads and an HQ all blasting away full-bore on about 50 square meters of map, Hinds circling overhead, while I raced my trucks out the exit with less than 3 minutes to go. I don't think I breathed the entire last five minutes of that game.


I played very methodically for most of it, taking on enemy positions one piece at a time with overwhelming firepower (those BMPs are lethal, and I found it pretty easy to isolate most of the enemy positions) and wound up with one BTR KO'd and one man WIA.

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Played it today. Awesome scenario! It felt like the script for a movie. No spoilers but I had some great fun with this one when one of my vehicle drivers panicked, dismounted the vehicle and basically ran away across a field. I had my platoon leader leg it after him and he eventually rallied but it was a bizarre moment. Like other posters I ran out of time and had to rush at the end, with the inevitable adverse effect on my final score, but in fairness the delay could have been avoided had I not become obsessed with collecting all my wounded, which resulted in an entire squad being pinned down for ages despite my placement of a BTR70 right in front of them to act as a shield. It was only when the QRF platoon arrived that I got out of that mess. Lovingly crafted and highly recommended scenario.

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In full agreement.  I'm playing thru the scenarios in ascending order of size, and this one is my favorite so far by a large margin (and there are several excellent scenarios, and no duds yet).


I rate this one up there with 3:10 to Yuma, one of my favorite scenarios in the CM series.


Great work!

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I have to say this one is a beauty too George, along with Tankovyi Desant in CMRT this is one of my favourite maps out there, small but perfectly formed.


Due to my plodding style resulting in a last minute rush ending in slaughter (mine), I added 10 mins to the fixed time and dropped the variable time down.

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I have to say this one is a beauty too George, along with Tankovyi Desant in CMRT this is one of my favourite maps out there, small but perfectly formed.


Due to my plodding style resulting in a last minute rush ending in slaughter (mine), I added 10 mins to the fixed time and dropped the variable time down.


Thanks Vein :) The time factor in this did cause some debate amongst testers. I came down on the time pressure aspect of it - to try and force the UKR player's hand a wee bit ;)


Although I like largish maps and OOBs I'm into small unit tactics and sometimes these wee maps just focus you into being the platoon commander. Also I can take the time to really detail the smaller maps. Great to hear it's all being enjoyed by players :)

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Awesome map George MC, gonna study it closely in the editor for inspiration.

I'm curious, which maps, across all CM*2 platforms, are you most happy with yourself?

Thanks :) The key to doing these is time in the detail - that takes w hile. I can crack out the big details in pretty quick order it's the finishing that is the time sink on these maps.


Re your question - You mean what maps I've made? On reflection I'm pleased with the two Wittmann series maps for CMBN - mainly because there was so much photo evidence I could even get small details correct - or at least correct for some key sections. I'm please with the Studienka map in Red Thunder and it's near cousin Kharalyk in CMBS. I'm working on another CMBS map at the moment (based on Morning Coffee) which I'm finding engrossing to play about on. So guess no clear winner :)

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Thanks :) The key to doing these is time in the detail - that takes w hile. I can crack out the big details in pretty quick order it's the finishing that is the time sink on these maps.


Re your question - You mean what maps I've made? On reflection I'm pleased with the two Wittmann series maps for CMBN - mainly because there was so much photo evidence I could even get small details correct - or at least correct for some key sections. I'm please with the Studienka map in Red Thunder and it's near cousin Kharalyk in CMBS. I'm working on another CMBS map at the moment (based on Morning Coffee) which I'm finding engrossing to play about on. So guess no clear winner :)

Don't think I've played any of those scenarios. Guess I have something to look forward to.

What are the names of the Wittman scenario series?

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Before actually playing this scenario I thought about whether or not I should use my pre-battle knowledge as the ukrainians


Since it is a CM scenario I know that there will be a battle. However, as commander of the ukrainian forces I only know that there might be an ambush on the road ahead. Am I supposed to do this the smart way and lead with dismounted infantry or should I drive my APCs into whatever lies ahead?


The latter would probably result in multiple explosions, but I feel like cheating the game if I don't do it.

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