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Help needed! Re-enactment, Fury ending

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Hello all,


I dont own CMBN, so I turn for those who can make this test, and are willing to.


I don´t like Fury ending. There we have one immobilized M4A3E8 76mm vs 300 SS-soldiers. 


It would be interesting, if someone could make a map where one could test how situation, and how fast, could go if played as SS (or vice versa) against the situation and make a video about it. What you guys think? This was just a suggestion. I own cmrt myself, some kind of similiar test could be made, but not as good as it can be made with cmbn.

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It's extreme, but not completely implausible, you only have to read VC and Medal of Honor citations to see how sometimes one complete maniac could ( and did ) take-out/cow/rout vastly superior numbers. So it's an extreme outlier.


However, it would be difficult to simulate in-game. The tank wouldn't last long.


How often does a tank crew of five continue fighting after taking 2 casualties ? It happens, but how much time do you have to keep rerunning the simulation ? Most of the time they'd bail out at that point if not before. Or the tank would take what the game would regard as a kill-shot and they'd bail again.

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If someone could make a scenario for it and share for playtesters, it would be cool. Playable via both sides. I am interested how much casualities sherman would take before the ultimate downfall. There is some open space for the tank to have as "advantage" in the scene, but cant say if it is over panzerfaust range?

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Hello all,


I dont own CMBN, so I turn for those who can make this test, and are willing to.


I don´t like Fury ending. There we have one immobilized M4A3E8 76mm vs 300 SS-soldiers. 


It would be interesting, if someone could make a map where one could test how situation, and how fast, could go if played as SS (or vice versa) against the situation and make a video about it. What you guys think? This was just a suggestion. I own cmrt myself, some kind of similiar test could be made, but not as good as it can be made with cmbn.

dude you like that movie? That movie suuuuucked, it was stupid from the second to first scene to the last scene. And the ending was total bs, maybe if all the ss were high on LSD they would of had a better chance than what they did in the movie. Why did they just flat out WALK to the tank? And not send one guy to check it out? And why did the tank commander let the ss surround him? Total bs. I would of shot them when they were walking a single file line towards the tank. THAT was the time to shoot. Not after they completely surrounded you, and somehow no one just kept on top of the tank and put a grenade it it. That movie was complete bs.
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Hello all,


I dont own CMBN, so I turn for those who can make this test, and are willing to.


I don´t like Fury ending. There we have one immobilized M4A3E8 76mm vs 300 SS-soldiers. 


It would be interesting, if someone could make a map where one could test how situation, and how fast, could go if played as SS (or vice versa) against the situation and make a video about it. What you guys think? This was just a suggestion. I own cmrt myself, some kind of similiar test could be made, but not as good as it can be made with cmbn.

dude if I was the ss commander, and this was a combat mission scenario, and I KNEW that there were no enemy troops in the area? As soon as I saw the tank I would run into the trees, put suppressive fire, run 40 men on the flanks, and have one of them pop a grenade down the hatch, without one guy dying. The buttoned up tank is like a room with little holes for windows. How you gonna know what's going on?

And if I didn't know if there were troops in the area, and this was still combat mission, I'd assume it's a trap, send 3 scout teams, two to the left and right, and one to the tank while the rest of my force hides in the trees. Assuming that they stay buttoned up because it's an ambush, my scout team would see who's in the area, then I would go around the trees to where the tank can't see me, and suppress the us forces on the sides, then after they are taken out, I would surround the tank using buildings as cover, and get one guy to come in the back of the tank and throw a grenade in the hatch. Or if I had a panzer shriek with me, I'd just blast him with that the first moment I'd see the tank, just to be safe.

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dude if I was the ss commander, and this was a combat mission scenario, and I KNEW that there were no enemy troops in the area? As soon as I saw the tank I would run into the trees, put suppressive fire, run 40 men on the flanks, and have one of them pop a grenade down the hatch, without one guy dying. The buttoned up tank is like a room with little holes for windows. How you gonna know what's going on?

And if I didn't know if there were troops in the area, and this was still combat mission, I'd assume it's a trap, send 3 scout teams, two to the left and right, and one to the tank while the rest of my force hides in the trees. Assuming that they stay buttoned up because it's an ambush, my scout team would see who's in the area, then I would go around the trees to where the tank can't see me, and suppress the us forces on the sides, then after they are taken out, I would surround the tank using buildings as cover, and get one guy to come in the back of the tank and throw a grenade in the hatch. Or if I had a panzer shriek with me, I'd just blast him with that the first moment I'd see the tank, just to be safe.

but I would not, like some sort of idiot, walk up right to the tank, IN SINGLE FILE so I could do God knows what. That's just stupid. Always assume it's a trap.
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A funny thing happened on the way to the movie theatre last month. My wife and I agreed on the theatre but not the movie. She ended up seeing "The Penguins of Madagascar" (in 3D, no less) while I saw "Fury".


At least she got her money's worth. I'll say it again: I should have listened to her.

Edited by BLSTK
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It was an excellent movie. You guys just don't understand the genre.

A war movie is not a documentary, it's a genre - one aspect of the genre is try and condense the extreme experiences of many men into one narrative. Endings are often unrealistic - this, too is part of the genre - it's like Wagnerian opera or something. An abstraction.


The ending was unrealistic, but brilliant. This was the concept of the movie - the fury, the destructive maelstrom that was the last days of WWII. It conveyed it brilliantly. Realistically at first, then with increasingly surreal chaos.


It wasn't a documentary - it was a war movie, and a brilliant one.

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I enjoyed the film as 'a movie' it had great visuals and realistic looking tired grimy troops and vehicles and the random violence of it all is depicted well. But they just shouldn't have given it a stupid dirty dozen Hollywood style ending which leaves you walking away shaking your head.

They would have just sneaked up from a flank and stuck a Faust into it! And no crew would have sat in a disabled tank at a crossroads in enemy territory on their own. End of.

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It was an excellent movie. You guys just don't understand the genre.

A war movie is not a documentary, it's a genre - one aspect of the genre is try and condense the extreme experiences of many men into one narrative. Endings are often unrealistic - this, too is part of the genre - it's like Wagnerian opera or something. An abstraction.


The ending was unrealistic, but brilliant. This was the concept of the movie - the fury, the destructive maelstrom that was the last days of WWII. It conveyed it brilliantly. Realistically at first, then with increasingly surreal chaos.


It wasn't a documentary - it was a war movie, and a brilliant one.

Many, who like to watch these kind of movies, war movies, often are interested in war history etc. Maybe that´s why some of us dont like these kind of movies, especially when the main character is ww2 tank. We know somewhat what kind of capabilities it has and also know a little how well SS was experienced and equipped. I enjoy action movies a lot, but when it comes to war movies, I expect some kind of realism when the subject is "what has happened" -genre. Just my opinion, nothing more. If there would have been bear-mounted siberian elite partisans in the fury, the movie would have been quite good.



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We know ... a little how well SS was experienced and equipped.

Oh, right. So you know that by April '45 the SS - like the FJs, and the rest of the armed forces - was composed mostly of incompetent muppets, kids, old men and invalids, who were given an uniform if they were lucky, handed a random weapon of some sort scrounged from somewhere, given no training, then sent off in some random direction to fulfill some idiots pipedream of a glorious götterdämmerung.


Wait ... what was your complaint about their depiction in the movie again?

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I think one of the problems with the recent crop of Hollywood war movies, is that the ad-men are trying to pass them off as "Real". And whilst the equipment being used might be, or look, more authentic, the story lines are often no different from the movies made in the 50's, 60's or whenever. Of course, some people just want to be entertained, and that is fair enough. But if you want realism, don't go looking to Hollywood to give it to you.


And that works for CM too. If you want fictional scenarios, or scenarios based on movies, you can create them and enjoy them. In the meantime boring old farts like myself can enjoy the historical scenarios. That is the beauty of this great game, there is something for all of us to enjoy... even when we get beat.

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Hello all,


I dont own CMBN, so I turn for those who can make this test, and are willing to.


I don´t like Fury ending. There we have one immobilized M4A3E8 76mm vs 300 SS-soldiers. 


It would be interesting, if someone could make a map where one could test how situation, and how fast, could go if played as SS (or vice versa) against the situation and make a video about it. What you guys think? This was just a suggestion. I own cmrt myself, some kind of similiar test could be made, but not as good as it can be made with cmbn.

I watched the movie.. and although I agree heroic actions did happen... the ending was laughable.  Bottom line.. Its hollywierd.

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The ending of "Fury" is so moronic with its characters acting utterly illogically that it insults your intelligence.  That ending ruins the film because it's stupid!


No tank crew in the history of the world would sit in an immobile vehicle in enemy territory with no chance of assistance or even the ability to call for help especially a crew of American draftees who have the end of the war well in sight.  It's not only illogically stupid, but also goes against everything we've learned about these characters who throughout the film talk about "keeping alive."  Yet, in the end they commit suicide rather than abandon their broken-down tank?  It's not like they didn't have any other options.  The screenwriter didn't even bother to surround them.  It's clear that all they had to do was start walking in the opposite direction and they live. 


The screenwriter also apparently believed that the 2nd Armored being part of Simpson's 9th Army didn't adhere to Patton's "..an army is a team.  It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team.  This individuaility stuff is a bunch of crap...."  I thought the days of low-budget films and TV shows showing WWII being won by an American half-squad (think "Combat" or Fuller's "The Big Red One") were over in this day of the $100 million movie budgets.  But 50 yr old Brad Pitt (a 50 yr old staff sergeant?!?!) and his crew of 30-somethings (yeah, right) forge on ahead all by their lonesomes!  At least Bogart's "Sahara" showed the viewer the reasons why his tank crew had to fight it out by itself.


And then you have even more their suicidal opponents.  I'm used to Hollywood German soldiers being portrayed as incompetent warriors who rival the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Star Wars movies for tactical ineptitude, but "Fury's" climax with a German battalion immolating itself against an isolated tank was a "bridge too far" for my usual suspension of disbelief.


"Fury" has some things to commend it, but its ending was as dumb as Lloyd Christmas saying: "You'll have to excuse my friend.  He's a little slow.  The town is back that way!"

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