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Who Let Fritz Pick His Own Weapons?

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It's getting late in this scenario. One fire-team had lost all of its men but one, but I figured he would be useful to help lay down a little extra suppressing fire on an enemy team that was suppressed and being overrun. So I clicked on him. That's when I noticed his weapon was a panzerfaust and nothing else--nothing except 19 HAND GRENADES. I could just imagine this guy back at the weapons locker, "Maybe I should choose this rifle. No, all I need is the panzerfaust and a box of grenades."

I should mention that this unit had not rendered any buddy aid. I had some tank crews that lost their tanks and I had them following right behind the front line and rendering aid so that they could pick up some good weapons to use. So I was being very careful to only have them doing buddy aid.

As funny as I thought that was, it made me wonder, how this guy wound up with 19 grenades. His fire team started off with between two and four men. If he took everybody's grenades, he still wouldn't have had that many normally.

Also I've noticed that once in a while a pixeltroop carrying a bazooka, panzerfaust or panzershreck will need to shoot at infantry and will switch from his anti-tank weapon to his secondary weapon. Usually it's a pistol, but I'm pretty sure I saw one pull out something other than that once, though I can't remember what. I'm thinking it was a grease gun of some kind, and I think it was an American. But these weapons don't show up on the weapons roster when you click on the unit.

So I'm wondering how often a trooper has a secondary weapon and is there a way we can see what it is?

Incidentally, my pixeltroopen with the 19 grenades successfully threw one the next turn and killed the enemy he was supposed to suppress. So he was right, that was all he needed in that entire battle.

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Several turns have passed and it was deleted on my home computer so it's probably now in the trash on that puter. But now I'm on vacation on my laptop, so I can't give you the exact pic from the turn I am talking about. But here's a pic of him several turns later. as you can see, he has used some of his grenades. He was inspecting a bunch of row houses and there were a lot of explosions there, but I didn't pay attention to what was going on. He must have been throwing grenades at something. Now you can see he has shouldered his panzerfaust and is bearing a rifle, but when I was looking at him earlier, he was bearing the panzerfaust and I couldn't see the rifle. It doesn't show up in the unit munitions roster, probably because it is a personal weapon. He still has 12 grenades left.


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Well, they don't call 'em "grenadiers" for nothin'! :D

Units in close proximity to one another are able to 'borrow'. Does this still ammo count happen when you move the guy off on his own? You might be getting a count for everyone in the immediate vicinity.... maybe. Think of AT gun having greater or lesser amount of ammo depending on how close their ammo bearers are

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IIRC if the soldier is using his 2ndary weapon you won't see him carrying his primary weapon (rifle in this case). However, the rifle should still appear in the weapon window seen in the bottom right of the pic. That's where you need to look to see what primary weapon he has.

What puzzles me is that he appears to have 30(!) panzerfausts according to the equipment window. That doesn't seem possible.

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IIRC if the soldier is using his 2ndary weapon you won't see him carrying his primary weapon (rifle in this case). However, the rifle should still appear in the weapon window seen in the bottom right of the pic. That's where you need to look to see what primary weapon he has.

Sometimes you see the rifle slung over their shoulder, but I've never bothered trying to figure out what the rules are around that.

What puzzles me is that he appears to have 30(!) panzerfausts according to the equipment window.

Are you just being cute, or do you really not know what the 30 is for?

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The weapon silhouette only shows what weapon the pTruppe is currently considering for use. I have often seen riflemen with the Faust silhouette, when the enemy are within Faust range.

Assault teams often have many grenades if they're split off first (if you split an AT team first, they'll get the majority of the grenades). 19 isn't beyond the realms of possibility. I believe grenades are "just picked up" without the need for buddy aid.

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Just to reinforce the point, the UI shows the current weapon. So, if this guy, with his satchel full of grenades, decided to use the 'faust he had, his slung firearm would not show up until the 'faust was fired or re-stowed.

Why 19 grenades? Obvisouly, he has the best arm in the platoon.

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You guys are too much. lol. I was wondering if anybody would even notice the cigar in the ear.

But seriously, for those who don't know, the panzerfaust is a very short range weapon and it's my understanding that to help players out, on this one weapon, the designers put the approximate effective range, which is what the 30 is for--30 meter range. This is the stock user interface that the game comes with, so a lot of you guys probably don't even recognize the 30 because you have loaded up some mod or other that doesn't show it.

Anyway, thanks for the explanations of why he has so many grenades. I've lost several night's sleep wondering about that. (snort) Womble's answer makes the most sense, as usual. The team may very well have been an assault team, in fact, I bet it was. So as he says, they would have had more grenades. Then he says the trooper probably picked up extra grenades off of his fallen comrades, as he can do that even without rendering buddy aid, as Womble said.

But the idea that he might have gotten them from ammo sharing doesn't seem right (not said by Womble), because my understanding is that ammo sharing tends to average the ammo each party has, not concentrate it. I could be wrong there. If so, I'd like to know, because that means I don't understand ammo sharing correctly.

I was also trying to figure out why all he had was a panzerfaust, but I realized the answer to that when I was posting the picture: Like others have said, if he is using his rifle, it will show up with every other soldier's weapon in the UI portion that shows all of the unit's 'weapons in use' together. If he is using the panzerfaust, obviously, since that is his weapon in use, it will show there instead. To expound on that a little, when the rifle is in use, the panzerfaust being a special weapon will still show in the special weapon's inventory section of the UI, but the rifle will not show when the panzerfaust is in use, because it is not a special weapon. (That's the part that had me stumped.) Therefore, the only way to see the rifle when the panzerfaust is in use is to see it on the silhouette. But when I looked at the soldier prior to this picture, he was laying on it or something and I couldn't see it, even though he had it.

Ironically, he never switched to his rifle when I told him to attack an enemy nearby, he just hucked grenades at them. He's one grenade huckin fiend, which notably makes sense, because when ammo is plentiful troops use it more generously.

The only mystery left to me really, is why he had selected his panzerfaust as an active weapon when I first took notice of him prior to this picture. He was in a large field without an enemy vehicle in sight. But I doubt it matters, it seems that when a trooper decides to change weapons it is done in an instant and doesn't seem to hurt his time firing at the target much if at all. I've watched them several times switch weapons during a firefight, it seems to take less than a second, if any time at all.

Again, thanks for the help.

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Think I´ve repeatedly seen pTroopers draw the faust, when also just enemy infantry is nearby. The 30m, as already said, is effective range vs. point targets (a vehicle), but in RL the fausts reach a bit farther when fired like a mortar (x 2-3). Don´t know if the game engine considers this. Also maybe the pTrooper is fubared by some vehicle noise anywhere and draws the thing in anticipation of a worthy target, maybe coming around next corner every minute.

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Think I´ve repeatedly seen pTroopers draw the faust, when also just enemy infantry is nearby. The 30m, as already said, is effective range vs. point targets (a vehicle), but in RL the fausts reach a bit farther when fired like a mortar (x 2-3). Don´t know if the game engine considers this. Also maybe the pTrooper is fubared by some vehicle noise anywhere and draws the thing in anticipation of a worthy target, maybe coming around next corner every minute.

I had a forward team use that PF on an enemy scout in Hamel Vallee. PF, it's not just for armor. :D


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I had a forward team use that PF on an enemy scout in Hamel Vallee. PF, it's not just for armor. :D


I had a member of a team assaulting through a recently-blown wall between two buildings draw and use his Faust on one of the defending team. Result: both the assaulting team and their supporting team (staying still in the room they were assaulting out of) ended up retiring back across the street. The defenders were dead or fleeing too, so both the buildings ended up empty... The poor para who was the target of the Faust didn't flee, though he did manage to scatter, all on his own, having taken a direct hit.

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