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No mods that I can tell, no voice-overs or screen text, just action. (It does show a glitch with the PaK loader facing the wrong way, though.)

By Bozowans

Oh, and this one from Proambulator is another great advert, too.

Yeah, that is a beautifully done video. So much to see. So much detail shown. That is one which should go in your "favorites" folder. It's in mine. :)

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He he he, I recognize that battle. It's Bunkers Burning. And the video he made is really good!

But I have never seen it play out like this before! Nobody of the Beta testers (or me for that matter) was able to do an all out assault on the MLR like this and live to tell the tale.

Maybe we are all just bad players :D. Or I should have made the battle a lot harder (can't imagine, the Beta's comments pointed out in the exact opposite direction: make it easier). So I wonder how this was done.

But anyhoo, great to see this little piece of cinema. Saving Private Heinrich on the Ostfront :). That was the aim of the battle when I designed it and with a video like this it comes close.

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He he he, I recognize that battle. It's Bunkers Burning. And the video he made is really good!

But I have never seen it play out like this before! Nobody of the Beta testers (or me for that matter) was able to do an all out assault on the MLR like this and live to tell the tale.

Maybe we are all just bad players :D. Or I should have made the battle a lot harder (can't imagine, the Beta's comments pointed out in the exact opposite direction: make it easier). So I wonder how this was done.

But anyhoo, great to see this little piece of cinema. Saving Private Heinrich on the Ostfront :). That was the aim of the battle when I designed it and with a video like this it comes close.

Heh, yeah, my first thought on the video was that I have never been able to pull of an assault like that in a CMx2 game.

I wonder how he did it. Massive artillery bombardment before the assault or during? Several MG's on supressive fire?

I want to know :)

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He he he, I recognize that battle. It's Bunkers Burning. And the video he made is really good!

But I have never seen it play out like this before! Nobody of the Beta testers (or me for that matter) was able to do an all out assault on the MLR like this and live to tell the tale.

Maybe we are all just bad players :D. Or I should have made the battle a lot harder (can't imagine, the Beta's comments pointed out in the exact opposite direction: make it easier). So I wonder how this was done.

But anyhoo, great to see this little piece of cinema. Saving Private Heinrich on the Ostfront :). That was the aim of the battle when I designed it and with a video like this it comes close.

I managed this one on the first go by relentless pushing my men past breaking point :). One german HMG did take out 51 of my boys though, but the breakthrough was secured!

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@stikkypixie: you managed this one on the first go :eek: What was the end result? How many casualties? How many tanks did you loose? Honestly, I did not deem it possible to win this one with only brute force (allthough that is perhaps the most common Soviet way of doing things...). You learn every day.

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@stikkypixie: you managed this one on the first go :eek: What was the end result? How many casualties? How many tanks did you loose? Honestly, I did not deem it possible to win this one with only brute force (allthough that is perhaps the most common Soviet way of doing things...). You learn every day.

I used all my tanks to push along my left flank. I was *very* lucky not to lose any of them.

On my right I limited myself to the woods, which dominates the German trenches.

In hindsight I should have assault the woods first and then followed up on the left flank.


German MVP (or what's left of him):


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Hey, that's mine! :D

That was the first video I had ever made before. I am kinda surprised to see a thread on it here. It makes it all worth it to see that someone enjoyed it. I only wish I had a better computer to make these things. The recording software made it run pretty slow even with the graphics and shadows turned down low.

He he he, I recognize that battle. It's Bunkers Burning. And the video he made is really good!

But I have never seen it play out like this before! Nobody of the Beta testers (or me for that matter) was able to do an all out assault on the MLR like this and live to tell the tale.

Maybe we are all just bad players :D. Or I should have made the battle a lot harder (can't imagine, the Beta's comments pointed out in the exact opposite direction: make it easier). So I wonder how this was done.

But anyhoo, great to see this little piece of cinema. Saving Private Heinrich on the Ostfront :). That was the aim of the battle when I designed it and with a video like this it comes close.

It was an awesome scenario, thanks for making it! I suppose the video is a bit misleading, since so much of the battle was left out of it. I didn't start recording until quite a ways into the battle. The firefight between my tanks and the German assault gun was left out of it for example. I may have made it look a bit easier than it really was.

The video was showing my first attempt at the scenario. I didn't reload any saves or anything, and I ended up taking much heavier losses than the Germans. I lost one tank to the German assault gun, and another to that very resilient PaK crew. The bastards still managed to get a shot off even after that mortar barrage and the storm of small arms fire directed at it.

I spent the first 20 minutes or so scouting around and building up virtually my entire force behind the crest of that ridge going across the map, just out of view of the enemy. I found that the orchard on the Soviet right was a great spot for some of the machine guns.

When everyone was at their jump off points, I put down a big smoke barrage and had everyone just go "over the top" all at once. With so much open ground, I didn't see much alternative except to hit them with overwhelming numbers and force, all at once, all at one point of their line. I had everyone stop at the crest of the ridge and just start shooting as much as possible, while my platoons went across the AT ditch one by one.

The smoke helped quite a bit, allowing me to concentrate fire on different points of their line. Some of my platoons took heavy losses from all the mines and enemy fire, while others made it across the AT ditch without a scratch, amazingly enough.

By the time the video starts, most of the German bunkers and heavy weapons had already been destroyed or suppressed, and my infantry had mostly made it across the AT ditch and were launching their final assault. I managed to get a total victory with a German surrender, although the two bunkers on the German flanks never fell. I threw everything I had at the German center and broke through. Maybe you could call it a WWII Pickett's Charge, except a bit more successful. :D I sent probing attacks at both flanks but it didn't go so well. I pulled everyone off the flanks and hurled them straight at the center.

LMAO... not default for sure, im not sure they are mine,, this is going to be a mistery or maybe is a mix

Yep, it was a mix. I honestly can't even remember which sounds belong to which mods at this point. I keep picking and choosing sounds from different mods all the time.

I was using a tracer mod and an explosion FX mod too, but that was about it.

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Yep, it was a mix. I honestly can't even remember which sounds belong to which mods at this point. I keep picking and choosing sounds from different mods all the time.

I was using a tracer mod and an explosion FX mod too, but that was about it.

You might want to consider releasing a soundmod :)

Alot of people seem to like the sounds (me included!) and most soundmodders are very lenient on using their sounds in your mod. And if anyone opposes you, I'm sure me and jorge can have a chat with them to make them realize that it's good for them to help other modders :D

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I spent the first 20 minutes or so scouting around and building up virtually my entire force behind the crest of that ridge going across the map, just out of view of the enemy. I found that the orchard on the Soviet right was a great spot for some of the machine guns.

When everyone was at their jump off points, I put down a big smoke barrage and had everyone just go "over the top" all at once. With so much open ground, I didn't see much alternative except to hit them with overwhelming numbers and force, all at once, all at one point of their line. I had everyone stop at the crest of the ridge and just start shooting as much as possible, while my platoons went across the AT ditch one by one.

The smoke helped quite a bit, allowing me to concentrate fire on different points of their line. Some of my platoons took heavy losses from all the mines and enemy fire, while others made it across the AT ditch without a scratch, amazingly enough.

By the time the video starts, most of the German bunkers and heavy weapons had already been destroyed or suppressed, and my infantry had mostly made it across the AT ditch and were launching their final assault. I managed to get a total victory with a German surrender, although the two bunkers on the German flanks never fell. I threw everything I had at the German center and broke through. Maybe you could call it a WWII Pickett's Charge, except a bit more successful. I sent probing attacks at both flanks but it didn't go so well. I pulled everyone off the flanks and hurled them straight at the center.

Ha. Now that is funny. During the playtesting of this scenario, the Hill on the right flank was mostly used as the way to crack the the German line. Intense firefights on the Hill ensued. Later on I introduced a gap in the AT obstacles on the left flank besides the railway, to open up a possible axis of attack there too. This was suggested by a playtester and I decided he had a point.

Going through the center however, was more or less discarded very early on as near suicidal. And here comes Pickett charging in :D. Actually, this way of attacking conforms more to the stereotype Soviet style attack: charge! But it worked for you apparently. Resulting in a brutal, high casualty fight, but effective nonetheless for a breakthrough was achieved.

Perhaps many of us are still a bit stuck in the West front mindset. Reluctant to throw our troops in a meatgrinder knowing most will not make it to the end of the battle despite perhaps achieving a victory that way. I too play mostly like that, carefully guiding my troops to avoid casualties as much as possible. Silly me :D.

In fact, when I made Bunkers Burning I really did envision a Saving Private Ryan opening scene kinda scenario, but now on the Eastern front. But like I said, it did not play out like that during testing. Not anymore! Casualties be damned. Charge!

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Ha. Now that is funny. During the playtesting of this scenario, the Hill on the right flank was mostly used as the way to crack the the German line. Intense firefights on the Hill ensued. Later on I introduced a gap in the AT obstacles on the left flank besides the railway, to open up a possible axis of attack there too. This was suggested by a playtester and I decided he had a point.

Going through the center however, was more or less discarded very early on as near suicidal. And here comes Pickett charging in :D. Actually, this way of attacking conforms more to the stereotype Soviet style attack: charge! But it worked for you apparently. Resulting in a brutal, high casualty fight, but effective nonetheless for a breakthrough was achieved.

Perhaps many of us are still a bit stuck in the West front mindset. Reluctant to throw our troops in a meatgrinder knowing most will not make it to the end of the battle despite perhaps achieving a victory that way. I too play mostly like that, carefully guiding my troops to avoid casualties as much as possible. Silly me.

In fact, when I made Bunkers Burning I really did envision a Saving Private Ryan opening scene kinda scenario, but now on the Eastern front. But like I said, it did not play out like that during testing. Not anymore! Casualties be damned. Charge!

That hill was a tough objective for me, so I just kept it under fire and bypassed it. The bunker up there was in such a good spot that my tanks could not even see it, much less hit it. I would have to rely on infantry alone to deal with it, so I just left it there.

On both flanks there wasn't much room to maneuver the large forces you get either. The center gave me enough room to deploy the entire large Russian force all at once, which worked pretty well.

My result:


Maybe 40% casualties? It doesn't look that different from the result posted earlier in the thread. That same HMG that gave him 51 casualties gave 13 to me. Another one caused 10. Most of the German units didn't cause that many casualties, but I took enormous losses from blundering into minefields like an idiot, charging across the field like that. :D If I had to play it again, I would tell my men to stick closer to the ground torn up by the pre-battle bombardment. Those craters give pretty good cover.

I'm also not used to taking heavier losses than the AI, coming from CMBN, so this scenario was a bit of a surprise. It was one of the first scenarios I tried in Red Thunder.

You might want to consider releasing a soundmod :)

Alot of people seem to like the sounds (me included!) and most soundmodders are very lenient on using their sounds in your mod. And if anyone opposes you, I'm sure me and jorge can have a chat with them to make them realize that it's good for them to help other modders :D

You really want me to release it? Hehe, maybe I will try cleaning up the horrible mess that is my sound folder sometime then.

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You really want me to release it? Hehe, maybe I will try cleaning up the horrible mess that is my sound folder sometime then.

Yep ;)

some of the sounds are very interesting and i want them ^^

I Dl all the sounds mods released and actually try to make my own mix, and some of the sounds this vids are totally unknown from me.

If you could share them, i'll be happy to explore your mix :cool:

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