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CMRT - BETA AAR - Soviet Side

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Damn... Elvis left his flamethrower team in place.. I should have been more careful as I knew it was in that building previously.. but there you go.

Three casualties, but at least I know where it is now and can take action against it.

This is interesting.. this is the first time I have been on the receiving end of a flamethrower attack, but if you do not have LOS to the enemy flame unit, you cannot see the flame jet, only the black smoke. Elvis should have some pretty pictures to show of his flamethrower firing out both ends of that building.


Enemy Armor

The Hetzer (Hetzer-1) backed into a hulldown position this turn, and was immediately hit by my aircraft! It is only a strafer though so I doubt it did much damage.


All three tanks are definitely up here, and Elvis moved his Panther in closer, while Hetzer-1 moved back.. I only have a sound contact on Hetzer-2.

Note the UI gun in the background on the way to ROT.

It appears that Elvis is going to be happy with bottling up my T34s on Gelb, though his Panther seems kind of aggressive...


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Will we getting a vid of the first ever public CMRT air attack? I want to hear the roar of the Mikulin Am38F. The Blam, blam blam of the Shvak 23mm cannon. The clangor of the shells hitting Hetzer armor. And no matter what it did or didn't do to the Hetzer, at least it didn't attack your troops!


John Kettler

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...This is interesting.. this is the first time I have been on the receiving end of a flamethrower attack, but if you do not have LOS to the enemy flame unit, you cannot see the flame jet, only the black smoke.

Hmmm, I would think that, much like you can see tracers from unspotted enemy, you should see flame from same.

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Hmmm, I would think that, much like you can see tracers from unspotted enemy, you should see flame from same.

Actually, even more so...at least tracers are generally only visible from the rear--how do you miss a huge whoosh of flames??

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No action this turn, just some maneuver and shifting... here is an overview of the stuation as it currently stands:


I am going to put a couple movies together today, one the air attack as requested and secondly I wanted to compile a movie from events over several turns for the deep strike on Gelb. Stay tuned for those.

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I don't think you see tracers when you don't spot the fire.

Same logic for the flamethrower: the flame would give away the firer's location, and if there are no other witnesses than dead bodies, you shouldn't know where they are.

You will sometimes see part of the trajectory of incoming enemy rounds, especially as they pass near one of your units, but not always. I assume that this is a nintentional game feature representing an intermediate level of spotting -- i.e., this represents a situation where none of your units has actually spotted the firing enemy unit, but one or more of your units sees enough of the tracer(s) and/or bullet strike(s) to be able to make a good guess as to the vector of the incoming fire.

But regardless, I agree that the same rules need to apply to flame weapons; showing the full flame arc would give away the precise location of the flamethrower, which wouldn't be realistic if none of your units have spotted the shooter. Visual effect may be a bit odd, but the tactical effect is correct and this is more important.

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I finally got eyes on Hetzer-1 this turn and was able to do some BDA... check out the hit locations on this vehicle.. and those all look like penetrations to me. It is running though, I hope it suffered some damage at least.


My Plan for Dealing with the Enemy Armor

I need to do something to break the stalemate with the enemy armor.. well really I could leave well enough alone and wait for him to come to me.. but I think he might be in a vulnerable position and need to act now.

My ISU-122 section are moving as fast as possible to take up hulldown positions on the enemy panzer's flank (moving through scouted terrain and masked from the UI Gun near ROT)...


...meanwhile the T34s will be laying some more obscuration in the treeline in front of the enemy armor and one at a time I am going to maneuver a couple T34s on the panzer's other flank.

I started this maneuver this turn.. but my moving T34 bogged for most of the turn.. so the rounds fired to obscure enemy visibility were wasted. It broke free right at turn end.. so I need to fire into the woods one more time to mask this movement somewhat, as from a few points along this movement it could be vulnerable.



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My ISU-122 section are moving as fast as possible to take up hulldown positions on the enemy panzer's flank (moving through scouted terrain and masked from the UI Gun near ROT)...


Love those long, convoluted movement plots! Bil's bubbling over with confidence at this point. Or he's an optimist.

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Love those long, convoluted movement plots! Bil's bubbling over with confidence at this point. Or he's an optimist.

Childress, the terrain they are moving through is clear as far as I can tell.. I had a scout team kill a flamethrower team along this route just last turn (forgot to report on that).. also, I WANT him to notice this armor moving.. plus my T34 moving.. I have no doubt he will at least get sound contacts. When he notices them he will have a decision to make.

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On Blau

The flamethrower is being handled very well by Elvis.. he is shifting it from building to building and catching me flat footed.. well now I know his tactic I should be able to pin this damn team.. costs me another three casualties this turn.


Enemy Panzers

Okay Elvis's panzers are fixated on my forces on Gelb... note that they are still buttoned.


Meanwhile one T34 is attempting to get a flank on this enemy armor while the other two fired into the woodline to block LOS... the enemy armor showed no sign that they noticed my streaking T34. Buttoned like that I wonder if he will even get sound contacts...



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