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I doubt that, if there's a full square between them.


Are we talking about bocage here? Everyone is saying hedges and hedgerows, but I am assuming it's actually bocage that is being discussed.


I just tested this and if you give an infantry unit a movement order parallel to a line of bocage 1 action spot removed from the bocage the unit will zigzag in and out of the bocage.

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Are we talking about bocage here? Everyone is saying hedges and hedgerows, but I am assuming it's actually bocage that is being discussed.


I just tested this and if you give an infantry unit a movement order parallel to a line of bocage 1 action spot removed from the bocage the unit will zigzag in and out of the bocage.

Yeah, Bocage. "plain hedge" that you can jump over is pretty much irrelevant, providing concealment only to prone troops and zero cover.

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The bit about hedgerows was tacked on at the last moment and I never spent the extra time to create a set of graphics to support it as I wanted to get this thing posted.

I'm going to rip that section out of the Platoon Scouts post and we will re-address hedgerows at a later time and in more detail. I think it inadvertently complicated the subject. Plus, it deserves its own post.

Thanks, you're doing a great favour for those of us who are still stuck fighting in the bocage :)

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Question: Should you react immediately on contact, guesstimating the size and placement of the enemy force, or should you spend one or two turns to maneuver carefully to scout out more details before committing?


I'll be stepping through a platoon attack (or attack variants) in part 2.  I will cover attempting to analyze the enemy force size and how to carryout the attack with that knowledge in mind.


Also, the supporting Tactical Problem (Platoon Attack scenario) is practically finished, and will follow the part 2 post (probably up next weekend) very closely.

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Looking forward to it.


Would you consider making a few different enemy setups for the training missions? I played your first ones quite a few times trying various ways of advancing, and remember thinking that it would have been nice not knowing exactly where the enemy would be. For example the creek ambush. Tried not doing anything "gamey", but still, it's difficult forcing myself to disregard what I already know..

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I do understand that many play these scenarios several times, but I think keeping them in the same positions so you can try different tactics in subsequent play-throughs is more important than giving a different look each time for added challenge.  The latter is not really the intent of these tactical problems.  The goal is for you to play them several times and work out why certain things worked and others didn't, all from the same setup, otherwise you might not "get" the lesson they are designed to teach.


Note, this will probably be different as we move into the more advanced Company level problems, where planning, analysis, decision points, and battle reconnaissance are the subjects rather than low level tactics.

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I do understand that many play these scenarios several times, but I think keeping them in the same positions so you can try different tactics in subsequent play-throughs is more important than giving a different look each time for added challenge. The latter is not really the intent of these tactical problems. The goal is for you to play them several times and work out why certain things worked and others didn't, all from the same setup, otherwise you might not "get" the lesson they are designed to teach.

Note, this will probably be different as we move into the more advanced Company level problems, where planning, analysis, decision points, and battle reconnaissance are the subjects rather than low level tactics.

Roger that. It wasn't so much to enhance the fun, more to be able to develop good scouting tactics that work against a variety of situations. I find that by replaying more than two times I start to involuntarily adapt my approach to that specific setup.. Anyway, looking forward to trying out your scenario.

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Are we talking about bocage here? Everyone is saying hedges and hedgerows, but I am assuming it's actually bocage that is being discussed.

I just tested this and if you give an infantry unit a movement order parallel to a line of bocage 1 action spot removed from the bocage the unit will zigzag in and out of the bocage.

Yep, I meant bocage. I use bocage to describe the general type of terrain, and hedgerow to describe a specific piece of bocage hedge.

Also, I meant that you can order a troop to stop one square from the bocage-hedge-square, and they won't on their own 'snap to it'. But moving along, yes they will sometimes go detours to stick to cover.

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Just wanted to say that I saw a link to your site a few days ago and was very impressed. I've bookmarked it as it has a ton of really good information in it. Thanks for all of the hard work you've done!


I appreciate the kind words and am happy you find the blog useful.  What's your background, any military experience?




By the way I am going to start posting the Tank Platoon Leader series concurrently with the Rifle Platoon Leader series that is ongoing... first post will be in a few weeks and will concentrate on:

  • tank movement
  • tank v tank tactics
  • tank v infantry tactics
  • the tank platoon in an infantry support role
  • the tank platoon in the attack
  • the tank platoon in the defense
  • the tank platoon in the breakthrough role
  • a few of my personal tank handling techniques
  • hopefully a few surprises and maybe a guest blog post or two
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I appreciate the kind words and am happy you find the blog useful.  What's your background, any military experience?




By the way I am going to start posting the Tank Platoon Leader series concurrently with the Rifle Platoon Leader series that is ongoing... first post will be in a few weeks and will concentrate on:

  • tank movement
  • tank v tank tactics
  • tank v infantry tactics
  • the tank platoon in an infantry support role
  • the tank platoon in the attack
  • the tank platoon in the defense
  • the tank platoon in the breakthrough role
  • a few of my personal tank handling techniques
  • hopefully a few surprises and maybe a guest blog post or two

Oh, that's really REALLY exciting! Really looking forward to it, Bil. Thanks for all the effort you put into this stuff!

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By the way I am going to start posting the Tank Platoon Leader series concurrently with the Rifle Platoon Leader series that is ongoing... first post will be in a few weeks and will concentrate on:

  • tank movement
  • tank v tank tactics
  • tank v infantry tactics
  • the tank platoon in an infantry support role
  • the tank platoon in the attack
  • the tank platoon in the defense
  • the tank platoon in the breakthrough role
  • a few of my personal tank handling techniques
  • hopefully a few surprises and maybe a guest blog post or two

Will be very interesting. I feel I have a decent grasp on infantry in this game, but never really got the hang of your first tank tutorial. Maybe because tank spotting was tweaked after you made the training scenario, but I never could find a way to spot the at guns before I got decimated. (Could of course have area fired at the suspected location, but thought that would have been gamey)

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  • 1 month later...

Any expansion on the Bocage tactics? Since Im new and Bill says he took out what hed originally written on the issue. Is there now anything new.  I guess Im a new convert brought here from BS and reading the AAR's on this site got me into BN game. The Bocage though gets me down.  I seem to get get stuck with the covering fire for movement. I have troops to cover fire, but fire where. theres a big frontage? I could really do with some Bocage AAR and tactics help :)


I gotta say that training with infantry in BN has made me a lot better at infantry use in BS where its so much more lethal. So thanks for all the community support . I appreciate it :)

Edited by silent one
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  • 2 months later...

@ silent Use Infantry to move ahead in the hedgerows, armor has to stay back until a clearing is reached. Troops are the ones that protect the tank form AT teams. A lone tank going ahead will be knocked out fast, they had to learn this the hard way in first years of normandy. The shermans just cannot get a good view of their surroundings  through the small slits, even if they could they are hiding in the hedges. Use regular troops to skirmish and pick out fights with enemy also scouting routes for tanks. If the infantry has cleared the way or didn't meet any resistance move the armor up to a walking pace under cover of course. Use Half-Tracks after the Infantry has moved up to provide fire support. US HTs are tin cans (only 6-12 mm armor in places) so you better have them moving along with tree / shadow cover as well. Us HT on a high ground to go hull down on an open field. (M20s or M8s would be better in my opinion) Shoot into the hedgerows before moving there to challenge enemy, and see if you get return fire.


Also use smoke before moving armor or troops past an open area where an MG team or  AT gun may be overlooking. If the enemy can't see you the enemy has to rely on indirect fire.


Let MG teams stay behind and cover troop movement across open areas roads or fields, that way if your troops do come under fire the MG can open up


If your troops spot armor close by it shoudln't be a problem for a bazooka team to take care of.

Edited by user1000
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Bil, shameless bump. How's the Combat Mission Tactical Problems going - been some time since you made any addittion to it.


Yeah it's been a while.. guess I'm losing the motivation.  ;)  


I do have the Infantry Platoon Attack Part 2 post complete.. its been complete for a while actually.. but I am having trouble finding the time to finish up the supporting scenario (which is mostly done).  Sorry about the delay, no idea when I'll be able to upload additional content.  It's always on my to-do list.

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Blimey Bill, if you are losing motivation yet manage to upload this so quickly then I am certainly comatose ... I've still got CMSF stuff from a couple of years back to finish.




You better finish that CMSF material PDQ, its going to be obsolete in the near future.  

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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