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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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While we have a slight pause in the action, I think I'll put up some camparison screenies. I've got one machine running an nvidia card, another an AMD card. Would you like to have the same exact screenshot to compare and contrast? If so, what should it focus upon? (Does bandwidth matter, or is a jpg okay?

But seriously - compare the way the two cards render shadows would be my request.

As far as bandwidth high; reasonable quality and downsized jpg for the forum posts but with links to full res and higher quality versions would be ideal.

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I like the comparison screenshot idea. What is the hypothesis here? NVidia card computer will have the better quality screenshots compared to the amd computer?

Hyposthesis? LOL. Just a chance to post an identical picture, stock textures (beta), so that users can see if, indeed, the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. ;)

One monitor 1920x1080, the other 1920x1200; otherwise it'd be the same (excepting the video card manufacturer).

I'll post a pair up, shortly...


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Turn 37.00 to 36.00

The Tale of the Piat in the Field

Well, gents, thanks for your patience. The turns are moving again. So too, therefore, are my troops! I attack when and how I can. I pity Bil's troops, caged as they are in their steel traps. Since there's been a long delay betwixt updates, I plan on inundating the thread with a report on this latest turn.

When last we met, I asked about your thoughts regarding my hidden piat team, near the windmill. Well, here was what I'd ordered...


Of course I ordered them to attack! Attack, attack, attack! When in doubt, attack again!

Oh, you're curious about how it turned out? Very well, more pix...


And then...





Ah, so very satisfying, that.


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37.00-36.00, cont.

The result:






A glorious end for a magnificent piat gunner. His tale would be less sorrowful had he destroyed the Panther, but for sheer ballsiness, he wins. Bil would probably surrender right now, if I allowed him, based purely on my men's moral superiority over his.

Now, sure, I laid that trap for a long time. Was it for naught? Not at all. Not for naught, I'd've thought. Bil is pulling back. Time, gentlemen, time is as much his enemy as I. My men are sitting pretty on the Town Center. His men? They've scattered about trying to figure out what to do. Each time he repositions, he loses. Death by a thousand cuts.

Let's look at more of the field, shall we?


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37.00-36.00, cont.

An overview of the mid-field, right near the end of the turn:


Of note, above: mortar shells continue to slowly harass Zephyr. Bil is obviously concentrating his halftracks in that field for a push on my town. I'd love to get my AA tanks in position to nail them, but they're in transit from Town Center to the Ardennes. They'll take Bil in the rear. So to speak.

Speaking of my tanks, here's what they faced as they continued to reposition:


That was a sticky little situation. I don't -think- Bil has LOS there (especially now that his Panther has pulled back), but then I've been surprised by his LOS before. Sorry, men.

The result:


All safe, for now. My lorry, zipping along the road, is in the way. I'd expected that truck to've cleared the road by now. I was wrong. I'll have another logjam right there at the beginning of the next turn. That'll prove interesting. However, once I get my tanks in and among the Ardennes, I'll have the firepower to have a bit of fun, won't I?


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37.00-36.00, cont.

A few thoughts, of no particular significance. My right flank is weak. But no more so than my left flank or front. It's overlaid with the Town Center. Town Center has 4 (or 5?) piat teams. Bil can slice in with his armored troops, but he'll have to poke his head out of his armor if he wants to take the town.

Let's look at how he fares when he pokes his head out of his shell:


That team has been getting steadily reduced. Yum.


Ah, Bil is trying to save his men. That's weakness. I will attack.


Another example. Upstream you can see the flaktrack in orange. Here you see it from Bil's view:


And again...


Now, sure, all these are just pinpricks. But they are cumulative. Bil has to feel time pressure. And, if he pulls too many men to attack the Town Center he could dangerously weaken his line, and like a ripened pustule, my men will burst forth from the Ardennes and spew forth to fall in clotted groups where they'll most embarrass him.


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37.00-36.00, cont.

Over on my deep left:


And a slightly raised view...


So, there we sit. Bil had some great fortune with that Panther. That's the way it goes. I'm still in pretty good shape. Hell, I look great. Bil is in a jam. He'll have to move out, soon, to get towards the Town. I've extended my defense of the Town out a bit more. Every turn I delay him is a turn closer to victory. While he has to focus on the Town Center, I'll cast my eye around and see if I can't start rolling him back elsewhere. The obvious start would be to hunt down that 3.7cm flak on my deep left. Afterwards, if I can nail his stummels (all near "the gutter"), then I can advance with the dunes on my right. If I can catch his tanks and halftracks between the Town Center (anvil) and my push near the dunes (the hammer), then I have a decent shot at this. The key to THAT would be killing his Panthers. Then the jaggies would be easy prey.

That piat shot that started this turn really would've been nice if it had destroyed 1/2 of Bil's Panther force.

Ken out.

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Well, Regiment probably knows best..(Or do they?)

Glad you're up and running again with this AAR, because I had some serious withdrawal symptoms. Bill and you were unusual silent, still no MG download opportunity and Steve shut down the USA gun-laws thread. Nothing in life seemed important anymore!;)

Didn't think your armor would reach the Ardennes unscathed, well done.

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Thanks. The armor's not there yet. It'd be just like dastardly Bil to nail the lead tank just shy of safety, then take advantage of the confusion that causes to hit the other two while they mill about. Hmmm, "mill about"? Perhaps that windmill IS the key, after all? Something to ponder.


I'd like to spot his 37mm flak on my left. If I can find it, I can kill it. Then roll up the stummels. That'd create a response, for sure.

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Nice ambush on the panther Ken. A few questions:

What was the range of the shot?

What was the piat’s posture, was he in HIDE, or was he just prone?

I have done some successful ambushes recently in a CMFI single mission I am playing. Just to try again, as I have not done this combo since I had a botched HIDE + COVER ARC ambush way back in CMSF, I tried the combo again to see what would happen. To my amazement it worked GREAT, so I am wondering if BF hasn’t done some improving in the behavior AI. My men were on HIDE with about a 75m cover arc. All my men reacted better with the combo than I have seen before. There was no major delay in reaction like I have experienced before. All my men immediately stopped hiding, and started firing killing a lot of enemy as soon as within the cover arc.

From some experimenting I have done I am certain that units to get a concealment bonus from HIDE as opposed to just being prone. Hide + cover arc may be worth exploring again.

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What was the range of the shot?

What was the piat’s posture, was he in HIDE, or was he just prone?

The range started at 134m. It grew as the Panther retreated. (Maybe another 20 meters?)

The PIAT =had= been HIDING with a COVER ARMOR ARC at 100m. However, while hiding, they were prone and unable to spot. Of course, only one tank entered 100m, the jaggie by the windmill. So, that may not be a far example.

To execute the ambush, I manually ordered TARGET on the Panther. That's what got 'em up on a knee.


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Looks like you're busy reminding Bil there's a war on and that "In any battle, some must fall." Preferably, not yours! Mourn not for your PIAT teams, for as JasonC will be along shortly to reassure you, the average PIAT never got fired in action, let alone hit something. Thus, you're well ahead on the martial performance curve.

I agree that you're dishing out a kind of torment by small annoying losses: a TC here, a mortar team there, a Flakwagen crew member somewhere else, and it all acts like emery dust and metal filings poured into Bil's military plangearbox, slowly but surely causing the whole thing to progressively break down, successively first impeding, then narrowing his options. Must be nice to give for a change!

Oh! Full marks for the use of "logjam" in reference to your stump problem.


John Kettler

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