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ALLIED : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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I had no idea what an M51 was, but it apparently was a field mod to create the equivalent on an M16 GMC. These vehicles are infantry eaters of the first order, as the Chinese attackers in the Korean War can attest. Those who survived, that is. The link discusses what such GMCs could do to infantry even in bocage cover. Since the Germans hated the .50 cal, there're really not going to like four firing at once! Barring unfavorable geometry, they'll also happily chew up 250/251 halftracks and ACs. After all, the .50 was at one time an antitank weapon. I've seen the War Department film.


Of course, a 2cm Flakvierling would be awfully annoying going the other way! I read an account in which a single barrel 2 cm Flak gun caught a U.S. infantry platoon emerging from a woodline. Not only were direct casualties horrendous (men blown apart), but practically everyone took injuries from secondary missiles (tree chunks, branches raining down). The platoon was shredded, both figuratively and literally.

I shall be most interested to see how this all shakes out, given the (censored) force compositions on both sides. Any idea how the position size does or doesn't fit tactical doctrine of the period? In other words, is the frontage for your force reasonable?


John Kettler


What I don't know is how vulnerable it is to one lone guy with a rifle taking out the gunner and "that's the end of that". It will be facing MG HTs. It will be interesting...


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In the real world no 251 gunner is going to duel with a quad 50 that can punch through his flimsy gun shield and half-track like soggy cardboard. unless of course he wants to die, or live the rest of his days as a multiple amputee! One 50 cal is bad enough but FOUR! FOUR! All aimed at you, firing API!!!

He was only using one 50 cal.

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Not much to report this turn.

Only one more heavy shell landed on the Tits. It struck really close to the Snipers at the back of Right Tit, wounding them but not taking them out:


They will stay there this turn, to try to recover. It seems I have at least another minute before the foot soldiers arrive. The Brummbar just sat in the trees out of range, so it's looking like I'm not going to get a head-shot on that TC, unless take the long shot and give myself away on the gamble. I might do that just before bugging out.

I'm still comparitively blind on the right side, though the forward sniper is at last approaching the good lookout spot. And what's this...


... it looks like some smoke is coming down next turn, once Bil's spotters get it lined up.

I'm loving how it's blowing away in the wind :) It may become a nuisance that he can lob smoke into my backfield and it blows over me, but it's thinning all the time when that happens. The worst smoke is the stuff that just sits thick in one place...


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If you call that a big shell, then you really don't want to be on the receiving end of battleship fire. Let's just say that certain parts on the map would require redrawing, following radical surgery via explosives!


Patton would probably hunt down and resoundingly slap whomever was responsible for said elevator's maintenance!


John Kettler

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For me there is

"small" - look like less than 81mm, makes a cute popping sound, nothing to really worry about. Can't tell the difference between 50mm, 60mm, but who really cares.

81mm - Dang, artillery, this might hurt. I know what this looks like.

"big" - larger than 81mm, can't really judge it, but it sure is gonna hurt

"ginormous" - leaving craters where tanks were


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And then...

... nothing happened!

For some reason, there doesn't appear to be a smoke barrage afterall. Second thoughts, or something refused to fire, LOS obstruction? Who knows.

The only significant move I saw this turn was what looks to be a kubelwagon on its way to do recon by death. Bil certainly seems to have a lot of vehicles - nice what you can afford on the attacking side eh!


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GreenAs Jade,

This should give you some idea what Quad .50 firepower looks like going out. This is the towed mount, but it's the same as what your M51s (did I see 10?) have. No tombstone ammo mags, though. Sorry.

This is as close as I can get to what you have. It's an M16 that's been restored. Mit tombstone mags.


John Kettler

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Thanks John, for keeping me company here, and digging those up. It was good to see the "real thing".

Of course, there's always this as well, for an idea of what the thing can do:

Knowing how infantry fire works against HTs, in CMBN, however, I remain concerned that if my AA gets spotted by a number of units at once, and they don't simply run away, then the guys on board will get taken out.

And of course, there's always the nuisance that Bil's attack will be armour accompanied... more about that soon!


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Judging by the way Bil is going slow and careful, and I'm set up a little ways back, it will be some time before real action.

Anyhow, on my left side, I now see Hill 130 sports a JgPz as well as a Brummbar. The Brummbar is set back "behind" the hilltop of 130, exclusively watching Right Tit, with no exposure to anywhere else.

The JgPz has popped its head over the lip of a ridge on Hill 130 to take advantage of the wonderful view from there that I described to you before....


In addition, the KW is proceeding on its recon down the valley.

The sniper on Right Tit can see the JgPz, and it's tantalizingly in range, but the TC's head is not exposed!


However, I am going to have them open fire anyhow, just to see if I can persuade that thing to button up even for a little while. It's time for the Snipers to be leaving the Tit around about now in any case, so they might as well have a shot.


This movement line takes them out of LOS of both tanks: they can rest for a moment and I'll figure out what to do next with them.

The ATG on the left can also see the JgPz:


However, this is an impossible shot - the JgPz is angled back so any hit will just glance off the forward armour.

As you can see, I've set a covered arc so if for some reason he comes further forward, then we'll have a go.

Overall, this is what it looks like


The other side is also being reconoitered by a KW.

My AA has moved up behind the house along the main road, where a bunch of rangers is already hiding, where it will stay waiting to pop out if Bll leads with Inf or even HTs, but not exposed to an AFV thrust up the middle. I'm a bit relieved it got away from where I set it up without a nasty shell coming out of the back corner and ruining my fun! I'm still considering whether or not to move the Bazookas in that vicinity over the road and into the trees on the right. I think they can find positions not exposed to the back right, which would be great for waiting to try to ambush the armour accompanying Bil's inf... unless the inf happens to swarm through those exact same trees. I'm waiting to see what general direction Bil takes after the Tits to decide about this.

Oh - I didn't mention yet: some beast opened fire with HE on Left Tit. This means that the Inf & HTs _are_ being accompanied by at least one tank (of course - as if they would not be!) - another Brummbar maybe, or maybe the Elefant, judging by the "bangs" .

That whole lead up to the Tits is frustratingly invisible to me - I just have to wait to see what comes over and around the bend!


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BTW, I may need to set up a test and play with this AA a little...


... I'm not sure why it's turret is not facing forwards, given the covered arc that it has. I'd rather it start with the gun facing the way the guys are coming from!!

... and hey wouldn't it be nice if the JgPz turns around to shoot at the Sniper, side on to the ATG! :D In my dreams! (it's midnight here, again!)


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BTW, I may need to set up a test and play with this AA a little...


... I'm not sure why it's turret is not facing forwards, given the covered arc that it has. I'd rather it start with the gun facing the way the guys are coming from!!

... and hey wouldn't it be nice if the JgPz turns around to shoot at the Sniper, side on to the ATG! :D In my dreams! (it's midnight here, again!)


Looking at the BF video here it looks like they can fire forward but to the oblique.


Might work to adjust your facing or preferably have your arse end facing the DOA. This will make it quicker for them to bug out when need be. ;)

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