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ALLIED : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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Can you believe it?

Somehow here I am venturing out onto the battlefield again, vs Big Bad Bil!

Who in their right minds fights against some guy who can figure out your whole purchase from a glimpse of one of your unit's helmets!?

Well, I have to admit that while no-one enjoys being beaten in public, still the battle was fun, and yes I'm up for it again.

This time I get to be the besieged US Army, defending the impressive city-on-a-hill of Arterna in Italy. We have to think that the US Army took this from the Italians and now the Germans are coming to take it back. With Elefants, so I hear!

You should take a look at the real Arterna, how it looks from satellite today

in preparation for the screenshots of the CM map that will be coming shortly....


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So this will be an urban map? Looks that way. Interesting. I hope the terrain is very favorable to defense. Anecdotal evidence I have read on the forum suggests that defenders in attack/defend QBs don't win very often at the default 1.65:1 odds.

Did those defenders have M-16 HTs with quad-.50's? :)

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The best defense is good OFFENSE! Attack him on turn 1 in his setup zone! Even if you lose, he'll never be the same. His hands will have a tremor every time he tries to mouse over the "go" button. You'll have unmanned him. Or, using the crude language of today's youth, you'll have taken his mojo.

Your men's lives are there for you to expend. 100 men for Bil's mojo: that's a price worth paying.

Tank rush on turn 1: we are watching!



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OK - so now that you have looked at the today's picture of Arterna, on Google Earth, here's what it looks like in May 1944...




... as you can see, not nearly as built up as today :)

In fact, this is not really an urban battle, it is defense of a small down in flat country (with lots of defensive overwatch :) )

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Easy, just wait for his Elephant to breakdown on the hill or get a top deck shot from a high elevation TD or AT gun, if he hangs back. If you do follow C3k's advice going downhill should make your troops charge faster!

Good luck, I'm rooting for you in this one, kick the Kraut sumbitch all the way back to his start lines!

I'm looking GAJ, I see MMG hog heaven and kill zones a plenty, of course if you can only buy a platoon of green troops with just a donkey mounted bazooka and a pre-war field gun, I see rifles, barrels embedded, helmets resting on upturned stocks or 2 years in a POW camp! Think Sun Tzu, battle won before..... You will defeat him, visualise those posters messages of congratulations as you kick him in the pants. To paraphrase Patton. No pixel-bastard ever won a scenario by getting a casualty marker. He won it by giving the other poor dumb pixel-bastard one.

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Gotta hand it to you guys, you.re getting in the work. Hopefully this wasn't a decision taken to distract us because of a delay in release ;)

Anyways glad you.re going back for satisfaction! I really like the map it looks great. If I was you GaJ I'd try and do two things - 1. hold fire until he's close, do not let him shell you from a distance 2. I'd run your defense behind the initial set of buildings, with a spotting/picket screen randomly along the outer edge of town. When he comes in to seize it you dont want him to be able to utilize his armor as he's too smart to do anything with those Elefants besides park their fat@asses back 1500 meters and shell you with 88mm fire.

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Assets: a big fortress, surrounded by light wooded cover.

Liabilities: a small town to be defended from a full frontal attack: no nice reverse slopes or obvious other terrain to keyhole/ hide and/or manoever behind. Without a lot of care, it appears that any defending unit is exposed to every attacking unit.

And, I'm sure you've heard by now: intel tells us that there is a massive armed force on the way. Heaps of unidentified tanks (my guess :) ) and for sure one Elefant amongst them.

This appears to mean for my forces: move and/or shoot and you are dead!

We're all into Patton at the moment - he said "Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man". He would have loved this place :)

Something else to be aware of is that I'm not allowed to put armour or heavy guns in the upper township...

Now I'm back to thinking... (and I have to do some actual day job work today :) )


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You got hosed on the objective placement. They are at the front edge of your setup zone so you will have little if any defense-in-depth.

Here's another sippet of relevant information. The points we are working with are:

Attacker 5327

Defender 3296

The default attack/defend points in CMBN are 5427/3236. Odd that they are slightly different in CMFI since it's such a small change 1.65:1 vs 1.61:1

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I better double check those numbers, I thought it was right :) OTOH, who knows what magical factors bring these exact numbers into being? If they were human-designed, they wouldn't end in 7 and 6 I think, they would be round numbers. So maybe they are computed, and the computation changed due to ... um I dunno ... different forces available?


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Go light on the armor. Get a lot of mortars. And some OBA. Don't worry about Bil, he's a newb.

Okay, now that I got THAT off my chest, let's hear what you're going with!

Now to put the horse before the cart: looking at the map and the objectives, how do you plan to defend it? (Please tell me you'll defend by vigorously counter-attacking!!)

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Now to put the horse before the cart: looking at the map and the objectives, how do you plan to defend it? (Please tell me you'll defend by vigorously counter-attacking!!)

Have you ever seen how many bazookas you can buy with 3000 points? It's amazing! I think I'm going to put together a 3000pt army of bazookas and just run out there in a human wave and see how many tanks I can take down...

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I think that it's a remote Vatican Enclave. They just had the roads re-sealed, they don't want tracks and all that messy stuff churning up the streets...

Oh, and a great big shell landed on the single only road-entry point to that walled area, so no big vehicles can get in.

Yes. That's it, I'm sure ;)

(who am I to argue with the scenario designer :) )


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... as you can see, not nearly as built up as today

A couple of years ago I was doing a survey of contemporary Italy via Google Earth and comparing what I saw to WW II maps. I was a bit surprised at how built up the whole peninsula was and how little open land was left. Many of the old battlegrounds are now suburbs.



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Something else to be aware of is that I'm not allowed to put armour or heavy guns in the upper township...


Not sure about the map, but from the screen captures it looks like there are some non-upper-township elevated areas with tree lines heavy guns could be placed in :)

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