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CM: Shock Force 2 Wish List

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Birdstike's USMC 310toYuma is a great scenario.

Wish List CMSF2 - a Texture Quality hotkey (like the 3D Model Quality hotkey) to adjust on the fly? Or maybe an AI/ Graphics 'sweet spot slider' that tells you your FPS and recommended setting for speed or quality? Of course the end user could over rule the AI but with this feedback you know what is recommended to do for speed vs quality or a balance. With a 'sweet spot slider' you could easily see you MOD impact. If the FPS hit you take for the 5 GBs of Mods you stuffed up your Z you can slim things down.

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I'd buy 3:D

Will get the CM: Shock Force 2 Wish List up to date in the next few days so no scrolling though pages of good suggestions.

As a side note I caught part of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Aerial Drones in America. Pretty amazing what will be in our own USA skies in 2015. On the positive side FAA has not approved use of non lethal weapons systems on "security drones" pepper spray, flash bang, bean bag shotguns, taser, etc. for domestic use;)

I am sure BFC will have at least surveillance drones in CM: Shock Force 2.

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I was thinking perhaps a North v South Korea kind of thing would be interesting (Maybe CMSF3; then again probably not)... But for the current idea (Russia v Ukraine) I would like to see nicer vehicle physics (eg, I was playing a battle in CMSF and then some pickup truck plowing it's nose into the ground and then turning on the spot:confused:) maybe some visual indication of damage (holes, burnt out shells of cars etc) and a fix of something which oddly bugs me; when the reds have their pistols out, they always are AKs':eek:. Also vehicle tracks in the ground? And the ability to go over dead enemy bodies and medic them or "acquire" their weapons and stuff ( maybe use the "acquire function like in vehicles and choose from a list what you want to pick up of them.) Also when you call in air support it would be cool to see like a jet or something swoop down and shoot stuff. Also maybe water? And (it's going too far) more "things" on people; eg, rucksacks, goggles and pouches and all that kind of stuff:). Hmmm... It's a long list:D Not that there is anything wrong with the first CMSF, it's just that it may be interesting to see these things in the sequel for "more immersive gameplay" or something:)

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Birdstike's USMC 310toYuma is a great scenario.

Wish List CMSF2 - a Texture Quality hotkey (like the 3D Model Quality hotkey) to adjust on the fly? Or maybe an AI/ Graphics 'sweet spot slider' that tells you your FPS and recommended setting for speed or quality? Of course the end user could over rule the AI but with this feedback you know what is recommended to do for speed vs quality or a balance. With a 'sweet spot slider' you could easily see you MOD impact. If the FPS hit you take for the 5 GBs of Mods you stuffed up your Z you can slim things down.

that is also a good idea :D, (forgot to add it to my list...)

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I'd also add the ability to attach units to different HQ's: either in the scenario design, or during the set-up phase.

You can already (somewhat) do this: in the branch selection block on the left, go from purchasing formations to specialized teams or single vehicles and select which HQ you want them under. You don't have full and absolute freedom, so no making a platoon with six rifle squads, for example.

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It will be good if soldiers can not only acquire something from vehicles but also put things back and take another.

+1. It always bothered me in CMSF when i accidentially handed out 2000 rounds of 7,62 to my soldiers but wanted to give them 5,56 instead and found myself unable to to correct that. But i think there should be some sort of limit so players cant move equipment around among their troops completely free and for example create a 13 men Javelin squad that way. It would be best IMO if you could just put the stuff you acquired from a vehicle back into it.

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1 Bigger battlefields preferably 8000 or 12000 meters allowing for large scale tank battles

2 Ability to shoot down enemy aircraft

3 Chemical Weapons capability and NBC suits. Option to set MOPP at the sart of the game based on chemical threat assessment. Scenario designer can set the probability that chemicals will be used. For instance levels could be None, Minimum, Low, high, in use. The game can use this to calculate whether chenical weapons will be used. Obviously this would in reality be a Russian capability, not a NATO option.

4 Weathe. Option to g for either a smmer campaigbn or a winter war instead of limiting us to a hree month period.

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Operational layer would be great..however I can't see it happening..at all. ATOS has one. The issue is BF would have to more or less code a whole new game in away with the current game being the tactical battles..lots of work esp on the AI side of things..

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I have one more suggestion. It will be great if we will have tree like structure of icons of our units on the top left corner of the screen. HQ team on the top level and three squads in a row on the second level of the icon tree for example (in such case the icon tree will not take to much vertical space on the screen).

The icons could blink even if casualty happend to squad which we cannot see on the screen with current camera position. This feature has even more value for realtime players.

We could also select units with this icon tree and auto focus on them. Of course the autofocus feature needs to be improved .Selecting a unit with ctrl+click works not very good. In most cases autofocus set the camera position in such way that unit itself cannot be seen without ajusting camera position.

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I have one more suggestion. It will be great if we will have tree like structure of icons of our units on the top left corner of the screen. HQ team on the top level and three squads in a row on the second level of the icon tree for example (in such case the icon tree will not take to much vertical space on the screen).

The icons could blink even if casualty happend to squad which we cannot see on the screen with current camera position. This feature has even more value for realtime players.

We could also select units with this icon tree and auto focus on them. Of course the autofocus feature needs to be improved .Selecting a unit with ctrl+click works not very good. In most cases autofocus set the camera position in such way that unit itself cannot be seen without ajusting camera position.


Interesting idea. And/or asssocite that with an operational windoow with unit positions represented by military symbols on a battlefield map so you can get an overall view of the battlefield position at any given point of time. That woud be a great planning aid.

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Interesting idea. And/or asssocite that with an operational windoow with unit positions represented by military symbols on a battlefield map so you can get an overall view of the battlefield position at any given point of time. That woud be a great planning aid.

I d love to have the ability to toggle my units military symbols on the tactical map. That would be a great addittion.

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Thanks guys. I am happy to see more great suggestions for the wish list. Been at work / off game stuff for the last week so will ave to read to catch up. Keep the great suggestions for the wish list coming.

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In such case I would like to put my vote for setting smoke to exact direction (like target) for infantry and for improvements of acquiring staff from vehicles in WEGO mode. I will be greate to take something from vehicle and fire it in one turn.

Dismount and mount on vehicles while the vehicles are in pause for infantry will improve WEGO mode also. It could be addition command like "wait for infantry action" in the queue of commands for vehicles.

And the greates think I could imagine is after action replays for a whole mission. Let us load a record file of acomplished mission and watch it like movie.

At least 1 minute playback while on pause in realtime mode will be greate also.

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I'd like the smoke for my infantry grenade launchers, their capability now is pretty haphazard, and the range negligible.

Could be different for other nationalities, but unless the FMs I have are out of date and things have changed in the field, neither the U.S. Army nor the Marines generally issue a smoke round for the 40x46mm grenade systems used by U.S. troops.

40x46mm smoke rounds do exist in the U.S. ordnance catalog, but they're not listed in the FM for the M203 as one of the "standard" rounds, which makes me suspect that the smoke rounds are special-issue only and therefore not something your typical rifle squad would be carrying as part of their kit.

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I may have missed some but did a quick scan and here is what I have from the postings. Hope this is helps.

Updated "CM: Shock Force 2" Wish List.


Drones: aerial reconnaissance and attack systems.

QB Remove restrictions and expand objectives.

Port a CMBN like QB system to CMSF2 but allow cherry picking

Frames per second display option.

UI option that allows select different Z folders to load at start up different mod themes rather than physically moving files in the Z folder to change mods.

"Flypast" ability to watch replays of airstrikes form a realistic angle and height close to what the pilot would see.

Picture overlay for the scenario editor for mapmaking.

Assault building option to make the squad adopt realistic room clearing techniques, without micro-managing all the waypoints and targeting instructions.

Damage modeling to vehicles with damage decals.

Greater waypoint granularity with more action spots.

Grenades and WP to be on acquisition list.

Area fire using similar template to artillery (point linear and area) with relative movement to the firer.

Convoy ability to allow lead vehicle to be followed with correct spacing.

Ability to select a playlist of music for game background with a hotkey ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist.

Option to acquire equipment from vehicles in the scenario editor.

Shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions.

Organize formations hotkey at set-up to get the right units with the right HQ etc.

Greater throw grenades specificity - throw smoke or frags.

Some more items I thought about today.

A listing of the .wavs / .bmps and their corresponding units / weapons to aid in modding.

Air defense systems: fixed, short-range, self-propelled,hand-held anti-aircraft systems.

Friendly fire, anti-air missile mishaps.

Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C³I): simulate jamming, systems failing replaced by mobile phones, etc.

GPS unavailable due to the war zone being blacked out.

Cyber Attack with corresponding infrastructure impacts.

Naval simulation: ports, shipping of patrol boats, logistical targeting and impact.

Local ethnic minorities units "extremists" with little discipline and/or respect for the laws of war.


Real Time 1 minute playback from any unit's perspective while on pause.

A Record / Playback ability allowing the entire scenario to be viewed from any unit's perspective.

Precision guided artillery and mortar munitions like Krasnopol, Excalibur, GMLRS, PGMM (120mm mortar), etc.

A campaign scripting system for user-made content, so we can avoid the dedicated mission just to choose campaign branches.

Battle scripting system for more dynamic battles against the AI, especially attacks.

Obstacles, roadblocks, booby-traps, fougasse, etc.

More realistic handling of night vision; degrades around light sources like flares, fires, or insufficient ambient light.

ROF like artillery, maximum, medium, slow etc, which could be overidden if a threat target appeared?

"Militia" a semi regular force better than combatants or fighters on a par with reserves but with a possible mix of red and blue weapons for great for Red v Red scenarios.

Multi processor support... 64-bit Windows version and the unlimited ability to use as much memory for CMSF2.

More realistic close air support options / control. Ground commander calls for CAS get greater feedback on what hits the box. UI feedback to see exactly which type of ordnance is available, rather than just "light", "medium" and "heavy".

Real-time intelligence gathering from aircraft including UAVs giving some form of LOS and communicating through the Command and Control system.

Ground to Air fire… aircraft come on station, AAA acquires its target, fires. Aircraft either immediately goes off station and the FAC has to call it in again, or the aircraft is destroyed depending upon the skill levels.

UAVs air support for Intel or Strike / type of ordinance, with limited time allowed on station.

Multiple points of LOS generation from vehicles.

Larger maps give more room to maneuver around the maximum ranges of modern weapons systems.

Half-meter increments in elevation.

Damage modeling for vehicles.

Engineers with unmanned ground combat vehicles to disarm roadside bombs.

Texture Quality hotkey (like the 3D Model Quality hotkey) to adjust on the fly.

Graphics 'sweet spot slider' that tells you your FPS and recommended setting for speed or quality or balance.

More flexibility to attach units to different HQ's: either in the scenario design, or during the set-up phase.

Greater detailed modeling of vehicle, terrain physics and modeling water. Enhanced acquire and put back abilities.

Chemical Weapons capability and NBC suits.

Operational and logistics planning

Enhanced UI options of a tree like structure of icons of units with casualty feedback and camera autofocus for RT play. An operational window.

Vehicle command "wait for infantry action".

Greater Target Smoke control.


Thanks for your suggestions guys.

It never hurts to ask BFC for what we enjoy :D

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Per Moon "CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around. Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen. ..."

I am sure BFC is going to have modern warfare air support plane/helicopter and drones. Assuming CM: Shock Force 2 arrives late 2013 they will have the latest normally used equipment and I suspect we will see much more modern equipment it the Modules to follow.

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Another Wish List item would be an Auto Save option in Turn based and Real Time. This way you can assure yourself that after the 30 minutes of micro management ... before you click GO... you don't forget to save the 30 minutes of micro management. WOuld be especially helpful after a couple of Pints of Lemonade in a Late Night CM battle:)

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Reflecting on North Korea’s cyber terrorism capabilities I was wondering how this might be simulated in "CM: Shock Force 2".

SNIP: from 2011

Experts explained that hackers working in perfect cooperation and being led by a coherent command system are much more dangerous than individual hackers and that North Korea’s hackers carry out operations from China and other third countries, which also adds to difficulties in uncovering their activities.

An expert on IT security pointed out, “North Korea’s ability is no less than that of China or Iran, which are both powerful nations when it comes to waging cyber war.”

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