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Is this considered gamey or not?

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So I started a QB ME, huge map, large battle, as advertised in a thread I previously started.

My opponenent, "PzKfW", chose Germans so I chose USA. After File 021 she stopped sending turns, a couple days go by and I send a PM, "giving up already?"

She replies "Wasn't quite gamey enough for me. You know, facing a completely 76mm Sherman army with heavy arty in support. Lol. Shoulda known"

I was dismayed to hear my force selection was being called "gamey". I picked only 3 Sherman 76mm tanks, 2 Stuarts a few troop transport halftracks and an understrength Battalion of men, the battalion comes with 81mm and 60mm mortars, my so called "heavy arty".

She fielded at least 3 JPz IV tank hunters, at least 3 troop transport halftracks and 4 trucks plus an unknown amount of troops.

I started off ok, then I knocked out a JPz IV with a side shot by a Stuart and the files stopped coming.

Please, honestly tell me, was I being gamey in my picks or is "PzKfW" a whiney, sore loser that is experiencing her time of the month?

Thanks for your input,


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I always get some 76mm tanks as USA. One must assume they may meet some Panthers, or Tigers. Better to have and not need, than to need and not have. I'd tell her to blow it out her arse, and pick some Panthers next time if she is afraid of 76mm. It is not like a pzrIV can't take out any of the USA tanks anyway.

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A straightforward objective judgement for that sort of situation could be formed by asking yourself the question, "Did I breach any of the pre-game agreements about restrictions to our forces that we made?"

If you didn't make any agreements, then there is no such thing as gamey. You could pick 76 Shermans and FOs and US rocket artillery out the wazzoo, and drop several batteries on the setup zone, having scouted the map in Editor, as preplanned arty. But even without knowing what agreements you made, your description of your forces doesn't sound gamey to me.

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First of all, if PzKfw is a woman (and even if not) I can see why more female players would not reveal their gender here. Man talk about geeky nerdy responses to having a player of the opposite sex. I seriously doubt any of us here are "hot", Emery's not included. His eventual loss as the President will say is tragic and when we row him out into Puget sound and set the byre and ourselves on fire I will realize just how "hot".

As to the OPs question. Can't answer you really. Hearing one side of a conversation is useless at trying to help determine how things went so wrong. I will say this, picking JPzIVs is no better than picking Sherman 76mm. They are a tough beast and the fact that JonS only included two in Bois de Baugin to face off a Sherman Company gives you some idea of their lethality. There are many factors in determining if a battle is balanced so much so that I have given up on that elusive beast. I just play to enjoy myself and if I think I am on the short end of the stick I fight it out just as a commander on the field would. You fight with what you brought to the field, not what you wish you brought. I actually enjoy feeling like I am on the short end, gives a little more desperation to the battle. What can I say, you should expect that from someone with a place for the 352nd ID in his heart.

What I would object to is not finishing the game. Part of developing a gaming partner is sharing your thoughts on the game etc as you PLAY the game. I am getting my ass handed to me in a current battle with a long time PBEM partner due to my own mistakes. I could say, hey I want to start over cause I made a stupid error. Nah that isn't me. So my field commander screwed up and my assault timing is totally botched. Now I want to see how badly and if I can retrieve the situation. I expect my opponent to do his best to obliterate my force.

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If "whiney" behavior indicated female player, then I'd say probably 80% of CM's customer base is female. Since in reality the percentage is significantly smaller than that, I put it to you that the majority of people whining and complaining about winning/losing are of the male variety. So don't bring chromosome configurations into a discussion where they don't belong.


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Your opponent is ALWAYS gamey when you loose, didnt you know that? I mean it is impossible, i mean absolutely out of the realms of possibility, that my superior tactical knowledge and abilities are beaten by anyone without using unfair measures, really. Even if i cant specify what exactely i found gamey in his behaviour or force selection, i can conclude with absolute certainity that he was beeing gamey just from the fact that i lost.

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I believe, in an earlier thread, I predicted this particular game would not finish.

To answer your question, no, I would not consider your force selection "gamey".

Advice: join a club. When you pick up opponents in this forum, it's like picking up a girl at a bar....she might not look so good in the morning. ;-)

The club I'm in has rules about finishing games. The rule is, you finish your games or you are out of the club. "Finishing" means finishing all the turns, negotiating a cease fire, or surrendering, for casual games. For tournaments, you finish all the turns, no cease fire or surrenders.

So I started a QB ME, huge map, large battle, as advertised in a thread I previously started.

My opponenent, "PzKfW", chose Germans so I chose USA. After File 021 she stopped sending turns, a couple days go by and I send a PM, "giving up already?"

She replies "Wasn't quite gamey enough for me. You know, facing a completely 76mm Sherman army with heavy arty in support. Lol. Shoulda known"

I was dismayed to hear my force selection was being called "gamey". I picked only 3 Sherman 76mm tanks, 2 Stuarts a few troop transport halftracks and an understrength Battalion of men, the battalion comes with 81mm and 60mm mortars, my so called "heavy arty".

She fielded at least 3 JPz IV tank hunters, at least 3 troop transport halftracks and 4 trucks plus an unknown amount of troops.

I started off ok, then I knocked out a JPz IV with a side shot by a Stuart and the files stopped coming.

Please, honestly tell me, was I being gamey in my picks or is "PzKfW" a whiney, sore loser that is experiencing her time of the month?

Thanks for your input,


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Thank you all that weighed in.

I am relieved to hear I was indeed not being gamey.

Doug was correct in his prediction in my other thread. I should have listened to him and joined a club.

Doug, can you reccommend a club.

Steve, my appoligies.

Now, back to a wonderful battle I am loosing vs "cjslax6".

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oh, this is something I do, is it gamey? nobody accused me, but just wondering

The German 251/1 does not have a gunner, so when a tank or vehicle of mine gets knocked out, I rescue the crew with a 251/1 and have the crew be the gunner on the HT. I thought it seems a little iffy, but is darn useful.

I dont have a "crew platoon" mount a pistol offensive or anything, just man the halftracks.

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oh, this is something I do, is it gamey? nobody accused me, but just wondering

The German 251/1 does not have a gunner, so when a tank or vehicle of mine gets knocked out, I rescue the crew with a 251/1 and have the crew be the gunner on the HT. I thought it seems a little iffy, but is darn useful.

I dont have a "crew platoon" mount a pistol offensive or anything, just man the halftracks.

Again, I don't think that's gamey either. The unhorsed crew will probably be suffering morale degradation anyway, so there's a good chance if their fire is returned that they'll hunker down "Shaken" or "Panic"ed and stop shooting. A vehicle crew would probably feel more secure aboard another vehicle than hoofing about.

Some would say that a tankless crew would, as SOP, just start beating feet for the Brigade pool to draw another mount, and that's probably a good general approximation, but I certainly wouldn't mind if they hung around for a ride on a half track. Plenty of possible reasons for that to happen.

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I agree with what womble said about vehicle crews manning the halftrack machine guns.

As for a club, well the only one I am in is this one:


Great bunch of guys. We aren't what you could call an ultra competitive "ladder" type club, but you will have no problem finding opponents for casual games and there is almost always at least one CM2 tournament going on. A number of members only play CM1, some play both CM1&2, and some (like myself) only play CM2. We are not a "wargaming" club, but a WW2 Combat Mission club , although there is an "Other Games" section of the forum for hooking up with people for other games besides CM. A few of our members play the modern era CM games also, but the club does not keep track of those games in any way.

The joining process is a bit lengthy. Basically you have to have a sponser, and play and finish a game with him before you become a member. This is to help keep out the players that don't finish games.

Like I said, we aren't a super competitive bunch, though you will find some very good players. If your tastes are more for a very competitive "ladder" type club, I believe there are other clubs that might fit the bill.

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