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Monte Cassino and Fallschirmjäger question

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Hi, I was about to buy Fortress Italy for my copy of CMBN+CW but was disappointed to find there wasn't an inclusion of the 1. Fallschirmjägerdivision so changed my mind on buying. You see my favourite scenario in the original Combat Mission I bought some years ago was always the Battle of Monte Cassino... I hoped there would be an update in the new version...

At the same time, am I right in saying we'll see Fallschirmjäger units in the upcoming Market Garden module? In other words, a possible updated Monte Cassino Battle scenario would then, finally, be playable in CMx2?

What I'm trying to ask is, but probably failing miserably at is.. will there be an official Battle of Monte Cassino scenario to buy along with the release of those elusive Fallschirmjägers in the Market Garden module?

Or is it that you are planning on adding to Fortress Italy at a later date with Monte Cassino, as a proper complete update to the Italian theatre?

Or have I got it all wrong and the original Battle of Monte Cassino scenario is already in there to play in Fortress Italy - it's just we are waiting on the Fallschirmjäger unit models to make the gameplay look a little more authentic?

Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find any real answers to this. Oh and please understand this is by no means a complaint from me at all - merely a question. No disrespect to Battlefront whatsoever; I'm a fan of you guys and like the work you've done so far and look forward to the next installment!

Thanks for the answer (hopefully?), take care and happy gaming :)

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Steve has publicly stated that there will be Fallschirmjager in the MG module. Official scenarios usually adhere to the theme of the module, so it's doubtful that any Monte Cassino scenarios will be included with the Market Garden module. I suppose it's possible that a third party Monte Cassino scenario could be created from the Market Garden module, but there may be TO&E differences between that time frame and Monte Cassino. There would also not be any New Zealanders in Market Garden.

There are no Fallschirmjager currently in CMFI as you discovered. If a future module is planned for CMFI and if that module includes Fallschirmjager, I think it's safe to assume that there is a high probability that something involving Fallschirmjager on Monte Cassino will be included.

So, if you want to command Fallschirmjager on Monte Cassino with a BFC created scenario, then you should probably wait to find out what future modules for CMFI are planned by BFC.

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It's actually impossible for Monte Cassino to be in Arnhem as the terrain isn't the same. Though, no doubt, some crazy person could make a brilliant looking scenario that could come quite close!

Not to worry, Italy is not a dead end product. We have more content planned for it, as well as more for Normandy beyond Arnhem.

FJ and Monte Cassino will grace harddrives at some point.


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Thanks very much for the info Steve and ASL Vet, I've been away from the forums for too long so I missed all the news. Hope you're all well!

Looking forward to buying Arnhem then! (just to get my mitts on those Fallschirmjägers for my own crazy Monte Cassino mod haha!)

PS: I'm sure you've already seen this, but for anyone else who's interested in adding Fallschirmjäger to your scenarios, it's definitely worth a watch:

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We have more content planned for it, as well as more for Normandy beyond Arnhem.

Hmmm, now that's an interesting bit of news. I had thought that Arnhem was planned to be the last module and the only release left for BN would be the Odds 'n' Sods pack. I suppose that could be what Steve is hinting at, but from the context it sounds more like another module. Well, maybe.


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Steve, I know this might be a silly irrelevant impertinent question but to risk it can I ask it anyway? I was just wondering where in the world you are based? I mean, for some reason I had for years thought you were American and based in Texas somewhere... don't ask me why I just had that idea... but now, your use of the word "brilliant" suggests to me that you are actually British??

EDIT: "Michael Emrys seems to have nailed it". Ad finatum hehe.

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Al Jazeera is here already. I bin watching it a lot - very interesting take on world affairs, and tons of coverage of Syrian situation. (Was surprised that no one in the ME seems to support Assad - according to AJ.)

And yes, as a "Brillaint" user, it's creeping into US films and TV a lot.

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Al Jazeera is here already. I bin watching it a lot - very interesting take on world affairs, and tons of coverage of Syrian situation. (Was surprised that no one in the ME seems to support Assad - according to AJ.)

And yes, as a "Brillaint" user, it's creeping into US films and TV a lot.

See and its already having a subliminal effect on you..... "I bin watching it a lot" is the new leader of AQIM!! Taking the place of Osama bin Laden.

What does all this have to do with Fallschirmjaegers?

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heh... funny :D

Steve, I know this might be a silly irrelevant impertinent question but to risk it can I ask it anyway? I was just wondering where in the world you are based? I mean, for some reason I had for years thought you were American and based in Texas somewhere... don't ask me why I just had that idea... but now, your use of the word "brilliant" suggests to me that you are actually British??

Nah, not British though my father-in-law is and I lived in London for 5 months or so. "Brilliant" is a catchy term, especially if you are a fan of the TV show :)

Am I in Texas? Well, last night with wind chill it was somewhere around -40F outside of my house. Without wind the other night it was -14F. At least the air temp wasn't -3F this morning like it was yesterday. That's a hint that Texas is not where I call home :D Maine is where I'm at. The rest of our crew is scattered all over the place. Virtual company and wotnot.


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How does your tank drive in -14F?:)

Can you get an off road permit for Baxter State Park for a tank? :D

Katahdin day hike was fun. The rest of the week of climbing @ 2,000+ feet or more per day was a test but still beautiful.

The consistent comment from locals was.... when I get "old" I am going to move to Florida, Arizona, or other "warm" climates.

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How does your tank drive in -14F?:)

-14 in a tank??? Good lord, a freezing coffin.

I could hear it now:

Wife: "Steve, stop playing with your tank, it's time to come in for dinner."

Steve: "Uh... on't ait or eee..."

Wife: "Don't wait for you? That wasn't a request..."

Steve: "Uhh, I an't umm inn..."

Wife: (meaner) "What do you mean, 'You can't come in'? Any why are you talking funny?"

Steve: "y ung is uck oo ee un ight."

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At least the air temp wasn't -3F this morning like it was yesterday. That's a hint that Texas is not where I call home

I wouldn't be too sure. The saying in the Texas Panhandle is that when the winter wind blows out of the north that, "There ain't nothin' between here and the north pole but a bobwarr fence!"



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How does your tank drive in -14F?:)

Can you get an off road permit for Baxter State Park for a tank? :D

No, they are pretty picky about that.

Katahdin day hike was fun. The rest of the week of climbing @ 2,000+ feet or more per day was a test but still beautiful.

We used to go for a long weekend. I found it more fun to hike a smaller mountain and then drink beer by the fire for the tired and beaten ones to come back from Katahdin. Oh wait... the park doesn't allow beer. Must have been some other park. (whistles innocently)

I wouldn't be too sure. The saying in the Texas Panhandle is that when the winter wind blows out of the north that, "There ain't nothin' between here and the north pole but a bobwarr fence!"

Good one! But there ain't nothing between me and the North Pole but a couple of trees. Plus, I can see Canada from my window (nuk-nuk-nuk!)

Now that you mention it, I wonder how Carnival is going to interfere with the company schedule this year. 2013 it takes place Feb 8-12. Plan accordingly. ;)

Skipping it this year for only the 2nd time in 14 years. $8 for a pint wasn't fun for the first few years so we figured it would be even less fun this year. Definitely going to miss it. Sorry Quebec, but inflation has consequences.


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No, they are pretty picky about that.

Don't want to scare the wildlife:confused:

We used to go for a long weekend. I found it more fun to hike a smaller mountain and then drink beer by the fire for the tired and beaten ones to come back from Katahdin. Oh wait... the park doesn't allow beer. Must have been some other park. (whistles innocently)

Whiskey at 5,267 feet tastes great... or so I am told;)

Good one! But there ain't nothing between me and the North Pole but a couple of trees. Plus, I can see Canada from my window (nuk-nuk-nuk!)

Good location for the ZED apokalupsis. You don't have Four Horses ... do you?:D

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heh... funny :D

Nah, not British though my father-in-law is and I lived in London for 5 months or so. "Brilliant" is a catchy term, especially if you are a fan of the TV show :)

Am I in Texas? Well, last night with wind chill it was somewhere around -40F outside of my house. Without wind the other night it was -14F. At least the air temp wasn't -3F this morning like it was yesterday. That's a hint that Texas is not where I call home :D Maine is where I'm at. The rest of our crew is scattered all over the place. Virtual company and wotnot.


Hm I was close then, only about 1800 miles or so out.. silly thing for me to say too because I said "you guys" and here's me the Englishman in the outskirts of London so I'm the classic hypocrite right here.. a bit like Prof. Stephen Hawking talking in an American accent...

I'm not sure which TV show you mean but I can't think of the word "brrrrilliant" without thinking of a certain person... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UezPt7SjMsY

Anyway I digress, I just wanted to say that I just bought Fortress Italy and the CMv2.0 upgrade to show my support! Honestly Steve, I don't know how you manage to put up with the nay-sayers who moan it's too expensive... I'm sure they haven't thought it through properly. I mean, with less PC games around these days actually worth buying, it all works out about the same when compared with say 15 years ago when we used to buy a whole load of good PC games per year, that when added together, actually cost more! It's the same thing with people who say Steel Beasts Pro PE is too much... well it isn't expensive for those of us who are buying only one, two maybe three PC games per year at most now because we aren't buying the mountain of rubbish games churned out by the big publishers!

Cheers and keep warm :)


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