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Predictions for 2013

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I posted a week or two ago my guesstimated release schedule for 2013. However, now based on information from Steve over the last few days I would like to slightly modify my list of BF products to be released in 2013.

1st Qtr 13 - CM:BN 2.0 Market Garden module

2nd Qtr 13 - CM:MW (Modern Warfare) v2.0 base game.

3rd Qtr 13 - CM:FI 2.0 (Brits in Sicily) Module

4th Qtr 13 - CM:EF (East Front) v3.0 engine!! base game.

Ok this is my prediction for gaming goodness in 2013 ... Anyone else want to look into the future and make a prognostication?

Beta testers, you can sit this one out on the sidelines, wouldn't want you to injure your NDA's. ;)

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Is CMEF going to be using the version 3 engine? I thought it would come out before.

Anway my dream..

1st Qtr MG

1st Qtr a CMFI module

2nd Qtr CMBN final module

3rd Qtr CM EF

4th Qtr Version 3 update

4th Qtr CM SF2

Maybe even a Italy mainland game at some point, but thats pushing it.

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OK ... here goes:

1st Qtr 13 - CM:BN 2.0 Market Garden module

2nd Qtr 13 - CM:FI 2.0 (Brits in Sicily) Module

3rd Qtr 13 - CM:MW (Modern Warfare) v3.0 engine!! base game.

4th Qtr 13 - CM:BB (Bulge) v3.0 engine base game.

However, I think they might only get to the 3rd point ... I bet they are trying to schedule the Bulge release for a Dec 16th release ... but that might be too ambitious.

I think Eastern Front will be the main event in '14. (together with expansions for Bulge and Modern Warfare)

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I hope the CMFI 2.0 isn't just "Brits in Sicily" but a module that sends CMFI to the Italian mainland (i.e, adds CW troops, German fallschirmjager, and the standard 1943 TO&E vehicles that were left out of Operation Husky like M-10 TDs). With that you could do anything in Sicily, plus ops on the Boot (Salerno, Anzio, Cassino).

Me too..but I'd be surprised ..we haven't been told the release schedule for CMFI. I'm sure the next module will finish of Sicily. The we get a new base game set on the mainland..I'm waiting for Monte Casino...Or we may get the whole of Italy in CMFI and say three modules..which would be cool. As Italy isn't a major theater as such I can't see them making loads of base games and modules for it. I do want to fight at Anzio and Monte Casino (Monte Casino being one of THE major battles the Brits where in in WW2, we would also need Polish troops and other commonwealth troops aswell oh and a Spike Milligan soldier). As it's really on that battle as such I'm interested in I don't know whether I will need the CMFI game out now as it will be a module or there will be new base games coming out.

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...Anzio and Monte Casino...really on that battle as such I'm interested in I don't know whether I will need the CMFI game out now as it will be a module or there will be new base games coming out.

I think it's pretty clear that all of Italy will be modules for FI, so you'll need FI to play whatever module covers those battles, which will probably be the CW one, which ISTR Steve said would be next (in the FI family, at least).

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Well thats good to know.

Not sure why so many think EF wont happen next year..on my FB page a couple of CMBN players said I was being optimistic EF will be out next year. I really think it will be and SF2 or MW as some call it will come out later than EF and may well be 2014.

EF was announced for next year aswell as other things so I'm sure if they feel they can get out other modules aswell as EF it should happen, as I expect they really want EF out ASAP.

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OK ... here goes:

1st Qtr 13 - CM:BN 2.0 Market Garden module

2nd Qtr 13 - CM:FI 2.0 (Brits in Sicily) Module

3rd Qtr 13 - CM:MW (Modern Warfare) v3.0 engine!! base game.

4th Qtr 13 - CM:BB (Bulge) v3.0 engine base game.

However, I think they might only get to the 3rd point ... I bet they are trying to schedule the Bulge release for a Dec 16th release ... but that might be too ambitious.

I think Eastern Front will be the main event in '14. (together with expansions for Bulge and Modern Warfare)

We will see EF before Bulge and MW I think. I doubt the Bulge game will be out next year and MW will def be behind EF on the scale of importance for release. As EF has been announced for next year and I don't think the Bulge has then it will be the other way around to what your saying.

Look at your order your say they can only get otu 2 modules in one half of the year yet two base games in the second half..EF will be the main base game next year i reckon..or I hope and if they get two out then I'm hoping SF2 over Bulge (yawn)

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I bet they are trying to schedule the Bulge release for a Dec 16th release

Yes, I would very much like a new title for my birthday. :D But I do prefer the Eastern Front, so if you dont mind I´ll put that on top of my wish list.

And anyway: Why not hold the Bulge game until the 70th anniversary - in 2014?

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Hi Wooden,

I hope you are correct! SF2 and EF are the two base modules that myself (and I'm sure the majority of us) are looking forward to the most!

It was just a post that I saw from Steve a few days ago (can't seem to find it now to quote it) ... in it he mentioned that SF2 could very well be a '13 release. And since the "Road Ahead" showed that the Bulge would be released before EF, I used that information to make my prediction.

HOWEVER, one thing for sure is to expect the unexpected! Also, I have a feeling that team BF will work really, really, really hard to nail down all of the details for both the SF2 and EF releases .... that's why I think it will be pretty hard to release both of those titles in '13. ... but man, I hope I'm wrong!!

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Were there not going to be "Packs" as well. - small add ons that only add some new equipment or some such. I would think that as they had mentioned them earlier this year, we would at least see one in 2013.

Or was the 2.0 upgrade also considered a "pack"?

As far as these packs go, does anyone even know what could possibly be in one? Maybe they could tie it in with the ability to pick a specific unit/uniform in QBs and add one for specific formations providing they also added some new equipment.

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Will Bagration have snow?

I believe (I'm not sure) Bagraton basegame starts July and goes through - I dunno, October? Maybe. No snow in July-Oct. I've lobbied in the past for BFC to consider starting their modern war title in winter for no other reason than it would be soooo coool. I'm not exactly known for getting them to see things my way on these issues though. :)

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I doubt even BFC knows exactly what will be released in 2013.

My guess, and that's all it is:

(1) Market Garden (safe bet)

(2) 1st CMFI module

(3) Something "Modern" (I won't buy)

If the 1st East Front game and/or 3.0 make it out in 2013, that would be a welcome bonus. Prepare to hear more whining, however, as we are charged $10 each to upgrade CMBN & CMFI. ;-)

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Doug listen I'm not into modern warfare..but ended up buying CMSF a couple of years after release..I couldn't believe how much i enjoyed it, enough to buy the marine module and then the brit module when that came out, which has been my favourite edition to the whole CMX2 series (Brit module that is).

The CMBN came out and I thought right bye bye CMSF WW2 is here, and you know what I really started to miss all those modern toys! I never,ever thought I'd say this and I still wouldn't of I hadn't have played CMSF, I'm looking forward to SF2 as much as the east front!! The East front beign THE CM game I always want.

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I hope that in CM:Eastern Front the german supply will contain HEAT rounds for their Pz IV F,G,H and such. Thinking of the T 34s sloped armor, using a round that ist prone to riccochtes is probably an important tactical considration.

BTW you should try the german Stummel Sdkfz in the defensive AT role, if you havent done so already. At short to medium ranges (you need a first hit on the target, given the Stummels absence of armor) the 8 HEAT rounds of its 75mm gun will kill most allied tanks (86mm penetration). I use it in ambushs when defending a lot, one time i had a Stummel kill at 5 advancing Shemans/Stuarts through a hole in the bocage before it had to retreat due to having used up all its AT ammo.

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I doubt even BFC knows exactly what will be released in 2013.

Oh, you can bet they already know what they plan on releasing in 2013 and they made that plan based on what they know they can get accomplish.

The farther down the road we get with CMx2 the better they will get at making those plans but CMx2 is > 2 years old and I'm not counting CMSF ;) so I'm sure they are getting pretty accurate in their planning.

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