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Some comtemplative words

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People, I'm very glad that the pixeltruppen, how annoyingly good their AI-defense capabilities already are, do not have the same defensive forces at their disposal as the people from Battlefront.

There really cannot be one hint of frustration with, or criticism at, any given Battlefront-thingy, may it even be small or insignificant, or someone (or a whole lot of someones) react like they've been personally attacked. More often than not forummembers that, as far as I know, do not have any professional of bloodrelated connection with the Battlefrontboys.

An example;

I couldn't get my v2.0 activated and as a result I couldn't play CMBN and CW at all. I posted my expierence on the thread"how to loose a customer" and surely enough, by stating my frustration in a decent way, the comments were from "you are whining" to "Why state this on the forum, you should go to battlefrontsupport". Like I hadn't allready e-mailed the latter.

I think there is a little lack of empathy here, because imagine this:

Suppose there is this really beautiful women and she (yes, I know, hardly believable) wants to have raucous sex with you. The only restricition is that she wants you to use a condom. You don't have one on you, but she does, and she gives it to you. And then what happens?

YOU CANNOT OPEN THE WRAPPING! It won't open! Whatever you do, you cannot get to the #$@*^ condom!!!

I bet any man can understand that a little frustration is in order here. And it's exactly how I felt when I couldn't get my v2.0 activated. so it would be nice if there could be a little more consideration when people(ME!) have to deal with those kind of traumatic expierences.

A lot of people don't seem to understand that the on the forum vented complaints and frustrations and criticisms are, in some twisted way, signs of appreciation of Battlefronts work!

Great works of art always provoke huge controversies. Crap doesn't. So people, try to be kind to us "whiners".

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It was not your problem I had little empathy for... it was your presentation of the problem...

ie.. 'how to lose a customer...'

I might say another appropriate title would have been - 'How to lose empathy from fellow fans of the game'

Eh, it wasn't my thread. Someone else started and named it.

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While I can certainly understand your frustration and what you see as the lack of empathy, but think about it this way for a moment. Supposing you are watching a great movie and your cable service goes out. Would you then step outside your door and scream to the world "My f**kin cable service is down again you heartless bastards!!". Or to use your example I suspect you wouldn't scream out the window "god damn I just want to screw my this woman, why can't anyone make an easy open condom package!!!" However that is exactly what you are doing when you just blast your frustrations out on the public forum. It really isn't the appropriate venue for it.

I suspect what you are experiencing is actually the frustration many of us have with the way our world has become a wide open venue for people to voice stuff to a far wider audience than it deserves. Consider it to be negative feedback from those of us heartily sick of the TWITter/Facebook generation.

There is a place and a time to vent your frustration and it isn't to the entire world. Word of advice from my own experience is go ahead and write the note - writing in itself can help you vent- but think really hard about the submit button. I can't tell you how many comments I have written and then taken a moment to look at and decided - that is friggin stupid, no one needs to hear my opinion on this especially as it isn't adding to the conversation. I should probably do that more often, but then you might never hear from me...though I am sure some folks are thinking right now +1!! Shut the f**k up sburke!! :P

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And... this would be why it's better to post in tech support, and file a help desk ticket. In tech support you're much more likely to find folks having similar problems who may be more sympathetic. Out here you're turning your problem into a topic for more general discussion, and that's going to lead to all kinds of fairly useless places.

We will get to your ticket if we haven't already. Please understand that immediately post-release there are a lot of tickets to go through.

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Seedorf, look how the boss, Steve,posts. Can you expect the fanboys to be any different? This forum has a reputation for this nonsense. You have to learn to accept these morons. They come with the turf.

sigh - and it has nothing to do with the way the folks who like to use expressions like "fanboy" express themselves does it? No, not at all. Those guys would never ever have been responsible for setting the tone of a discussion would they? Never would they create controversy through things like inflammatory subject lines, contradictory blanket statements, calling into question BF's ethics because they might actually like to get paid.. No way, not any of that EVER happens. Those guys are pure as the driven snow, always courteous, always giving the benefit of the doubt. Why they are paragons of decency in a world sliding into decadence!

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And... this would be why it's better to post in tech support, and file a help desk ticket. In tech support you're much more likely to find folks having similar problems who may be more sympathetic. Out here you're turning your problem into a topic for more general discussion, and that's going to lead to all kinds of fairly useless places.

We will get to your ticket if we haven't already. Please understand that immediately post-release there are a lot of tickets to go through.

Yeah Phil, the problem is fixed, I can play. (That is, if I'm back from the graveyardshift I've got to work tonight.)

My reason for stating the activationproblem on the forum was to see whether other members had a similar experience. There's an immense amount of knowledge on the forum and sometimes it pays off to post a problem there.

And I understand that the forum shouldn't "lead to all kinds of fairly useless places", but I think it's also fair to say that every forummember had a different understanding of what he thinks is "useless".

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I'm not sure what Seedor81's technical issue was but, it seems to me that a lot of Tech support issues could have been avoided if the 3 following things had been done with the latest round of patch & upgrade:

1. Have the upgrade verify that patch 1.11 was installed before proceeding.

2. Either have the patch & upgrade check to see if there is any data inside the Z folder or, at the least, pop up a message warning that mods should be uninstalled before proceeding [with a yes/no option to proceed]. I know that people should read the readme before executing these but the fact is a lot of people don't and it leads to a lot of people posting "Issues with patch" threads.

3. Change the wording on the license/key input screen. First we need a "download key" to get the upgrade, then when installing we need a license number to activate the software. It took me a little searching figure out that the two things are one and the same. If you just change the wording to match what is in the email, then you've solved the problem.

Thanks, Cheers, and Thanks to the whole BFC team for a wonder game.

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Sorry, but fanboy is the only adjective I can think of for some of the regular posters. If the game had the sun rising in the west, there would be some posters saying how it is "realistic" and could happen on the battlefield.:)

The usual load of horse fertilizer :D Sure, there are SOME people here who are overly imaginative when someone posts a problem. There are also people with a chip on their shoulder and a hair across their arses when anybody says anything positive about the game, us, or the Forum. As if it is impossible to be both objective AND like the game. I find they are the ones most likely to use the term "fanboy".

This forum is full of anything but "fanboys" as you define it. It is full of "fans", which if you haven't noticed are not afraid to point out things they don't like or feel are wrong. Which is logical since why would anybody waste their time posting to a game forum about a game they don't like and don't want to see even better in the future??


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Yeah Phil, the problem is fixed, I can play. (That is, if I'm back from the graveyardshift I've got to work tonight.)


My reason for stating the activationproblem on the forum was to see whether other members had a similar experience. There's an immense amount of knowledge on the forum and sometimes it pays off to post a problem there.

And I understand that the forum shouldn't "lead to all kinds of fairly useless places", but I think it's also fair to say that every forummember had a different understanding of what he thinks is "useless".

I'd like to clarify. You should definitely state the problem in public, but state the problem on the "CM Normandy Tech Support" forum for this product. You're much more likely to get useful responses from fellow players there. "To see whether other members had a similar experience" is what the tech support forum is for when it comes to issues like this.

And I was saying that posting in the game's discussion forum, rather than the game's tech support forum, would lead to a whole lot of uselessness. That's much less likely if you post in CMBN's tech support forum.

Long story short, post to this forum:


With tech support issues, and you're much more likely to get a useful response from other players.

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If the game had the sun rising in the west, there would be some posters saying how it is "realistic" and could happen on the battlefield.:)

You're being silly now. Yeah, we get our share of crazies, but you're just making things up now. A lot of things happen in a war, and we shouldn't be surprised if they turn up now and then in a simulation attempting to depict that war. That does not amount to giving BFC a blank check to throw in any nonsense that crosses their mind. I bit that if you were to follow the posting careers of all those you describe as "fanboys" you would find them freely criticizing some point in the game that strikes them as highly improbable. But I bet you'd rather just stand back and sneer.


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You're being silly now. Yeah, we get our share of crazies, but you're just making things up now. A lot of things happen in a war, and we shouldn't be surprised if they turn up now and then in a simulation attempting to depict that war. That does not amount to giving BFC a blank check to throw in any nonsense that crosses their mind. I bit that if you were to follow the posting careers of all those you describe as "fanboys" you would find them freely criticizing some point in the game that strikes them as highly improbable. But I bet you'd rather just stand back and sneer.


I'll just go with JRMC1879's post on this point.

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