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Debating buying NATO module or 3-in-1 bundle

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I had my doubts about CMSF but at 15 bucks I decided to complete my CMx2 collection and give it a whirl, and I'm enjoying it - it's a nice change of pace from WW2 and even the Soviet-Afghan War. I'm thinking about buying one or all of the modules - I'm only really interested in the NATO module (for the Canadians; quelle surprise), but I'm wondering if I should spring for the bundle instead. Any thoughts? Are there any must-have mods or scenarios/campaigns that require the other two modules?

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Each module has its own scenarios and campaigns that are NOT dependent on having any other module (just the base game). There are user-created scenarios that will depend on

I think if you have been interested so far, then the 3-in-1 bundle is probably a good idea. The Marines module adds to the Syrian TO&E:

T-90SA Tank


BRDM-2 (AT-5)

And some additional Syrian AT weapons:


RPG-7D3 (airborne version of the RPG-7V)

The British Forces module doesn't add to the Syrian equipment list to my knowledge, but the British Forces are quite different from the Americans, which makes playing them significantly different tactical challenge according to many owners.

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I can quite honestly say that I've enjoyed all of the mods at one point or another along the route to FINALLY getting to the Cdns. In the interim I was using USMC armoured trucks, LAvs, and UK patrol vehs to try to simulate Nyalas and such for our troops. You can tell where my loyalties lie too I'm sure.

There are some killer UK scenarios for light infantry out there in the repository if that's up your alley. Argo Valley for one:


I really like the idea of eventually playing a mixed bag of Cdns supported by other allied forces. Given the CMSF overall scenario, or a home made WW 3 scenario, having our troops supported by US, USMC, Germans, or Dutch elements only make sense.

That said, check your budget. I figure if you get an hour worth of gaming for every dollar you spend you've got a heck of a deal. Mine's paid me back a long time ago.

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Thanks for the feedback, guys. I decided to give myself an early Christmas present and go for the bundle... what the hey, forty dollars isn't gonna break the bank, right?

well considering you could probably cancel your cable tv as you won't have time for that, you might actually end up with money in the bank :P

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well considering you could probably cancel your cable tv as you won't have time for that, you might actually end up with money in the bank

Ha, well, I don't have cable, so I'll have to cut costs some other way... I could quit smoking, but I always feel like a puff after a victory (or a defeat!) :P Nasty habit, it is.

I wouldn't jump in and start playing the Canadian campaign until you've had a bit of experience playing with these forces. The Khabour Trail campaign was designed to be quite challenging ;)

Too late :cool: I'm off to a good start though. I cut my CM teeth on The Scottish Corridor in Normandy, so far it seems like a piece of cake in comparison - but I'm only on the second mission, I guess the challenging parts come later.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm no Brit, and I've read it's been said many times but WTF is wrong with their equipment, or is what CMSF models already outdated? The troop carriers seem to have 7.62mm machine gun at best without a remote weapon station. The scimitars only have a limited amount of HE ammo... are they supposed to take on tanks with all those AP shells? Even the Challengers have a few HE shells less than Leo2s and Abrams. Compared to US army's lollipop Javelins or the Marines' grenade galore this is really pathetic... pathetic!!:eek: I'm about to start the highlander games campaign and my confidence level is not very high atm...

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Yep get the bundle, if for no other reason than for the force pick options. I can't remember the exact nuances but for instance the Brit Module also includes the US Light Infantry units, the NATO module gives you useful things like Syrian Trucks and the Syrian Airborne.

With reference to the British equipment, I did the research for the Brit TO&Es as well as knocked together a couple of the campaign missions and this thing with Scimitar loadout has cropped up before. All of the loadouts came from the relevant in-service pamphlets of the time so they are bang on accurate. They may suck but they pass muster against 'Grog' scrutiny.

I agree wholeheartedly with Paper Tiger's comments about the Canadian Campaign - I still haven't nailed the first mission in that campaign (after about 4 attempts)!!! Paper Tiger came on board for the NATO module and the quality of his work is easy to appreciate.

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Really, the best part of the modules isn't the new 'stuff' but the new scenarios and campaigns. The 'lessons learned' on scenario design just went-up-up-up with each added module. So even if you're luke-warm on NATO 'stuff' remember there's 20+ top notch scenarios to be had, too.

About Brits, a lot of people prefer playing Brits because the play balance is more even against the Syrians. A Marine Squad is the 400 pound gorilla in a battle, winning the same battle with a Brit infantry section takes some real talent. :)

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Usually, the Brits have heavy arty to even things out. It takes a lot more patience playing Brits as the ground and enemy has to be "prepped" properly b4 your send your chaps "over the top". That can mean spending half to 3/4 of the game doing little but recon to spot enemy ATGM's etc. and arty bombardment to kill em.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't NATO impeded with a bug with lack of infantry AT or sumfink still awaiting patch. Missing AT launchers IIRC ??

And in CMSF stock campaign again a bug that made a certain battle crash / impassable / unloadable ??

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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't NATO impeded with a bug with lack of infantry AT or sumfink still awaiting patch. Missing AT launchers IIRC ??

And in CMSF stock campaign again a bug that made a certain battle crash / impassable / unloadable ??

I've yet come to the NATOs... But vaguely remember reading one of the patch notes that missing ATs were added back. Have indeed finished both Army and Marines campaign tho, they went without trouble. Again mayhaps it was in one of the scenarios where you failed the prev one, which I didn't... all I know atm.

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