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When science has theory, then it creates facts

If that's what you actually think then either:

1) you don't believe in science, despite your protestations

2) you're doing it wrong

I wasn't going to post this, but since you keep banging the crazy drum here's something for you to ponder:

The first thing I thought when you said three (or was it four?) of your workmates had seen UFOs was "well, of course they have. You're in Kentucky." Being at crazytown ground-zero and being told crazy things? Yeah, that's pretty much expected.

Throughout history

every mystery

ever solved

has turned out to be

not magic

There are limitless mysteries in this universe of ours. Most of them we have no friggin idea about. But that's no reason to invoke magic. Science doesn't deny wonder, it embraces it with open arms. I look at a rainbow and even knowing exactly how it's formed I think, "that's ****ing beautiful." But I don't immediately follow that up by heading off to look for a pot of gold. I wake up on Christmas morning full of excitement, even though I know some fat bastard didn't break in overnight and steal my booze.

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I have to say that most of the time Jon is a generous and kind friend. I know this from personal experience. Plus he is one of those who have worked like a dog to bring CM to us in its present form.


It is also true that he does not suffer gladly those whom he considers to be fools, and he can be quick on the trigger to put them into that category. I suspect he also feels a moral obligation to go "sergeant major" in such situations to "straighten" the miscreant out. I look forward to the day when he hears the advice of the I Ching: "One should keep one's own council without dragging others censoriously into the light."


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Slysniper/Storm what do you believe is plausible in the following:

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) & the Silver Legion, in a joint covert operation, on the night of May 19-20, just past the Kuiper Belt, 15 degrees above the ecliptic, in the direction of Alpha Centauri, successfully penetrated the defensive grid of a combined Draco strike force vessel, “channeled” avatar transmitter, and prison for an unknown number of souls (think Borg cube as to size and appearance), blowing up 100,000 elite Draco warriors of the negative ETs/EDs, while a 90 strong Reptoid Dreadnaught force was distracted by a cleverly planned attack demonstration. 70 Reptoid vessels were destroyed, 19 fled, and 1, the Reptoid flagship, was captured. In the confusion the assault generated, operatives were able to take down the defensive grid of the main target, beam in, kill critical personnel, plant bombs and exit. This is per Silver Legion’s ground contingent and sources within the ETs/EDs of the Liberation Forces. Forces involved were SpecOps (Special Operations) units from their respective groups. A powerful telescope located in the Northern Hemisphere could’ve seen the explosion.

And would you pay to find out more?

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When my site is back up, following yet another government grade attack (reportedly NSA), I invite you and everyone here to read my post on the UFO that recently landed in broad daylight at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago and was carried off by the government to Area 51. I have a high resolution color photo of it sitting behind its security cordon at an Illinois truck stop, as well as video of it. This is believed to be the first time a UFO recovered has actually been imaged, let alone surveilled continuously while en route to Area 51 for analysis. The government mounted quite a disinformation effort to convince the gullible, by showing us the somewhat similar X-47B, which is itself derived from technology seized in UFO crash recoveries.

As for paying, I make that information available for free to anyone who comes to my site. Many sites won't even let you do more than look at a list of posts. Some will give you a squib. Perhaps you'd be better off reading the SEAL Team Six Stuff and some of what I've written on the black programs?


John Kettler

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I have to say that most of the time Jon is a generous and kind friend. I know this from personal experience. Plus he is one of those who have worked like a dog to bring CM to us in its present form.

Hear frickin hear.

Many people probably don't know this, but JonS does a TON of work, and a huge positive influence besides, behind the scenes to make this game as enjoyable as it is, all without pay or recognition other than a name in the credits. And he is no suck-up either when he thinks something is wrong. Just ask Steve. :D


It is also true that he does not suffer gladly those whom he considers to be fools, and he can be quick on the trigger to put them into that category. I suspect he also feels a moral obligation to go "sergeant major" in such situations to "straighten" the miscreant out. I look forward to the day when he hears the advice of the I Ching: "One should keep one's own council without dragging others censoriously into the light."


While something might be said about the tone of some of the responses ( ;) ), soft-headed thinking and horribly faulty critical thinking are an intellectual poison and should be challenged wherever they are presented. It isn't likely to convince the offending party in question (at least not in the short term), but for the impressionable onlookers it is important.

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Slysniper/Storm what do you believe is plausible in the following:

And would you pay to find out more?

I am afraid that it is only science fiction, and not good science fiction. since he talks and writes in a way that leads the reader to no conclusions and gives no definition of terms that no one knows except for him. But for him I beleive he does think all this is true.

It does not mean I need to try to change his view just because my present logic tells me these things are not part of what I concider to be reality.

But if tomorrow a UFO was revealed to all of us here on earth (shown to the public, then most of us would need to adjust what we consider to be true very quickly ) I just am not going to close my mind to at least the possibility that things could be going on out there that we are clueless about as to if it really exist.

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If you read one post in vacuo you're likely to come to one conclusion; if you start reading the posts on ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) in ascending order, wade through the very info dense FAQ and see what others are reporting, then you might change your views considerably. I happen to like science fiction, but what I've learned is that reality is infinitely stranger and more complex. I would NOT want to be a science fiction writer these days!

That list I gave of UFO books is of those with thorough documentation of their contents, to include government disgorgements via FOIA suits, direct testimony of numerous eyewitnesses, technical analyses of UFO documents and the means of producing them, the results of trawls through presidential libraries and the National Archives, radar reports, pilot reports, both military and civilian, declassified documents and much more.


John Kettler

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I don't want to critizice you, as you seem to be one of the very few here, that is not full of ignorance and confusing established knowledge with truth or, on the other hand, believe with facts, but you have touched certain aspects about science, that should be clarified:

Problem is, I might have a little of Storm in me, but I do beleive science and the methods in which it works.

Which are:






Every thesis that claims to be scientific, must follow these methods.

BUT if someone claims certain things, that go beyond the personal perception or feelings, like the existence of a certain species, or a new form of energy, then we have the above methodology to check it.

And here comes the problem John Kettler has: he claims facts, but he does not use the empiric-scientific methodology to support the claims.

But then we are no longer in the sphere of objective knowledge, if i must believe him and cannot check his claims: believe it or not. Which is not bad at all, but then it must be seen as that and NOT being confused as fact or even as proven.

Here comes also a very human behaviour into play: We tend to believe, what we want to believe. The above knowledge about how science works, can help us to question our own position: ok, i want to believe that the SS had a Haunebu, but are there hard facts for this claim? What facts are presented in the books claiming it? The author claims to know that it was real? Fine! But then he at least must have understood the energy concept of the motor, because without the working motor it can't fly. And if he know this motor works, then he must have seen it running. He should be able to REPRODUCE the effect or at least give enigneers informations to work with.

Nicola Tesla had found the use of free energy or the lossless transportation of energy? Interesting! Show me the motor. You can't show me a working aparatus? Fine! Explain the mechanism or the theory in detail to me.

It's the same with the claims about a foreign species or UFOs.

Why shouldn't be out there ETs, if in South America we can admire huge kilometer wide sized pictures drawn on the ground, if we cannot explain, how they could have been drawn hundreds of years ago? Kilometre long, perfectly streight lines? They can't explain how it was done, but they "know" there were no flying objects in the air? They cannot explain why they were painted, but the only place to see them, from high above, is out of their equation? Not really logical.

Humans tend to think binary. Who's not my friend is my enemy. What is not right is wrong. That's a perfect system for survival. And also for science. ;) But it also tricks most of us into the category of either believers or deniers.

For example those who are attacking John Kettler for his opinion, are also binary thinkers but on the other side. They think they know he is crazy, although there are open questions they also cannot answer. But do they recognize the open questions? No! They are not sceptics, they are ignorants.

As a sceptic i find it fascinating to watch the battles between ignorants and believers and no side being capable for an objective view.

Thing is, when science has facts it is a method that comes to correct conclusions. When science has theory, then it creates facts that might not be totally correct, only correct for the present time.

It is important to understand that ALL SCIENCE IS THEORY. As you can see, one aspect of science is FALSIFIABILITY. Everything that is proven to be working, can inherently be proven wrong.

The working laptop in front of you is working because of a working THEORY. But one day this theory can even be proven wrong. This doesn't mean that the laptop wouldn't work anymore, but it could be possible, that what we believed to be the reality of it's inner workings, the maxwell equations, maybe was only a small and very special part of a much greater reality.

Therefore it's a complete miracle for me how people can believe that UFOs were fantasy, if there are so many unanswered questions.

So basing ones life on what science only has proven, is not living a full life for me anyway.

Very, very important!

People argueing that way in fact are very narrow minded. They haven't noticed that science can't even proove love. Feelings. Emotions. That 1 people + 1 people IS NOT 2 people, although Marxism is claiming so. What makes life worth living is outside of the scientific sphere.

Whoever is building his view of the world on science, or what is presented to him by MSM as "scientific knowledge", is also living under the false assumption, that science, scienctific theories, were something absolute and once discovered being eternal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Scientific theories are coming and going more often than religions...

Ignorance is NOT a bliss.

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Therefore it's a complete miracle for me how people can believe that UFOs were fantasy, if there are so many unanswered questions.

And you were doing so well before you fell flat on your face here.

Straw man argument. No one to my knowledge, in this thread, has claimed that UFOs and that other rot are impossible. They've asserted that, given the evidence available, no such thing is happening. HUGE, MASSIVE difference that you should be able to grasp, because it's that sciency thing you JUST explained. :D Given new, real evidence, people would change theirs minds to fit the available evidence. Ya know, kinda like how science works. The current excuse for evidence of this stuff doesn't cut it. If we had that low of a bar for evidence and made that many excuses for other physical facets of our lives we'd still be in the middle ages burning witches and performing exorcisms. I'm sure people like Kettler would be doing VERY well for themselves though.

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When my site is back up, (I haven't been able to pay for CMBN yet much less my utility bill), I invite you and everyone here to read my post on the UFO that recently landed in broad daylight at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago but had not applied for gate fees and was immediately told to piss off by the FAA. I have a high resolution color photo of it sitting behind its security cordon at an Illinois truck stop, as well as video of it and yet somehow with all my high tech reptoid crap I can't seem to figure out how to f**kin post to photof**kin bucket. Why would the gov't stop at an Illinois truck stop? I mean after all you'd think they could cross the state line at least on the way to area 51 w/o a pee break right? Well it was part of a hunt for shrimp curry. This is not believed to be the first time a UFO freak has been unable to perform even the most basic technical tasks while claiming to be connected to folks with technology thousands of years advanced over ours. (Insert blog link here) has mounted quite a disinformation effort to convince the gullible to contribute their hard earned savings by showing us the somewhat similar X-47B, while claiming to be recovering from gov't sponsored crashes cause we can't pay attention while we f**kin drive.

As for paying, I make that information available for free to anyone who comes to my site. Why don't I just post it publicly so you don't have to come to my site? Well umm I uh .. well.. I would but the umm gov't or the umm aliens....umm. The point is many sites won't even let you do more than look at a list of posts. Some will give you a squib. Perhaps you'd be better off reading the SEAL Team Six Stuff and some of what I've written on the black programs? For a small fee of course.


John Kettler

there fixed that for ya!

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They think they know [Kettler] is crazy, although there are open questions they also cannot answer.

For starters, I don't think Kettler is crazy. I think he's a lying scammer.

Secondly, the link between the first and seond part of that sentence is - being polite - tenuous.

But do they recognize the open questions? No! They are not sceptics, they are ignorants.

Oh. Well, there you go then. All wrapped up in a tidy little bundle.

Wait ... no it isn't, because that's utter nonsense. I recognise that pretty much everything is an open question. Gravity, for cripes sake, is "only" a theory. But declining to invoke Magic! whenever I'm confronted by somthing I don't understand is not being ignorant, or narrow minded. It's being open minded. "I don't know" is a perfectly valid answer. So is "I don't know, but your explanation is BS because it relies on magic."

As Minchin rhymed (referring particularly to homeopathy, but equally applicable to UFOs, or anything else "mysterious"):

If you show me

That, say, homeopathy works,

Then I will change my mind

I'll spin on a ****ing dime

I'll be embarrassed as hell,

But I will run through the streets yelling

It's a miracle! Take physics and bin it!

Water has memory!

And while it's memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is Infinite

It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!

You show me that it works and how it works

And when I've recovered from the shock

I will take a compass and carve Fancy That on the side of my cock.

Ignorance is NOT a bliss.

No, but I don't think you quite get the irony of using that phrase in this context.

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You know I started wondering why the Aliens just don't land and announce themselves. Surely with technology so advanced over ours they could easily handle our petty security forces and make sure they get their presence known. Then I started thinking about WHERE they would land and I began to think, maybe JK and co. are on to something.. No wait a minute now, think about this.

San Francisco - We'd all think we were having a flashback, mutter oh cool, then go sit watching the colored lights.

LA- they'd simply get stuck in traffic and at best make a traffic report about congestion on the I5

NY- They'd be up on cinder blocks and stripped in 20 minutes

Wash DC - yeah who'd believe anything that happens there?

Miami - You'd just have a mass die off from heart attacks at some retirement community and there'd be no one left to report their landing.

Texas (and probably anywhere south of the border) mmm gator... Heck I've eaten Gator in Texas

Louisiana. hmm they might make a special episode of swamp people..

Other countries?

London - no way in hell the Olympic committee would allow them to park

Paris - forget it unless they speak French, the French wouldn't want any alien words polluting their language.

Spain, Italy , Greece - they'd try to steal it, pawn it and pay off their national debt

Germany- they'd try to steal it pawn it and pay off Greece's debt

Russia - only if they are willing to be filmed wrestling Putin, and they have to agree to lose.

Middle East - the appearance of anything that isn't belonging obviously to anyone would just kick off the real shooting war

India if they are too close to the Pakistani border same problem, if they land elsewhere and discover they can offshore all their IT support we may never hear from them at all

China- they'll steal it and make copies.

Australia - Reptile , Crocodile Dundee - need I say more

Japan - The reptoid word for "greetings earthingly" probably sounds like Godzilla

N Korea - hmm maybe they HAVE landed

So maybe the aliens are simply scratching their heads trying to figure out where on this godforsaken planet can they even land?

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And you were doing so well before you fell flat on your face here.

Straw man argument. No one to my knowledge, in this thread, has claimed that UFOs and that other rot are impossible.

Was Kettler not attacked even as mentally ill because of believing in it?

They've asserted that, given the evidence available, no such thing is happening. HUGE, MASSIVE difference that you should be able to grasp, because it's that sciency thing you JUST explained. :D

The binary thinking doesn't let you escape, does it? It's a qualitative difference, if someone says there are no UFOs, because there is no evidence i know about, or if someone says there are UFOs, i know it, or if someone says, there are many observations also from pilots and other trained personal to judge rationally, maybe there are UFOs.

I'm sure you can spot the difference between these positions:

NO, because no evidence!

YES, i know it!

Possible. Show me the facts.

Given new, real evidence, people would change theirs minds to fit the available evidence. Ya know, kinda like how science works.

As far as i have read the thread, there was only one who has asked John about facts, while the rest already knew everything since the discussion started.

The current excuse for evidence of this stuff doesn't cut it. If we had that low of a bar for evidence and made that many excuses for other physical facets of our lives we'd still be in the middle ages burning witches and performing exorcisms.

What about the official story of 9/11? Melting steel with kerosine? How about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Or climate change?



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Wait ... no it isn't, because that's utter nonsense. I recognise that pretty much everything is an open question. Gravity, for cripes sake, is "only" a theory.

JonS, why are you opening your mouth that wide, if you don't even have understood the principle of falsification?

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Here's the thing I love, when it comes down to it who really has the closed mind? Was it Galileo for believeing only what he could observe and prove or the Papacy for believeing in what one had to have faith to believe.

Oh yeah and umm, who was actually right?

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Here's the thing I love, when it comes down to it who really has the closed mind? Was it Galileo for believeing only what he could observe and prove or the Papacy for believeing in what one had to have faith to believe.

Oh yeah and umm, who was actually right?

Don't you know, that the geocentric view of the world was a coherent system? Or are you really that selfrightousness to believe, people in former times were just dumb to believe fully in a illogical system?

I find the example with Galileo brought up by an ignorant very funny, because G. stood AGAINST the mainstream and he recognized, that the established system was not able to explain certain phenomenons.

I leave it to you to discover, who is taking which part.

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You raise excellent issues, some of which I'd like to address. Here's a case in point. You talk about Tesla's technology and whether or not it works. We'll start with something simple. Radio. Tesla invented the radio, NOT Marconi. "But," someone sputters, "that's not what I was taught in school." A pity, really, because the U.S. Supreme Court so ruled in 1943.


Moving on, you may or may not know that Tesla was involved, via the so-called Philadelphia Experiment (actually Project Rainbow) in what's popularly thought of as a ship invisibility experiment. It really wasn't that, and the warship that's listed as involved wasn't, but I'll present that story on my site. For our purposes, it's simply enough to say that reports claim the ship disappeared, but the hull depression remained in the water, there was a green fog that came up, and the ship vanished, appearing hundreds of miles away.

It might interest you to know that two researchers, Corum and Daum, conducted some simple experiments in a bathtub, using a small I-beam section as the hull simulator, coiled wire wound around it to represent the degaussing coils, and a microwave source with a rotating field to handle that component. The tub water was salted, to represent sea water. When power was applied, the displacement reaction was so severe that most of the bath water came flying out, the bar disappeared (but left a dent in the water), and a green fog was seen. This was reported in a paper to the International Tesla Society and is cited in Farrell's remarkable book SECRETS OF THE UNIFIED FIELD, p.175 et seq..

During my military aerospace days, we had someone with a "sponsor" in the Science & Technology side of the CIA (met the sponsor myself, at the Agency), thus had a back channel conduit for the real threat data, not the Pabulum that was officially sanctioned. It was through our "Deep Throat" that I learned of the operational use of this ship disappearance technology during the Cold War. An entire carrier battle group abruptly vanished while under highly intrusive, dangerous surveillance by multiple Russian intelligence ships. The resulting Russian reaction was "like someone had stomped an anthill," according to our guy. Everything which could put to sea or be made to fly did so, in an all-out effort to find the missing nuclear strike platform. The missing carrier group was later found "somewhere near Antarctica." This incident was obliquely mentioned in a well-regarded open source book on the U.S. Intelligence community.

Decades later, thanks to my superb sources, I have independently confirmed a) the incident, B) the presence of the technology in certain Navy aircraft as well as ships (several sources), the name of the carrier whose skipper hit a certain highly classified button, and even what the button's called. One letter. In honor of the inventor. I can also tell you the carrier skipper got a letter of reprimand for "unauthorized activation of a classified device."

I can produce the same sorts of evidence for lots of other unusual things, too, including the Haunebu which has occasioned so much derision. Given sufficient time and focus, I can give you extensive detail on all the key aspects of the craft, who built them, how many, who tested them, underlying technologies and who was involved with those.

All that is for naught, though, if you or whoever examines the data can't or won't accept it. I ought to know, for I spent cubic hours trying to bring my brilliant electronics engineer father (retired as a Senior Scientist at Hughes) up to speed on what to him was scientific heresy (the full electromagnetic (EM) theory we should've had since Maxwell) and to the Russians old hat, as clearly proven in their physics journals. For a look at that, have a gander at the towering intellect (have spent 1.5 mind warping hours in his presence, during which he cited full particulars of dozens of physics papers both western and Russian, illustrating the radically different and vastly more capable Russian EM theory) Tom Bearden's site


The Russians, under eventual Nobel Physics Laureate Petr Kapitsa, developed an entire "mother science" called Energetics based on what Kapitsa gleaned from Tesla's papers at the Tesla Museum in then Belgrade, Yugoslavia--papers already gone through by the Microwave Board (responsible for radar development) and Office of Naval Intelligence immediately after Tesla's death in 1943. Amazing what can be done when Stalin demands his scientific establishment find him a breakthrough or overlooked principle at least on par with the Bomb--or else!

This is one small example of what one must be prepared to deal with with when delving into such matters.

I have been reduced to near catatonia by some of the stuff I've read, so I can well understand the reactions of some of you who find yourselves suddenly "drinking from the fire hydrant," as my former department manager at Rockwell so aptly used to term it. I have been investigating this stuff for decades.

I have talked to people who guarded recovered UFOs at Edwards AFB, who were directly involved in antigravity technology development, who were involved in Cover & Deception ops for UFO recoveries. I have personally heard Los Angeles Police Department's former top undercover narcotics officer, Michael Ruppert, separately and independently confirm multiple accounts I'd heard of the Bush/Zapata Oil connection to narcotrafficking and black programs. I've talked to people who've been on the MagLev network that girdles the country's black program establishment (the same network described in Sauder's pioneering UNDERGROUND TUNNELS) and have seen the Subterrene nuclear powered tunneler in action. The cost of those tunnels would give most of you instant heart attacks--if you were able to even get your head around the number. Rendered me temporarily speechless! This is a tiny sample of what I know and how I know it.

What to most of you is well past what you're willing to accept, is for me workaday, but nothing truly prepared me for covering events via both terrestrial sources and those decidedly "not from around here." Yet time and again, what I hear from one end has been confirmed and amplified from the other. Super advanced Russian fighters sent to Syria armed with off world energy cannon, based on off world reports, were confirmed to me by sensitive terrestrial sources with access to "boots on the ground" reporting. Strange configurations of Russian subs were reported on this end and very effectively explained on the other. And so it goes.

What I can't provide in discussions such as these are a) most of the information at my disposal and B) time for the readers of same to properly integrate it, never mind fit it into any readily relatable context. It's simply too much to grasp, and I assure you, it's even hard for my sensitive sources to deal with. Understandable!


John Kettler


If you're really serious about experimental proof of Tesla's work, I know someone who's built a bunch of Tesla's devices.

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