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Hey Noobs like myself use the Repository !!!

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Consider using the repository at the main website page just click on the links to get to if for the stuff that applies to CMNormandy

The music annoys me .. well, its fixed now I don't hear it no more :cool:

The background "combat sounds" that to me sound like someone beating on drums are gone and replaced by what I want... just put in the wav file I liked from the repository area. :P

The vanilla portraits they are tweaked to one of about 20 different options I picked the one where it shows the patch of the unit. ;)

In game faces one sees when up close no longer the same dude running around the faces fix ... from the repostitory allows these guys to look like they have seen some combat !!! :)

AND get the FAQ for CMNormandy search for it in repository what a moron I have been .... no wonder my troops always try and shoot me at the beginning of any battle :eek:

and I had already read or mostly read all of the manual ... I think ...

Search for "MORD'S" (don't forget the apostrophe) in the repository scroll down to where it reads search repository... uncheck all games but CMNormandy.

But now my troops have put me in for a trophy showing my head being pulled out of my ...

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I am trying to figure out if he's an excited kid, or an excited Non native English speaker. His posting style cracks me up.

That's a helluva a selling point, though.

"Use Mord's Mods...they'll keep you from jumping out a window!"



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This post is directed at noobs - people who have just bought CMNormandy and are not aware of the mods available to it hence the Subject of the Post or people who have had it awhile and for whatever reason are not aware of the repository. One day a while ago I did a post compalining about the background sound that one hears when one installs the game and begins playing the "battle background noise" someone answered the post ...

This was my Original Post ... "The sound choices are mute or a constant drum / banging / knocking sound to mimic background war sounds ?? Remember the good old CMBO original one could go mute - or background war sounds - or the perfect ambient sounds and then the battle sounds were those generated only by the fight you were in. Do you all think the sound needs fixing ???"

This post and because someone replied enabled me to figure out there is a repository and mod thing

Wodin a senior member replied "Some great sound mods out there mate."

ok that helps but I knew nothing where to find the mods or about the Z folder etc.

but having learned more about mods and how to apply them its a great game now whereas I was originally convinced I had to turn off my volume to not hear the stupid loud menu music and then had to live with the stock pathetic in my opinion background war sound bs crap then I ran across other cool mods and enhancements and the FAQ etc. I just hope newbies don't have to go through what I did wondering why the game was so screwed up but perhaps most people will already know their are game fixes for any game but then if you pay attention to the posts that are periodically put in here still some people are not aware of the great enhancements.

Currently my z folder has so much stuff in it uniforms, terrain tweaks, muzzle, voices, all the other stuff previously mentioned, bases, it takes me 15 minutes to load a battle had to buy a new harddrive so my z folder could fit. I don't even shoot at the Germans anymore when I see them cause all their uniforms and equiptment they have looks so cool and the terrain they are in just ain't worth messing up.

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Welcome to the world of mod sluts! :)

And yes I worry if we'll have to d/l and install a whole new set of mods when new game "families" are released. Keeping up with all the current mods and variants already takes too much time away from gaming.

Wouldn't it be great if BF let the trusted/best modders get a version a few months before release so the game would ALREADY look its best without all the extra work of downloads and installs?

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Welcome to the world of mod sluts! :)

And yes I worry if we'll have to d/l and install a whole new set of mods when new game "families" are released. Keeping up with all the current mods and variants already takes too much time away from gaming.

Wouldn't it be great if BF let the trusted/best modders get a version a few months before release so the game would ALREADY look its best without all the extra work of downloads and installs?

soooooo we get the game to Ari when it is ready for modding..say end of July and then we wait several months instead of getting it on the 12th of August? And then I still have to load the mods etc? Color me stupid, but I am not seeing the upside. (I am assuming Ari's work would not be in the game unless you are suggesting Ari be hired to do the vehicle modding and BFC kicks up the game price to pay for his work.)

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Welcome to the world of mod sluts! :)

And yes I worry if we'll have to d/l and install a whole new set of mods when new game "families" are released. Keeping up with all the current mods and variants already takes too much time away from gaming.

Wouldn't it be great if BF let the trusted/best modders get a version a few months before release so the game would ALREADY look its best without all the extra work of downloads and installs?

You know...it's a pretty small price to pay that you actually have to do a little work now and then...(IE: Down loading and installing) to enjoy the efforts other guy's spend tens and sometimes hundreds of hours to produce. Jesus Christ, man...should Aris play the game for you too! It's FREE content...the least a guy could do for FREE content is DL it and install it.

Secondly, BFC already HAS some of the TRUSTED BEST "modders"....WORKING for them...the guys that make the game's art. They are incredible talent. If you attempted to do any modding yourself you'd understand that...and understand how it sounds to dismiss another guy's work so casually. They spend months and months and months creating works of art. Most of us admire and respect what they've accomplished even if we do stuff to change it.

You are an alright guy Erwin, one I like to think of as a character. BUT THINK a little bit before you write. You probably weren't intentionally trying to be jerky or anything but you come off sounding selfish sometimes with all this, "how hard it all is" to have to do some s**t for yourself. Or insulting the work of very talented artists in a round about manner. Turn your social filter on...that's what it's there for.


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Turn your social filter on...that's what it's there for.


Let's see, Mord. You rant, you scream as would a child, you throw little tantrums, you wantonly call others names . . . in brief, you generally conduct yourself in public like some unwashed and unread cretin...

Where have I heard that before ...hmmmm :D

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Wouldn't it be great if BF let the trusted/best modders get a version a few months before release so the game would ALREADY look its best without all the extra work of downloads and installs?

Taking a different tack than Mord, I think that another big issue is that putting content creators under a time crunch means that they often don't have the same amount of creative freedom that modders do. I do respect Aris for what he does, but if you put him under the same time constraints as the guys who create the stock textures, I highly doubt he'd make anything much different than what they make. Similarly, if BFC let their texture guys take as long as they wanted to make their textures, they'd probably be able to make something very much like what he makes.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not a question of talent, but a question of deadlines and personal time commitments. I learned a LOT of respect for the guys who made the previous games' scenarios and campaigns when I joined up and saw how different scenario creation is when you're under a tight deadline.


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I actually prefer the stock textures in most cases. Many of the terrain mods are desaturated to make them look more SPR-like. I prefer the realistically vibrant stock ones. And a lot of vehicle and uniform mods are "weathered" to the point they make my forces look like a 3rd world army. That's just my personal preference, and I admit I'm probably in the minority, but I just want to say that for the most part I think the stock game looks great close up.

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Taking a different tack than Mord,


FMB, I have taken the gentler tack many times, with Erwin. Just so you guy's don't think I am going off half cocked. He needs to be less demanding and more proactive. Spending a few weeks making stuff is a helluva a lot harder than it is spending an hour installing it. Everything shouldn't have to be done for him. That and the constant shots at other guy's work that he may not realize he is making...but is making nonetheless, can grate. I'm not trying to hurt his feelings but his post, after reading MANY, MANY just like it, irked me.


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First, to insist that modders do things better than our guys is a stupid argument to make. Guess who all our guys are? Modders who get paid. At least every single one of them started out by modding and now work for The Man (namely me ;)). It's true. Plus, we don't allow our guys to cherry pick what they do and don't do. They have to do it all, from the pistol holsters on the Italian vehicle crews to the Tiger textures. We don't have the option to have our guys just do the stuff they find interesting.

I am not here to say that no modder makes better stuff than our guys. I'm sure on a texture by texture basis I might give a nod to a modder's work over our own. But overall? No. Plus, I know the modslut mentality. If we preloaded our games with Ari's mods you would fawn over the first guy that made a replacement for them. I'm sure of this because over the years I've seen some of you guys fawning over crap mods that I wouldn't let anywhere my harddrive for fear of ruining some sectors on my harddrive.

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. People that forget that are forgetting something really important.


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I actually prefer the stock textures in most cases. Many of the terrain mods are desaturated to make them look more SPR-like. I prefer the realistically vibrant stock ones. And a lot of vehicle and uniform mods are "weathered" to the point they make my forces look like a 3rd world army. That's just my personal preference, and I admit I'm probably in the minority, but I just want to say that for the most part I think the stock game looks great close up.

Actually, I'm one of those as well who for the most part is satisfied with the stock textures. The only ones I've replaced are those for the rifles, mgs, etc., done by Rambler.

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Bottom line....a lot of it is personal taste.

I am quite happy to play using most of the stock textures...

That I have the ability to choose between different variations because of mod work is awesome.

I can remember people being upset with some textures/mods in CMx1 because they were too 'factory-fresh', but then we have mods like Aris' dirtied-up vehicles in CMBN and some people prefer the non-weathered versions. To each their own.

My own personal affliction/obsession seems to be the need to have individual unit markings to set my troops/battles apart when I play. I am pretty happy with the stock CW uniform textures made by BFC, I'm just adding a little variation/flavour that probably isn't practical for the company to include. I know they could do most of what I've done, given the time for research and application (and they may not have even had to rip their hair out mitigating the stretched textures/warping issues :)).

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What my gaming buddies and I faced years ago was that ... and it even applies to today .. when a game comes out don't play it buy it or look at if for 1 year then go check it out maybe get the demo if you can control yourself but it you wait a year then your rewarded with patches that make the game a whole lot better and all the mods if a game has that.

Other wise you play the game and then replay it when patched but it is not brand new at this point and the missions or whatever are the same but now patched so its better but not brand new cause ya played it already so its a let down so wait a year

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FMB, I have taken the gentler tack many times, with Erwin. Just so you guy's don't think I am going off half cocked. He needs to be less demanding and more proactive. Spending a few weeks making stuff is a helluva a lot harder than it is spending an hour installing it. Everything shouldn't have to be done for him. That and the constant shots at other guy's work that he may not realize he is making...but is making nonetheless, can grate. I'm not trying to hurt his feelings but his post, after reading MANY, MANY just like it, irked me.


Haha, no worries dude, just meant that I was approaching the argument from a slightly different angle. ;)


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We absolutely love modding. I just people didn't think it was like a competitive sport. It's more like picking a meal. Sometimes people think a double cheeseburger with cheddar and bacon is the best thing for that night, others want some Frenchy thing that I can't pronounce and probably can't afford. Each to his own :) We're happy that people want to put the time into making mods and game play stuff. It's the ultimate compliment, even when sometimes there's some commentary which itself isn't complimentary.

This is why we are committed to improving the mod capabilities of CM over time. With v2.0 we put in a lot of groundwork stuff which has some benefits now, but really sets the stage for more next round. Also, we consider user made battles/campaigns to be "modding" (though obviously different type than skins) and put a huge amount of effort into improving the Editor for v2.0. It's just that we have to balance all of this end user stuff with the ingame stuff that only we can provide. Not enough hours in the day!


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