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I wish this was our game engine...

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Shame it's only another RT strategy game. Not sure what makes it different from all the others other than nicer graphics.

I'm guessing you've never played.

Highly optimized engine, works well on computers low system specs, is extremely smooth and looks great.

It doesn't look like one can get down to ground level - maybe 30 feet high POV(?)

Yes, you can. Probably 10ft

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I find that the "highly optimized" thing tends to make a game look sort of airbrushed and generic. While bits and pieces of the graphics may look very good, overall, it just looks "gamey/cheesy" to me.

The overall effect of this type of art direction impacts me as being kiddie/cartoonish. By this, I don't mean that some of the textures and models aren't high-quality. Rather, the overall impact is that of a visual experience that looks like what a young person would like. Generally, young people are attracted to highly stylized presentation, whereas adults want a more “realistic,” neutral approach.

I'm not saying highly-stylized/optimized, etc. is bad--just not my taste. My visual goal post for CM is to look as much like a real WWII battlefield (minus the human gore) as it can. How big should the explosions be? As big as they are IRL. How much smoke? Same answer. How fast should things move? Same answer. I play CM because it is the only game that feels, and increasingly, looks realistic. It’s the only game I play these days, because I have lost interest in the others. Ruse looks like all the others.

So, while I certainly agree that CMx2 could use work in terrain dept., to my mind and taste, this is really a question of budget and not art direction. If I had a magic wand, I would have BF make more and better models (the vehicles are already way awesome) and improved textures, but continue in the same general stylistic direction they are going in now. I'm not old--just a few years beyond the prime video game demographic these days. And, I do use mods for CMBN. The mods show what can already be done within the current game engine. I'm all for improvements in eye and ear candy. I just want them to be in the direction of ever-greater realism and not "Hollywood."

To be honest, the combat in Ruse looked very cheesy. I had to laugh when I saw the air battles. That kind of look and game play is why I don’t play other games these days. Whenever people mention them, I’ll check out vids, reviews and demos, but they never make it onto my hard drive.

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I think the weakest area of CM graphics is the animations, they are just so slow and stiff. I know it's mostly a question of budget, but I would like to see a bit more focus there. Having squad leaders do hand signals, soldiers diving to the ground when under fire, leaning around corners, blind firing at times, Germans running with their rifle in one hand, and so on. Company of Heroes (bigger budget, I know) does an amazing job in this regard, and it really adds to the experience.

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I think the weakest area of CM graphics is the animations, they are just so slow and stiff. I know it's mostly a question of budget, but I would like to see a bit more focus there. Having squad leaders do hand signals, soldiers diving to the ground when under fire, leaning around corners, blind firing at times, Germans running with their rifle in one hand, and so on. Company of Heroes (bigger budget, I know) does an amazing job in this regard, and it really adds to the experience.

Budget permitting, I'd love to see animations like that, too. Speed of movement should simply be based on reality. Comically-fast movement is a problem in many games, too. That's one of my biggest issues with big-budget titles as well. All that wonderful work in modelling and textures and then they move and I want to spit out my beverage.

For CM, like you, I'd love to see more animations--just please gawd don't make them faster than they are in IRL. Rather, make them a natural speed but more varied and fluid.

Two animations in CM that I'd like to see slowed down are death animations and tank crew bailouts. Death animations are a bit too fast, but crew bailouts are way too fast. But this is probably to cover up the lack of sub-animations that would be required to pull off a good-looking bailout at realistic speeds...

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CM looking and functioning like that is probably about 15-20 years into the future. I'd put the current state of CMs graphics, as a whole, at about a 2002 level.

With mods like EZ's uniforms, Veins flames, muzzle flash, tracers, smoke, etc., and Aris terrain mods, the game can look MUCH better than stock and quite pleasing. There are moments zoomed in where I almost forget I'm looking at a game sometimes.

Assuming you've got the better mods installed, the area that I find most lacking currently is terrain models--particularly foliage. Things like manicured hedges, varied-color iron grate fencing and such would add A LOT visually. When I look at period photos, those jump out right away as missing.

Otherwise, the 8x8 mapping grid is still a block for truly life-like maps. If CMx3 can offer half that or better (with appropriate pathfinding!), mappers could make very realist terrain that can give infantry more life-like ability to use terrain in combatting AFVs.

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CM looking and functioning like that is probably about 15-20 years into the future. I'd put the current state of CMs graphics, as a whole, at about a 2002 level.

That's being generous really. I'd date them further back than that. CM graphically and interface design wise is latter part of the 90's at best, really truly comically bad.

These forums are a chalk full of folks playing apologist for every single item called out about the game, that's the nature of developer hosted web sites. And as it should be I suppose.

But anyone who has played a wide variety of games over the last decade knows full well that CM hasn't made it into this century yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No! No! No!!!

Please don't suggest these highly optimized task specific engines for CMx2! They look polished but will never work! There's a reason why I can't play a run-of-the-mill RTS (not a magnum opus like Starcraft/Warcraft) for more than 10 minutes before dying out of lack of stimuli other than lens flares.

You need to understand that the CMx2 engine is a rare beast on a fundamental level. It takes nowhere near as many shortcuts as other engines to deliver you the experience it currently does. This is why it is so good. A single entity in the CMx2 world is smarter and more aware of his self and his surroundings. A single soldier in CMx2 vs. generic RTS/FPS is just so much more complex. Exponentially more complex. It boggles my mind to think of the LOS calculations in this game.

I absolutely love the fact that CMx2 has it's own look and does not utilize the same filters and lighting as every other game. Visually, if we'd get a bit tweaked ambient lightning, more fluid infantry run/walk animation, tanks made out of steel instead of rubber and decals + deforming vehicle models the graphics would be perfect IMO. A tall order though.

The current filter/lighting setup in graphics is like Autotune in music, it's killing creativity and blending everything into an unrecognizable mass of excrement. Not saying CMx2 graphics couldn't be improved but please, in the right direction! I'm really surprised that a game so heavily focused on number-crunching and made by such a small team for a niche crowd has graphics this good.

Relative spotting is a really, really intensely big thing. You need to understand it's weight and overhead. Il-2 engine doesn't do it. Arma2 engine doesn't do it. CMx2 does it. It's bleeding edge in this regard. But since it's not related to graphics the ignoramus will only think of it as a nifty feature.

BTW: I play a metric fckton of games and fiddle around with their engines. Easytarget and his lack of knowledge and understanding regarding a topic he expresses such strong opinions towards amuses me greatly. I guess he will think of me as an uneducated fanboy. Perhaps one day he will understand how games work. :)

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Failed attempt at playing apologist on behalf of comically bad graphics.

Would perhaps be helpful if you actually had some valid argument to make rather then just a lame sneer.

Have you actually, as I suggested, looked up how Medal of Honor looked like? This was the high end of good looking in 1999 and it looked worse, way worse, then CMBN does now.

That renders you previous statement utterly untrue. Rambler, the guy you "corrected" wasn't too far off in his comparisons. And indeed, those are FPS engine usually only display a tiny area from a limited viewpoint and have not much else going on under the hood.

Does CMx2 look like the latest and greatest AAA titles? No. Would I like it to? Yes. Oh god, yes! But considering the concessions made to gameplay for those mainstream titles, ... I can live without the graphical nirvana of AAA titles.

You need a reality check at what is technically possible, and more relevantly, what is possible for such a small outfit as BFC.

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Funny, isnt the CMX2 engine built to be played RTS? ;)

CM isn't an RTS. It's a purely tactical level game, with only very rudimentary logistics elements. There is no construction or persistence of infrastructure or units, nor resource collection in the actual game field. When you get to set your own force mix, you don't get any reinforcements.

CMx2 is designed to be able to be played in a "Real Time" mode, but remains, IMO, at heart, a turn-based game, and IMO, the sacrifices made in order to permit RT play detract from the game.

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