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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. LOL Phil, you beat me to exactly the same post.
  2. Dave, just for the record, on my PC RT has just taken 3 minutes and 25 seconds to get to the first selection screen. It takes this sort of time on the first load every day, and is then a bit quicker on subsequent loading the same day. I have a shed load of mods and stuff, presumably part of the problem. But perhaps I should buy a Mac for CM use...
  3. I think my friend Artkin means that you should get an email from Battlefront, which will confirm your order and include a download link (as well as an activation code, which you'll need when you install). @BFCElvis can correct me if I'm wrong (sorry John, but you're the best ). Oh and Artkin also included the option to go to your online BFC account and check your order for a link... EDIT: Welcome by the way!
  4. I haven't tried, but I imagine you need to navigate to your Steam files location, mine (on a PC) is here: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common (but I think I manually set it to go to D not C). In there you'll find folders for all the games you have on Steam. Find the CM folder of choice and look inside for the Data folder. Open it and add a folder with the name Z and then drop your downloaded mods in it. Obviously extracted, not still in their zipped download form . As I say I haven't tried this as I don't have Steam versions of CM yet, so if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me. EDIT: and for scenarios, look in the same CM folder for the Game files/Scenarios folder and drop your btt files in it.
  5. I don't play QBs any more, but that one was of course Human Axis selection versus AI Allied selection (for an element of surprise).
  6. Indeed. But it was rather odd that all 12 trundled up the road in convoy in mine clearing mode and there were no mines on the battlefield. I suppose they weren't to know that.
  7. In my very early CM days I set up a QB against the AI and the AI turned up to the battle with 12 Sherman Crabs and very little else . Made very short work of them, I think with a Jagdpanther, partly as their turrets were all facing backwards .
  8. See your PM. I had written a reply to you, but stupidly failed to press 'Submit' .
  9. I realised I have a small problem. I moved all 6GB (!) of CMFI mods out of 'Z' to allow a 'clash-free' install of Phil's France mods. This of course included the [buffalo] files. I'll swap them back, but maybe first check the [buffalo] files are up to date. Edit: My wife is not out of town, so no empty beer bottles here - apart from hers .
  10. Agreed, although a small helping hand was given via the Steward red card (now rescinded ).
  11. In my case I'm using an Nvidia GTX1060 so I can't really add much over at AMD. I was just trying to be helpful .
  12. And if that's my fault, apologies. I read some of the earlier posts as being about non-PBEM (non-WEGO) game play but with comments about how it 'might' apply to PBEM. And as a mostly PBEM player I couldn't see how it applied to PBEM.
  13. In general, the answer to that is probably yes. Depends on your definition of old, but I think most here are not 'spring chickens'. And the youth of today are happier with Star Wars Battlefront (2) than they are with Battlefront CM. Not to mention Fortnite.
  14. I think we've all experienced such things, as @cbennett88 can no doubt confirm. In CMFB Meijel Mayhem I had two Panthers cosy up their backsides, with one obviously facing away from the enemy. A short time later, that Panther paid the price. And no orders I had issued would explain their behaviour, but never mind.
  15. Or even easier, just hover your cursor over the @ link and select Message.
  16. Great reporting Phil, and great work.. That crossroads looks familiar .
  17. I'll try to fit a bit in, although I'm doing quite a lot of stuff already. Do you want a PM from me with an email address for Dropbox?
  18. No worries, good result. I was going to send it to you if not .
  19. You can't, that wouldn't be sensible. So the above advice (excluding Chibot's) does not apply to PBEM as far as I can see.
  20. Thanks for taking the time to post great info my friend. I suppose my question boils down not to why I would use Pause (in the orders phase), but how I can use it in the middle of a PBEM turn as suggested earlier in this thread (and actioned via the button Chuckdyke highlighted). I don't think I can do the latter in a PBEM as it's a pre-ordered feast?
  21. And who doesn't like a bit of 'special access' . And now I have a France battle to look at .
  22. Have you tried the links above, they work for me?
  23. You mean in addition to the 'dirty half dozen + one'?
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