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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Not sure I follow this bit, but the demos are of course limited to a couple or a few battles, and they're the old game engine. I'm not sure BFC would be so keen on key 'donation'. Anyway your post does not annoy me, and I have sympathy for anyone wanting to play CM. I did read Phil's original post, now slimmed down a bit: but perhaps playing hotseat is the best option if you and Sublime get on well enough and are in close proximity?
  2. . I'm not Scottish but originally from just south of the border and I quite like the pipes. I own all CM titles except the modern ones if they're what you own. The ones I've got play okay on my 2023 bought laptop, which admittedly does have some pretty good components but they're probably not being taxed by CM most of the time.
  3. I think you've just summed up the various upgrades to Windows over a lot of years. With a new version it's usually a matter of finding the 'new' way of doing the same things you always did before, or finding which menu an item has now been moved to for no obvious reason etc. All the baloney about increased productivity and such-like seems to be hot air. Having said that, I'm using Win 11 and it's okay.
  4. Not much help, but I'm not getting that problem here with an i7-13700H and Nvidia GTX4060 (in a laptop). This is with the BFC version, haven't tried the Steam version yet.
  5. So sad to hear it. And meanwhile a single drone hitting a building in Russia is described by them as a terror attack. Jeez!
  6. As for the German infantry forces there, there is mention of the 999th Light Afrika Division. It has an interesting write-up on Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/999th_Light_Afrika_Division_(Wehrmacht) As a penal unit with a history of anti-Nazi behaviour and later surrenders without a fight it may not have been the best performing unit in the battle.
  7. I'm assuming from what I've read that it was a 6 pdr Churchill, so I think a Mk III? This from Wiki page on the Churchill tank: A Churchill tank in a hull down defensive position made a particular contribution to Allied success. In one encounter, on 21 April 1943, during the start of the Battle of Longstop Hill, a Churchill tank of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment got the better of a German Tiger I heavy tank. A 6 pounder shot from the Churchill lodged between the Tiger's turret and turret ring, jamming the turret and injuring the German crew. They abandoned the Tiger, which was subsequently captured by the British. Known as Tiger 131, this was the first Tiger captured by the Western Allies and was particularly useful for intelligence. Tiger 131 has since been restored to full working condition and is now on display at The Tank Museum in Dorset, UK. As of early 2021, it is the only working Tiger tank in the world.[43] Apart from a couple of Mk IIs (if they hadn't been KO'd) I think the other Churchills in Tunisia at that time were all Mark IIIs? I'm no expert so please correct me if I'm wrong and don't take it as bible.
  8. The role of the French ATG seems to be contentious - the 'updated' research on the Tank Museum website suggest it was indeed there, but: In response to Dale’s research The Tank Museum recently carried out putty tests (left) on Tiger 131’s turret which showed that the shell which disabled it had been fired from a Churchill tank which was supporting the Foresters from quite a distance behind. Either way it was a lucky hit in the turret ring area which jammed the turret and crew thought 'bugger that we're off'. If I had been the commander (CM style of course) I would have ordered reverse, but I assume they thought it was worse than it was. Just a quick snippet, I'll get onto your questions shortly...
  9. How could I say no, we've stood together and actually touched Tiger 131 (but not each other ). I'll try to be a bit quicker than that if I can.
  10. Agreed. Seeing Kate Adie doing the video is for me a little odd - she was of course always on the news back a while. And I loved the comment from the guy "the wife and I () were on holiday and decided to call in at the Tank Museum". Who wouldn't?
  11. If I say I don't know what you're talking about, would you believe me ?
  12. Yes, I think the 'games from each side at once' is either misunderstood or ignored. But if so it needs to be enforced? Anyway @7thGalaxy has been here just a few hours ago.
  13. Looks like it Ian, thanks. That takes me back . Not quite on subject for this thread but interesting at the time. I was just starting to question whether the IS2 retained the rear MG, but I think they did...
  14. At the request of our dear friend @kohlenklau I did a similar trial of 'does the rear turret MG on an IS1 or IS2 ever fire?'. The answer was yes, it does - but it has limited visibility. There's a thread somewhere which I can find if anyone wants it, but this is perhaps beyond the scope of the current conversation.
  15. It certainly helps to have a good supply of beer in the fridge. But I know that's not a problem for you Phil . As for translating ASL into CM, why not and I've seen first hand against you that it works well.
  16. In my experience it will still be there when you land on that thread again if you hit the Reply button. No-one but you will have seen it, but click Reply and your lingering text comes back to haunt you. Sometimes you might think "Why did I not press the 'Submit Reply' button?" Other times you might think "TFFT".
  17. This does not sound good, but perhaps an obvious flaw of playing both sides at the same time? Could it not be done such that both sides have to return 003, then 004 etc. before you can go on to the next turn? I'm not playing the tournament so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding...
  18. Just the AAMG on the Achilles (and other tanks/TDs) I assume? I've had better luck with AA vehicles like the Wirbelwind - in fact I have one in a PBEM now which was doing a bit of 'ground clearance' until a P47 showed up, after which it fired into the sky for a while, hopefully putting off the dastardly American pilot. He did miss my Tiger IIs, but hit a few unfortunate Sturmgrenadiers instead.
  19. In one of my first human-to-human plays of ASL many years ago (using 1/300th metal miniature tanks on the ASL boards), I was advancing a Panther when my opponent fired with his T34/76 head-on at a fair old range. He rolled snake eyes and my Panther was no more. Will never forget that. Of course in CM it would only have disabled my main gun .
  20. You can of course delete what you've typed before posting it, and it will be gone.
  21. Too right Rob. I also think you're right about everything else, but within that first hour you can of course delete everything. After that your comments are a matter of history from which you can't escape.
  22. Could the problem be the AMD? I was running an Nvidia 1060 laptop version on Win 10 - no problems. I'm now running a 4060 laptop version on Win 11 - again, no problems.
  23. Haven't played this one but will do. On a more general note I seem to get a lot of guns disabled, mostly on the German side but that might be just what I've been playing. I think you may have a point...
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