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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. All hail Phil. Early war Phil. Korean war Phil. And save a few hails for North Afrika Phil, Greek Phil etc. etc. Yeah, we love Phil, long time .
  2. Yes, Fire and Rubble did it for Berlin / Seelow Heights etc. but the comment above was specifically about Final Blitzkrieg. If it was 'also well underway' in September 2022 though, I'm not sure why we haven't seen it yet. I think I tend to agree with you, a few poorly supplied old (or young) men with PFs against the US or British Army is unlikely to be the best of wargaming experiences. But to be fair Fire & Rubble was more than just the final days in Berlin, and I suppose the CMFB module will be much more than 'last ditch' efforts on the West Front.
  3. I copied it from a quote further up this page, but looking again it's older than I thought. It was posted by Steve on 9th September 2022: Originally the timing was aimed at end of 2022 but that was delayed by work on the Professional version or whatever, Anyway, it includes the text below, with the 'at the same time' and 'Also well underway' bits bolded by me: Final Blitzkrieg for Matrix/Steam (December/January) - last, but not least, the final CM2 Family of games will be released for Matrix/Steam with PBEM and Tournament systems. At the same time we'll release a new Module that will extend the timeframe through to the end of the war and introduce Commonwealth Forces plus the last ditch forces of the Third Reich. Also well underway, but again marketing needs mean it’s release is a bit further down the road. Each product deserves its own time in the spotlight, donchaknow.
  4. Hmmm tell that to @RMM. Copied in out of fairness, but he now knows anyway that my reinforcements have arrived .
  5. Admittedly no. Not that I'm aware of. But I'm ever the optimist and I need to find myself a Christmas present .
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Steve said CMFB to Steam will be in December/January. Plus (more importantly IMHO) he said 'at the same time' there would be a CMFB module release covering up to end of war, and I think Brits etc. However I'm aware that good intentions don't guarantee results.
  7. I do. Looking forward to it. I have a few things going on and hope you do too, but we should schedule something in soon.
  8. Okay. Stop right there, before we go any further (yes I know, bad musical quote). On 20 minutes (the maximum 'delay') I did get reinforcements, and they are from 1 Kompany not 3 Kompany as I thought the Editor had suggested, and despite what the message on screen says (3 Kompany has arrived). I'm a little confused by this, but will now proceed to crush the British. @PEB14 you might be right after all, or I may be speaking too soon. And I had just resolved to finish the job with what I already had .
  9. Yes I've read the mis-spelling 'armor' more than once .
  10. Good to know Pierre. However you have not seen me play . Seriously though, I was hanging around a bit waiting for the reinforcements to arrive as per the briefing but it seems they were on map from the start. I only knew this after checking the editor, as it showed me which Kompany was the 'reinforcement'.
  11. Okay, another quick necro of this thread. I'm playing this as Germans H2H, and in the briefing it says 3 Kompany Pioneers are due as reinforcements after 15 minutes. But if I'm not mistaken they're already on map at the start? Anyone else noticed this? @Pete Wenman am I right or wrong? As I was waiting for another Kompany of Pioneers to arrive I may be disappointed . EDIT - I may have picked up that it's 3 Kompany in the editor not the briefing, but they do seem to be on map at the start...
  12. Just thought I'd add that I recently played @WimO's KG Boehm to Le Rocher as US. Part way through my PBEM opponent and I realised through a bit of discussion that all of my troops were green, while all of his were crack. And for the next 150 turns or more, all my green troops tended to do was die or run away as soon as his turned up. Even my relatively few tanks bogged and immobilised more often than not. Not a pleasant experience for me, but I persevered (as you do). Wim has however since revised these 'settings' () so any future players will not feel my pain (or at least not as much of it).
  13. Yeah, that version is call RDM - Angriff (adapted by @nightops: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons-scenarios/rdm-angriff/
  14. It could be related to that then, who knows. Good luck my friend and let us know how it's going...
  15. Is it something to do with the oddness of CMBN installing in a different place to all the others? Did you use the full installers, and accept the default locations? I used them recently but told them where to install - however, the result was that my Battlefront folder has a Combat Mission sub-folder with every WW2 except CMBN, while CMBN has it's own sub-folder. It's just a thought. If that doesn't help I think you will need the one who helped me - @BFCElvis.
  16. Yeah great work @Brille. Dare I say your video highlights what a great game this is? Of course viewers may not get that unless they play it themselves.
  17. Many thanks Wim. I hope you'll say 'Never say never again'.
  18. That's a tough one, SU-100s are another favourite of mine.
  19. Yeah, I do that most of the time and hope it works okay on the soft factors. And I see you got a picture in Phil .
  20. I've been there too Andreas, but I'd still rather have a Tiger than a Panzer IV .
  21. Maybe one of those moments where if you're the owner of the Tiger you might raise a vexed eyebrow, but if you're the T34 owner you might not . Were the T34s hidden by any chance, so engines off? Just curious.
  22. Strange behaviour there George? Why did the Tiger not see/fire at the T34s? I assume the Tiger traversed along behind the T34s and at some point they swiveled their turrets? But I would have thought that would make them far less likely to see the Tiger than the Tiger seeing them? Only explanation I've come up with is the Tiger was out of ammo or more likely had the dreaded 'main gun damage'.
  23. We had a great time in our PBEM, we both more or less ignored GeorgeMC's instructions and just went for each other. I was Soviet of course. Great game @George MC!
  24. And look where we are now Frank, your upcoming stuff is great. And Jacob, I was interested in this: Are any playable by an idiot like me - to play-test for release (by yourself of course), or try to improve if need be? Perhaps they just need a polish as far as a briefing etc.?
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