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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Great intro video for what is a great battle. Slightly off topic but @GhostRider3/3 did an excellent later version of the same battle, called 'Barkmanns Corner Revisited'. I played it single player as Axis a while ago and it was a tough one but I was ultimately successful. H2H might be somewhat trickier I'm sure...
  2. The closest quote I could find in 10 seconds of searching was this: Just joking John - but Phil is right, you do a great job.
  3. That's a very good point, he is and it looks great (and what little I've tested is indeed great): In his case of course he and his BP are totally independent from BFC at this point in time, so I imagine the BP will be a download from Bootie's repository rather than a purchase from BFC. I wish him the very best for such a great effort! EDIT: Frank has just made the above a little out of date:
  4. Yeah maybe. We have of course already had @George MC's excellent RT battle pack and subsequent training scenarios. I love it all. George, can you 'quickly' knock together another BP please ? I'll pre-order now...
  5. I think we were supposed to, I hope that's still the case but in the total absence of any updates it's not looking good. And with that perfect intro to a big surprise, I'm keeping my fingers crossed all night...
  6. I assume that's a typo (not yours of course)? Sounds great anyway Phil. Are all of these recent works H2H only? As you talk about PBEMs I imagine so?
  7. Haha, good reply John . But do you have any news on the other BPs and expansions listed above (CMFI, CMFB and I suppose CMCW which I don't yet have)? I'll understand if not, after all I didn't start this...
  8. Just remember to un-hide them at the appropriate moments - remember our PBEM where your T34s rolled right past my hidden PF teams and even a Panzer IV or two if I recall correctly ? That didn't end well...
  9. I was indeed aware of this. I can only imagine - I'm working but not pulling 10-12 hour days thankfully (unless you're paid by the hour of course). A big thankyou is due for all that you're doing and have done. Your communication is also to be commended, even when answering buffoons like me . In my defense I'm keen to give your BP and the others a try. Now who can I ask about the other BPs ? @BFCElvis?
  10. Can you still log on the BFC main site, the one with your account and order history? If so the download links and codes will be there. If you can't, I'm sure @BFCElvis can help you, as Phil said above. PS I know your problem, I suddenly 'lost' my gaming laptop a few months ago and had to start again. A bit painful but doable, and I now have a better laptop... And Elvis helped me direct from the 19th hole on what was for me a Friday evening - I mention this at every opportunity as I was and am forever grateful .
  11. So the new content list read: @Ithikial_AU was/presumably is working on the first item. Otherwise I don't recall any recent updates on the others, but I might have missed stuff.
  12. I noticed this too Wim while trying to get my brave Germans across the causeway. That was a tough ask...
  13. I hope you two aren't reading each others' posts . Bogging - always a massive PITA! And always a massive relief if they don't immobilise a few seconds later...
  14. Don't forget the latest thinking was Gueriat El Atach - I'm sure you haven't...
  15. So is it the trees or the size of zone, or both? Dave, we've played a few big games before and we had no issues?
  16. Sounds good Phil - is this a new (perhaps ASL-based) scenario? Is is H2H only? Is it available? Should I stop asking questions?
  17. I really liked the re-worked version of that, great battle. Anyway I think Bagpipe was saying the issue was with CW and the other modern titles. If that makes a difference...
  18. Not sure I follow this bit, but the demos are of course limited to a couple or a few battles, and they're the old game engine. I'm not sure BFC would be so keen on key 'donation'. Anyway your post does not annoy me, and I have sympathy for anyone wanting to play CM. I did read Phil's original post, now slimmed down a bit: but perhaps playing hotseat is the best option if you and Sublime get on well enough and are in close proximity?
  19. . I'm not Scottish but originally from just south of the border and I quite like the pipes. I own all CM titles except the modern ones if they're what you own. The ones I've got play okay on my 2023 bought laptop, which admittedly does have some pretty good components but they're probably not being taxed by CM most of the time.
  20. I think you've just summed up the various upgrades to Windows over a lot of years. With a new version it's usually a matter of finding the 'new' way of doing the same things you always did before, or finding which menu an item has now been moved to for no obvious reason etc. All the baloney about increased productivity and such-like seems to be hot air. Having said that, I'm using Win 11 and it's okay.
  21. Not much help, but I'm not getting that problem here with an i7-13700H and Nvidia GTX4060 (in a laptop). This is with the BFC version, haven't tried the Steam version yet.
  22. So sad to hear it. And meanwhile a single drone hitting a building in Russia is described by them as a terror attack. Jeez!
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