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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Okay . I don't know about 10 years ago, was that CM1? I've only ever played CM2, so... I'm not sure about point 1 - I've never seen that. And point 2 - if you're playing on say 'Iron' and you've selected a unit, others that they don't have any sort of contact with will disappear. But if you de-select the unit by for example clicking on open terrrain, all units will reappear. Nothing disappears. At least that's my experience.
  2. Yep, that's what caught me out. Anyway, not a biggie as I'm not playing the games on Steam yet anyway. EDIT: Slitherine also have Downfall on that list...
  3. Thanks, you beat me to my edit when I realised the same. Oh well, you live and learn... John, you can stand down my friend.
  4. I decided to get all WW2 titles and DLC bought from BFC onto Steam. Doing this via Slitherine (I already had an account) all went well, until I got to CMFB. The BFC Activation Code is not recognised by Slitherine. I've filed a ticket with Slitherine, but @BFCElvis I wondered if you can help? Putting this here in case it might help anyone else. I have some experience with the key process if anyone is struggling. EDIT: So looking again I think it's because I hadn't realised the CMFB Base Game isn't on Steam yet? It's on Slitherine of course, but not being on Steam means you can't generate a Steam key. Correct?
  5. Thanks Ian. While you were kindly typing that, I was downloading it LOL. Looks good, thanks to @Ithikial_AU .
  6. I also have a snag. I didn't know there was such a thing as this . Mostly I would tend to think of an ambush as part of defending, but I suppose you're right it's not always.
  7. I have done, but oddly after playing a certain game called Combat Mission they seemed very old skool. Me too except only WW2 so far. Controversial I know.
  8. I'm not a fan of our UK government, but I am a fan of their support for Ukraine and I don't think there's any call in the country for that to change. For example see PM Sunak's speech today in Parliament, and the agreement of the opposition leader Starmer. They both mentioned a hope that renewed UK support will become a model for other countries...
  9. Okay, I was wrong (no surprises there), it does need both modules. It might say so in the readme, which for some reason I can't find on my PC. I did have a 'replace computer and start again' experience fairly recently, so that might be why.
  10. I think Steve suggested by or before the end of the month. I think...
  11. Congratulations, I had to pay full whack for all of those, and for FB . They were worth it though.
  12. Hi @gildean, I have to report that Phil (Kohlenklau) has gone on self-enforced leave from the forum, I'm hoping just for a while. I'm trying to persuade him to come back of course as he is a colossus in the world of 'unusual' modding (my words not his ) and a great friend (same again). As for your question, I can't recall the answer. I have a feeling it might not need them but I'll ask him...
  13. One heck of a conversion, at least for tank versus tank. The 17 pdr went in upside down I think I read, and a crew member had to be dropped? Or did I just dream the first bit of that...
  14. That's not a bad deal . I assume if I have some of the titles in a Steam bundle it drops them off the bundle? If so I will of course need to register my WW2 titles as I haven't bothered yet. Just need to decide if I'm ready (or more importantly have time) for modern stuff...
  15. Yes, I played it against @RMM with me as the Germans. I think he'd agree with you.
  16. They may have done, but Steve already said they are all on the same page. And I agree with them.
  17. Thanks for the advice George @George MC my friend, and thanks again for your great work. In the years I've been playing this great game, your scenarios have always been something special. And you make me think I should suggest Heart of the Dying Sun as a PBEM with @Ultradave. We've had to stop games because of crashes before, but perseverance paid off. Dave you can be Axis, sounds like it would be fun? Before that though I'm aware I need to get my teeth into the current challenge (CMBN In the shadow of the hill 0830)...
  18. Me too! Happy New Year to you too. That first picture is great for camouflage, the tank (yes there's a tank) kinda merges in and out of the grass . And the second picture is disgraceful .
  19. You did well it seems . Yes, it sounds like it. Maybe I'll suggest it to someone and offer to play as the Soviets .
  20. I can't quite make out the numbers, and zoom just blurs them. They look big though . Did you play this single player or PBEM? If single, do you think it would make a good H2H? Of course @George MC might have advice on this.
  21. So in case anyone else sees it, this is for PC-based PBEM players who have not signed up on Matrix/Slitherine for PBEM++. Getting to the end of a game, and the opponent presses ceasefire or surrender. Instead of getting the end screen with points tally and map review, you get red error boxes saying you haven't registered an account. I've had it in CMBN and CMRT in recent games. One was against my good friend @Ultradave who has logged it as a possible bug bleeding through from PBEM++ into the 'normal' world. If you do get the red error boxes just click through and do another turn (with or without orders). And maybe another turn... Eventually you'll get the end screen.
  22. He doesn't look too happy, perhaps he's just spotted a Soviet welcoming party .
  23. Great battle that one, @Ultradave and I played it and had a lot of fun. One of @George MC's fine creations I believe.
  24. Yeah, I can live with that though. One of my failings in CM is to not get down to the ground as often as I should, so I don't see every detail on the wheels. Don't tell my opponents ...
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