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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. No worries, he'll be along shortly I'm sure. As for Steam, pre-CM2 titles aren't on there but for the more recent games you can use your BFC keys to get Steam keys (via a Slitherine/Matrix account). Sound tricky? It's not really and there are instructions posted elsewhere here on the forum.
  2. John is @BFCElvis so you'd already tagged him.
  3. Surely not George, who would do such a thing ?
  4. It would be useful, but I'm not aware of a way. Hopefully someone will enlighten us. Someone said in another thread that the core units have asterisks (*) in their names, but I believe that's usually the convention to indicate historical individuals/units? The campaign designer could add a C (or sumfink) after core unit names, but I think they already have enough to do. Perhaps in future 'the code' could do something like this?
  5. Mine was (and still is) here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg So the same folder as your game exe file. Make sure you did stick it (the patch) in with the existing CMFB stuff. That's for the BFC PC version. PS Perhaps another instance of the 'no download required (apart from a patch)' confusion?
  6. I'm glad to hear the first bit Jacob, but not the second. .
  7. As posted by someone else the other day, here's another one with John Cleese and company: And with that I shall stop, it's silly and a bit suspect I think...
  8. This is the way. Well one way at least . The other is to open a Helpdesk ticket, but John will sort you out either way.
  9. No points though? I did a small night PBEM once where we interpreted the brief differently and never saw each other in the dark forest. Not the most exciting of games .
  10. If only we could avoid that pesky bocage . Hello to Normandy by the way .
  11. That's fighting talk . Having said that I was mistaken for a German on Crete once. And I don't think Germans were hugely popular among the older Cretans at the time.
  12. +1 to that . Except for me it's only since May 2020 so I have a lot that's not yet done.
  13. Thanks, looks great. I haven't played the original so this one's on my to-do list. I can confirm it loads up fine, haven't put Pantherburn in z yet though.
  14. No worries my friend. And I'll try to get on with Verdenne at some point .
  15. To bump the thread - in other words to add another post to draw more attention to the thread. Anyway, it worked .
  16. No-one said it was a bug. The point was that the AI had selected 9 Sherman Flails (and pretty much nothing else) and was advancing them all up a road (which was not mined anyway) with them all flailing, so all turrets pointing to the rear. None of that makes much sense. Correct, thanks.
  17. This is what I wondered. Was the scenario meant to show this, rather than being a balanced H2H?
  18. I had some fun and learnt a bit with QBs when I started. And then came the battle where I was confronted by 9 AI-selected Sherman flail tanks all clearing the road (with turrets turned to the rear) as they advanced towards my Jagdtiger and its friends. That got messy very quickly and I think I moved away from QBs shortly afterwards.
  19. You mean to bump it ? I haven't played it but just had a look, you should be fine once you get to the 'flood plain' . Are you playing the original? I seem to have a Redux version as well, more GE reinforcements but it says play as Axis vs AI while the original mentions H2H.
  20. Ah South Stalingrad, the posh area. Not like that rubbled Central district .
  21. Nice work Nigel, loving it as always. Was that Pavlov's House in there a couple of times? And the 'jaunty, dare I say jovial' music playing over the video worked surprisingly well. I still like a bit of techno though .
  22. As Stalin (or was it Hitler?) once said "We don't play realistically, we play to win." Particularly in a QB or stand-alone battle.
  23. You might be down a level too far into Scenario and Mod tips, but who cares . Are you WW2 / Modern / Both / Space Lobsters?
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