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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I have some thoughts about your post, but you'll have to wait a few months before I post them .
  2. Just counting the PFs in your first picture, quite impressive and it looks like they already fired at least one. They are effective at this at close range, but need to be hidden / protected at longer ranges, or they may just run away when someone fires at them...
  3. I may be wrong but I think they will 'move as riflemen' and fight with their rifles, but they will still be carrying the out-of-ammo 60mm mortar. It's only a small encumbrance .
  4. Apart from 'can you do better than history?' scenarios I hear what you're saying. A re-enactment of the fall of Berlin has likewise failed to excite me as there will only be one winner, but I mean no disrespect to those trying to recreate it.
  5. That seems a little 'counter-progress' if I may say? I know what you mean, but long term it's the way to go (and Steve is not retiring just yet, he said so). I'll buy Utah anyway and keep playing CM2 for now.
  6. I hope you were wearing your Speedos Steve? I'm trying not to visualise that all the same ... And yeah sign me up for a pre-order on CM3 .
  7. Fair enough. As far as I know PBEM is cheat-proof, haven't heard or experienced otherwise.
  8. So you're saying the tree has bailed out? Anyway your panzerkeil has moved on since then...
  9. Seems like I clicked on the wrong thread . Interesting nevertheless...
  10. Yeah this should not be the start line historically, but sales/marketing might say otherwise. And the argument for focusing on CM3 is perhaps balanced by the argument for not having the same starting content for CM3. We probably can't have both, but we can hope.
  11. At the end of the day (not literally) it's up to BFC to determine what they need to focus on. Threads like this (which let's not forget was Steve's update, not a 'what would everyone like?' thread) poke around at what people are interested in, but it's BFC sales figures and a bit of crystal balling that will decide it.
  12. Hi Aldirin and welcome. Great post and good question. I'm also interested in the answer as I'm playing US in a PBEM of Pershing vs Tiger, and the proverbial is about to hit the fan. I don't need shells bouncing off those Tigers, or the Panthers that are with them. Looking in the manual, it just says AP .
  13. I can only speak about my experience - I played the BN and RT demos, didn't have a clue how to play at first but liked what I saw, perhaps as an old ASL player. Bought RT (yes I'm one of those East Front people), and then BN, FI and FB and all of the subsequent add-ons. I haven't regretted any of that, even if I play some a lot more than others. I also have a lot of other games (mainly bought on Steam) that I haven't played, partly because I spend all of my game time playing CM. We can console ourselves in the knowledge (if I recall it correctly) that 60% of games bought on Steam have not even been downloaded, let alone played. As for CM, you could pick up one in a sale perhaps (I'd say RT or BN) and I'll give you a game when you're ready .
  14. I'd buy that. And that, but some have said it doesn't suit CM that well (or is the other way round ?). I'm not into this just yet but I think I might be at some point, so yes why not. With a shiny new CM3 engine I'd be happy to get more of the same beaten to death settings .
  15. Yep, you make a very valid point, CM3 may well be a better use of time. And what better way to launch it than with CM3 Kursk ?
  16. Which real or fictional conflicts are you thinking of? I ask because some (like Ukraine) have been ruled out while the conflict goes on. I agree with this, others don't. Likewise I wouldn't fancy an Israel-Gaza game, and I'll stop there on that one. Anyway, there is discussion of both of these elsewhere. I'm a WW2 player so I do hope for more WW2 expansions (particularly Kursk, Barbarossa etc) but if Steve can make more money on the US storming of Grenada () then I wouldn't blame him for making it.
  17. Okay so this is Downfall not Red Thunder (sorry) and I hope my opponent @Ultradave won't mind. I suggested it must class as a KO and he should do the right thing and bail out :
  18. Rob, you can still do it all by email but as PIATpunk said the save files can get large (for example Hot Time in Hatten recently was up to 120MB per save) so you're far better using an online service like Dropbox where you and your opponent stick the save files in a shared folder. I don't actually use Helper, but if I did it would alert me to when a new file is there. Big deal you might say, but if you're playing 3 PBEMS at once and exchanging maybe 2 or 3 turns a day (well sometimes ) this can be useful. It also has a chat function, where you can type things like 'pew, pew, pew' or more meaningful stuff about your game or whatever else you want to talk about). Instead of Helper chat, I have BFC forum PM chats going with opponents to do the same job, or in one case we exchange emails for chat/alerts and Dropbox for the files. And yes, you will be able to PBEM with a BFC bought game - that's what I'm doing, even though I've also set them up on Steam just because I can.
  19. Another great battle, I played as US and thought I was losing it but I didn't .
  20. A bit of editing by me, but I agree. The original Cold War gone Hot.
  21. I hear that, apart from the modern bit . A lot of chit-chat has been saying the 'obvious progression' is to move earlier on the East Front (i.e. Kursk and then maybe earlier). Does that stack up for BFC? Perhaps I'm jumping the gun either way...
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