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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The C2 in real life. This is what is required by a non-superpower. It doesn't look like the Russians are managing it very well. The days of primary school +three years high school are truly behind us. Signals Officer provides a career path suitable for both technical and non-technical officers. The Corps requires officers with degrees in Communications, Electrical or Electronic Engineering, in Computer Science and in Information Systems. Officers with such qualifications will undertake regimental postings as well as key appointments requiring their specialist technical knowledge throughout their career.
  2. Hitler was on the backfoot from 1941. It took three more years before D-Day and Bagration could commence. I don't think the Ukraine can shift their current strategy any time soon.
  3. I think the Excalibur precision munition works with GPS and not Laser Guidance. I use them in SF2 on static defenses like bunkers or individual houses.
  4. People like Putin have only one attitude when they negotiate. I can promise anything because I am not going to honor it anyway.
  5. Remember Putin's move against militants in Moscow? They were all knocked out by a chemical agent. Hostages and militants alike. Another strike like that is on the cards now it moves in the urban phase of the campaign.
  6. I have them loaded on a SSD drive when I travel. Play them then from my laptop. Laptop is 8GB but that was before Covid.
  7. I think all halftracks are pretty good spotters. In FB also.
  8. Assessment from some Indian Generals. It makes sense and they are pretty professional and in my view underrated.
  9. War is armed robbery on a national scale. No need for physically involvement if you can do it through the banks and parliamentary degrees. Robin Hood politics rob the oligarchs and dole out the proceeds as foreign aid.
  10. I don't think it is simple. I think the map needs to be reedited every time depending on every individual playing the game
  11. UN and war. Two smaller countries go to war it will be resolved in the UN. A small country goes to war with a bigger country, the conflict won't be resolved in the UN. Two superpowers go to war the UN will disappear. The mistake was to let Russia inherit the Veto from the Soviet Union.
  12. Tankovyy Desant was a Soviet tactic. The T34 functioned in a comparable way to modern IFV's. With the allies they used it as transport.
  13. Because Red Thunder and Final Blitzkrieg came after CMBN and Battlefront finds it too much work to modify CMBN.
  14. Making cities into extermination camps. Separate civilians from the armed services and in time they will blame their army to continue the battle. They want to stop the successful raid and ambush tactics of the Ukrainian army. In that light I see the Russian offer to put the civilians on transport to Russia as refugees. 5 Star concentration camp in Russia or an extermination camp in the Ukraine.
  15. I only refer to what I do in the game. I am not telling the Ukraine army what to do.
  16. Observers only on top of apartment building. (Which can be done by high-tech wizardry). Yes, I expect the Soviets to take out prominent apartment buildings. I don't think we have to teach the combatants here anything about urban warfare.
  17. You can order a unit to embark at any time and it will go to the last waypoint of the transportation unit. It is useful to know that they will embark during a pause of the transportation unit. I will try that out.
  18. Russia is not the only one restoring old Empires. The map of eastern Europe is going to undergo a major overhaul. I think they are not going to make any illusions about NATO.
  19. It will always be hypothetical of how enthusiastically the East Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, and Poles would have performed under Soviet leadership.
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