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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Completely agree we have our fair share of silly politicians too. Kind regards.
  2. Advance on the right slowly use your engineers to clear a path through the minefield. Create a base of fire on the right side of the map then you push left. Capture I think the hotel there. Minefields are created to funnel your approach in a killing area of your opponent's choosing. Always consider attacking a minefield.
  3. I am a retiree myself and it is beyond me why he doesn't do what I do. Sit behind my PC and play Combat Mission. @Vet 0369 Ukraine agreement of 1994 in which they all agreed that the Ukraine give up their Soviet arsenal of nuclear weapons. Both Russia and the USA agreed to protect the Ukraine against foreign invaders. I suppose Russia is not regarded as a foreign invader. However, if the USA honored their agreement by assisting with boots on the grounds they would certainly be regarded by Putin as foreign invaders. Down in Oz I wonder at times how much our alliance is worth if it comes down to the nitty gritty. The twentieth century was known as the American century I am afraid the twenty-first century won't be. Regards I enjoyed my vacation in the USA two years ago indeed friendly people I just watch all of it with sadness not with smugness like some CNN commentators. About Tucker Carlson, I won't dignify myself to comment on.
  4. I don't mention any names, but an ex dissident president thinks that Putin is a smart guy and still enjoys considerable support. Anywhere else he would be behind lock and key. Putin is sinister but he is not stupid.
  5. In 1994 Ukraine agreed to get rid of their Soviet era nuclear units.
  6. The Vikings gave Russia its name so it the Swedes should run all. Dragging longboats from one river to the next. Singing row row row the boat ashore.
  7. Make a monopoly game with this as a meme. Oligarchs put their puppets where they count. If you don't succeed, be sentenced to the Gulags in Siberia.
  8. Ukraine doesn't need to import Australian Iron Ore for some time. They can become an exporter of processed pig iron.
  9. I was tempted to take screenshots, but I won't publish them here.
  10. Special forces Irish Orange Men is my best guess.
  11. I suggest you invest in Black Sea for some hypothetical scenarios.
  12. Well, if I want to be informed, I don't come here. First, I appreciate tips from fellow players. I am not interested in other players' biographies or life experiences which are none of my business.
  13. First and foremost, we play CM here. If you don't play the game what is your purpose here?
  14. We abolished the death penalty in 1984 and the last death penalty was carried out in 1964.
  15. I don't qualify unelected dictators as world leaders. His own people will sort him out. It will be karma at work.
  16. I didn't know that the leader of Belorussia is a world leader. I qualify him as an incalcitrant schoolbully.
  17. It takes three months of basic training to be a qualified green conscript.
  18. It was done by his former subjects. At least under a democracy they retire with a $200000 pension.
  19. Sara Palin as Putin's mistress means the end of the free world.
  20. He may be too heavy to hang upside down from a butcher's hook. A shame he would be well hung.
  21. Why should he invade? One thing Russia doesn't lack is manpower and Belarus is not known for its high-tech innovations.'
  22. Russia said it wouldn't invade the Ukraine I wouldn't believe whatever the Belarus leader says.
  23. Truth is the first casualty in a war, so they say.
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