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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. They drew straws whose turn it was for the security then the loser fell asleep.
  2. Pity it is unofficial, but we see some Olympic records broken here for the 100 meter dash.
  3. This is what a victory looks like. Taking a military objective merely helps. Once you see Putin sign something like this. He is a cancer don't be fooled by a remission.
  4. It was 1956 and programming was something they did in science fiction books.
  5. I concur they have some good looking sheilas there.
  6. Beautiful custom from the indigenous people. Just pick up a stick and the person who holds it can talk. When he is finished, he hands it over to the next person. If you make an *sshole of yourself, you get a bigger one aka a spear. That will be used to puncture your leg and you will be left behind to fend for yourself. Something they should do with Putin.
  7. I live in Australia and will pass you the 'Talking Stick'. I talk first and go back to first year primary school. The teacher taught us that 2+2 equals 4. You were not allowed to state that it was 22. It was regarded as a stupid joke. Nothing to do with questioning authority.
  8. Hard to say but about three hundred indigenous languages read nations. Complaining about countries invading other countries. We all meet the world from an unfamiliar perspective when we are born.
  9. You can say that again. Congress of Vienna and it was a success no major European war for one hundred years. France was the baddie and so was Poland as they choose the side of the French. Poland was carved up between Prussian and Russia the good guys. But things changed in a hundred years, Poland became one of the good guys again. Europe is like Rubic's cube you can create chaos and fancy patterns to your heart's content.
  10. You can't get any more undemocratic than giving Veto Power to the victors of WW2. It was the Soviet Union, and the Ukraine was part of it. Which nitwit had the idea to pass it on to Russia??? Get rid of the power to Veto and the UN may have a future in the present form it doesn't. Taiwan had Veto power to till they recognized Communist China, talking about appeasement. France and Great Britain also have Veto powers they're have beens. Just nations in their own right nothing special.
  11. A good question in the New York Times it is my reference. How does the world have an effective U.N. With a country led by a war criminal on the Security Council, who can veto every resolution?
  12. I am not sour, and I am an Australian for the last 57 years anyway.
  13. Dutch Army, the BAOR and the Bundeswehr. I am just not interested in this game till they are included. Fair enough for a US resident to promote his country's contribution. Hope they enjoy themselves.
  14. Yes, we only see the first trench usually. No communication trench command posts or the stores.
  15. They are beaten when they say they are beaten. Beating them up and then claiming victory is ludicrous. Cancer has the habit of regenerating. Here an Austrian perspective they were also a super power hundred years ago and have experience with Eastern Europe. It has English subtitles. They explain how the Ukrainian Forces deal with the Command and Control of the Russians. Better explained than the English speaking media.
  16. The 'War on Terror' Started by President Bush is still on going. We don't call war, war anymore but something else. Battles and campaigns don't last long. A war lasts as long till the other party surrenders. I can't see that happening for a few years. Putin may be toast by this summer, but I can't see the Kremlin surrendering.
  17. Turn on the English subtitles for once it works OK.
  18. I didn't check the English translation, but you should figure it out. Battalion strength Battle Group in the attack.
  19. Or carry on with outdated gear. It will be a brave Ukranian mounting a T72 tank. I thought autoloaders were a great idea, but this war changed my mind. I also accept that we can't put these tankers in Abrams, Challengers, or Leopards 2 without extensive training first. See what happens even one Ukrainian dying in this conflict is one too many. For the Russians better desert than selling your soul.
  20. I hope I am wrong wars used to be long term. Wars used to be normal, easily lasting a human lifetime.
  21. It is what Hitler thought from June till Christmas 1941. Just let's look in a years' time, I truly hope I am wrong.
  22. Europe covers an area from the Atlantic to the Urals. Putin is fighting the democratization of Eastern Europe and China is frightened it may happen to them. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan show the prosperity democracy can bring. The USA leads NATO and Western Europe. Why did you think Putin flirted with a dissident president? America first and not accepting the outcome of an election. It was a president who talked Putin's language. He also woke up western Europe and us in Australia too. Don't take the US for granted the mistake the Kurds and the Afghans made.
  23. China is watching with glee an imploding Europe. For them Putin is truly a useful idiot. NATO will be damned if they don't interfere and damned if they don't. I hope the strategy of NATO fighting to the last Ukranian works with modern NATO weapons. I give it at best a fifty, fifty chance.
  24. Here is an educated Russian I won't have a guess of the level of education of the armed forces.
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