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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. My parents were Dutch and after WW 2 there was an unwritten protocol. Never again there are no two ways about it. Russia has broken that protocol. NATO and the EU were the tools which achieved over 70 years of peace. The question is what to do with the incalcitrant bully in the neighbourhood? Only one option gang together and bash him up. We only started taking his pocket money from him. But his dear mom (Russia)is paying for it.
  2. Democracy in Ukraine and Russia. Somebody summarized it with an analogy 0 to 10. Russia scores a 2 and the Ukraine a 6. A 6 is no way perfect but a lot better than a 2.
  3. Molotov Cocktail: The Old 'People's Weapon' Going to War in Ukraine - 19FortyFive
  4. You must be joking it is the duty of every civilian to protect his country and his dwelling.
  5. If you use you too in your argument you are admitting already, you're wrong.
  6. If Hitler had any brains he would have caused a war between the USA and the USSR. Like you do in chess you fork the King and the Queen with your knight.
  7. Mr Vladimir Putin is in his rights not hiring me as a figure skater. What is the problem if you don't want to continue somebody's contract? Communism with a lifetime nanny state didn't work.
  8. A war between NATO and Russia is exactly what China wants. They won't take sides. My advice? is investing in popcorn manufacturers. One Billion people is a lot of customers.
  9. What is the make of the Pickup Trucks in SF2? I like to buy one. Two Warriors opened up.
  10. For once I agree with you. There is the first time for everything.
  11. Make sure your C2 is communicating properly, they don't have the luxury of a puppet master clicking to mouse.
  12. Here you have some people win the occasional combat mission game against the AI and that makes them instant experts in this conflict. It is sad if it was not true.
  13. Chernobyl is in the Ukraine if Russia is considering tactical nukes, they may be thinking about all the stuff near Pripyat. Enough to make a so-called dirty bomb or bombs. Half their army going home with radiation sickness is not a good look.
  14. I felt peeved off. I thought I had taken the objective as the Red units surrendered. As there was no white flag the AI still regarded it as contested and occupied by Red Forces. Again, the AI surrendered the Red Forces with 10 minutes to play and robbed me of the opportunity for a Total Victory. I have not picked up Highland Games since then.
  15. The Dutch word is 'Nuchter' after 57 years I failed to explain the concept. To translate it as Sober won't do.
  16. All settled than, Biden and Putin should play Combat Mission Black Sea and the winner takes all.
  17. Things have turned around, war is waged in urban centres. It takes manpower to control modern cities of at least 4-5 million people.
  18. The car manufacturer will use it for safety design promotion. The car got crushed but the driver lives thanks to ........
  19. It worked in North Africa too. Try it out yourself, put your feet in a bucket of ice. Doesn't leave any marks for brutality.
  20. Is the temperature around freezing? Take their socks and shoes off, they soon agree with you.
  21. Have you ever read the 1994 agreement? Ukraine got rid of the Soviet arsenal on its soil. From hindsight I call it a huge mistake. I was born in 1950 and listened to the old Soviet propaganda on TV. Putin wants to reinstate the Politburo in all Slavonic countries.
  22. I didn't know there were US nuclear weapons in the Ukraine. US never objected to conventional weapons from the Soviet Union in Cuba.
  23. Quoting the Soviet argument during the Cuba crises. If the US can point nuclear weapons to Cuba, Cuba can point our weapons to the US. Ukraine is a sovereign country and has the right to protect itself against Russia as it sees fit.
  24. First for the Russian apologist. Russia is defending itself. Against whom, Ukraine? Ukraine joining NATO? Only a single NATO country has to say no. I suspect behind the scenes a few have told Putin they would Veto it. Vladimir has only one agenda and that is restoring the Soviet empire.
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