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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. 1994 Ukraine made a big mistake. The nuclear weapons on its soil went back to Russia. If they could say: Stop otherwise there is no more Moscow. I don't think Russia would ever have started it.
  2. Back in 1994 they made a silly decision. Now all the west can come up with is sanctions. Would Russian have jumped into this adventure if Mutual Assured Destruction would have been on the cards. It may be the reason Israel still exist even when they are not supposed to have any. Ukraine, Nuclear Weapons, and Security Assurances at a Glance | Arms Control Association
  3. You know you can load the map of a scenario in the editor safe it under a different name in the quick battle folder. Then use it as a quick battle against a human player.
  4. Thanks for the detailed explanation in Neptune Spear. I think I can do a decent job with Affinity Photo as good as Photoshop at the fraction of the cost.
  5. Ok a simple question what is the workflow to import a typed briefing with the graphics in a scenario?
  6. At the end of the day, it is the superpower of the day which decides the destiny of nations. Each territory here is bigger than the Benelux and has its own language. Now we put sanctions on Russia. In our case the pot is calling the kettle black. I live in Whadjuk territory.
  7. The situation is a little like Belgium. Some Flemish want to unify with the Netherlands.
  8. I use it and it can read Photoshop files.
  9. I rather pay than something like the Gimp which is for free. But never heard a bad report about it.
  10. If they could use Photoshop, I could use Affinity Photo which is a lot cheaper. In the UK, you can get it for ₤50 only once.
  11. On Hunt they look very impressive going through the back streets all of the squad going through a proper drill.
  12. The primary weapon should have the LOS.
  13. She doesn't do that with a facing arc?
  14. I found that at times doing less macro management is better. The Hunt comment is typical. Just put two-way points without splitting a squad and it did the job better than splitting up and make a dozen waypoints.
  15. Foxholes are generic. A typical example is the PAK 75, you can't put an AT-Gun in a foxhole. It is there to protect the crew. This is the method to get rid of them. The crew couldn't stand the heat.
  16. The Devil is in the detail. An infantry squad if you use the move tool you see that the TacAI spread the unit over 2 or three action squares. If you see the foxhole icon it will provide cover for only four men. The question is when to take over manual control from the TacAI. If you see an enemy tank on the UI but your unit doesn't have a tentative or full contact, I don't expect the TacAI to play the game for me. It will lose even when you can plot a LOF on the enemy unit.
  17. Knock them all down the Aachen Campaign. Urban warfare and you learn artillery missions. The engineers also play a good part. They have my favourite TD the Hellcat.
  18. Nijmegen Road-Bridge. Once you open the scenario you get an immobilized Radio Jeep. It seems you can still use it. This time the MG Platoon HQ by just standing next to it. Doesn't make much difference in the game. You don't get a radio icon just a voice C2 little odd his HQ is standing 6 city blocks away.
  19. How can we tell which mode a player will select? We seem to be the only one who enjoy Hotseat vastly outnumbered by the Pbem crowd. Happy gaming.
  20. Welcome to put me on ignore join the club. We have the same rules for Soviet indirect fires thanks to people like you.
  21. Road to Nijmegen is buggy reason I didn't complete it apart from the first two games I won't waste my time on it. Just play Bridge No7, Nijmegen Road Bridge and Back over the Waal scenarios. These scenarios should have been in the Campaign.
  22. No offence intended but I find the online You Tube videos of the gentleman extremely useful and follow him. In the past I was told off not to use the FDC for the platoon 60mm mortar. Now Sim Sala Bim I hear otherwise. We don't have any experts of Soviet indirect fires, but veterans of the US armed services appoint themselves as such. I bought the game to enjoy myself and don't use it as a slanging match on this forum. If my units don't have radio, they will miss the 21st century capabilities which the US armed services have. So direct fire it is from carefully selected defilade positions. Using a FDC by postal pigeon is just too slow.
  23. Hot Time in Hatten. Avenue of approach through the back streets. I am afraid in the past I did too much micromanagement. Not this time couple of way points and I didn't split the squad. It looked like the 'Hunt' command was designed for this.
  24. Partisan with his bolt rifle, related to Vasily Zaitsev? He was an absolute pain for the Germans in this battle. The Russian plane shot everything on the ground what moved. Including his own friendly Bolsheviks. He knocked out some AA 20 mm Guns.
  25. It is already a sandbox game, a good way to test pet tactics and SOP's.
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