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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Use submachine gun infantry to clear the town first. The place they have fire superiority over the Germans.
  2. You don't have time to waste. 2men scout unit in the half tracks the remainder of the squad rides on a Panzer IV. That is how you do your recon. Analyze the terrain where you put your TRPs. The Soviet tanks have a better gun and better armor than your Panzer IVs. Capture as much terrain as you can.
  3. You were not brought up in the 50's or 60's. Nazis former enemies and communists the cold war enemies. Perfect for war gaming a game against British or Americans not so much.
  4. Debatable. "Sue for peace you idiots.!" Von Rundstedt said something like this.
  5. The mistake was let Russia keep the Veto Power as if they were still the USSR. Where was the logic behind this?
  6. People sense it like animals' sense a thunderstorm.
  7. Absolutely like Adolf in the bunker but he has nuclear weapons.
  8. Keep on dreaming, judge what he says and what he is doing. Like Hitler in his bunker far more dangerous in 1944 than he was in 1940.
  9. Remember the Cuban crisis? NATO was willing to go all the way then and the Soviets backed off. Eventually you must confront him whether you like it or not. Don't believe for one minute he will stop here, his goal is the restoration of the Soviet Union. The breakup he described as the biggest disaster ever. Don't wait till forces from Eastern Europe are once again part of his army. Who could blame them?
  10. SMAW great against infantry in buildings. The AT role is only secondary. This is a blend of three screenshots. The engine automatically selects the right ammunition. First time I used it as such.
  11. Times have changed in war gaming. Soviets' vs Nazis was popular because there was not much sympathy for either one on humanitarian grounds. Two baddies make the perfect wargame. Stalin Tanks vs Tiger tanks had some parity.
  12. If you can make a rocket which is able to land on the moon and come back a Javelin is a firecracker.
  13. The radio icon only indicates that he has radio contact with his C2 network by radio. If you click on the radio icon you go instantly to the unit, he is communicating with.
  14. I am impressed the Ukraines don't have problems with his Ozzie accent.
  15. Yes, it takes a little practice but especially with the US 60mm mortar and also the 81mm you get a semi-indirect fire effect from a defilade position. That means you position your mortar just behind a ridge. That way only other artillery will be able to get you. This mission had two purposes I wanted the Germans to reveal some of their position. Be aware do always combined arms. With a human player it is not that easy but the AI is pretty dumb. Yes, for proper indirect fire your mortars need a radio nearby. Another reason to use the direct fire mode by carefully selecting the terrain. Your ammo is soon wasted by spotting rounds.
  16. Operation Paper Tiger. NATO's Campaign in the Ukraine.
  17. The Russo Finnish Winter War didn't get rid of Stalin. Russian dictators got superglue on their backsides.
  18. The function of dictators is to make democratic countries look good.
  19. A War Without Mercy. You need to do research and learn tactics. If you play it seriously this game can take up to a year. Study the terrain, organize your traffic and formations. I would say look at it six months from now.
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