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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The 50 mm was the German 6 pounder and against tanks effective what let it down was it's HE. The specifications on the eastern front I once read. Able to knock out the enemy at a mile stop their rounds at a kilometer. The 88 knocked out the KV at a mile the 76mm was ineffective at a km. Same with the Panther the Germans just couldn't produce enough. Russian tank production stopped the German tank production. Once you defend mines play an important role even now a well-placed IED can take out a western MBT.
  2. This is a CM hobby site. Ever played a December morning in FB? You find to tackle the King Tiger you can use the 76 mm Sherman to knock it out. This is my experience with the 76 mm gun on the Sherman. Back to the Josef Stalin. I remember the specification of rounds to be carried on an allied tank always around seventy. 28 rounds on the IS2 a serious matter it translates in 9 effective shots. 5 minutes in a battle and it is out of ammo. The issue is similar in pistol shooting in which I have experience. 7 rounds .45 ACP or 13 rounds 9 mm in the HP Browning? Not surprised even the US army went for the 9 mm some time ago. If you drop a 75 mm shell through the slit of a pillbox the people inside won't tell you that the round is ineffective. Even more effective than cracking the reinforced concrete with a 122mm. In Korea British tankers excelled in that technique. They called it letter dropping.
  3. Yes, they did. Everybody appreciated the Sherman except Hollywood.
  4. I agree the man knows what he is talking about. One thing wrong about the Sherman in CM it is not hard to win as the Americans.
  5. The IS2 28 shells rate of fire two round/ minute. Very good reason not to appreciate it. Pershing not reliable not even in Korea. M46 was actually the same tank better engine entered service 1949. Explains why the Pershing was introduced too early.
  6. Okay I never started this, I just reacted.
  7. World War 2 started because England was in a state of war if the German army didn't withdraw from Poland. It is a little rich coming from a country which colonized most of the world. Yes, you have all the right to dismiss other views as simplistic. TBH, it leaves me cold.
  8. Nato Handsreich I found the Marder's Cannon excellent against infantry in buildings. But as a part of a combined arms assault, you can see the results of breaching walls of the quick firing cannon, combined with the 40mm HE of the infantry section. Combination of plunging and grazing fire.
  9. The 'Detail' is the word 'Raid'. In that sense the operation failed too as the exit strategy failed too. Hitler as usual shined as an NCO fortunately for us he tied up his General Staff.
  10. Somebody needs to test the RL Tactic. Shoot HE at the King Tiger followed by White Phosphor. The White Phosphor will combust on the Tiger and set it alight. In the game however *spoiler* have the Jumbos attack followed by the 76 mm Sherman. The Sherman penetrated the King Tiger's side armor, and the crew abandoned the tank. Kept firing till it was knocked out. We don't have choice what ammo we can use. I would love to try the White Phosphor and HE procedure which came supposedly from Patton himself.
  11. They probably don't like the commission just a theory.
  12. I see Steam as a solution to a non-existing problem. If they slow down the release date of games, I see that as a problem. I can remember when you bought CM in the local computer shop. Then I couldn't find them till I found out about 3 years ago I could buy the games online. Possibly Steam will go the same way.
  13. Ok I have never bought a game on Steam, just see what happens.
  14. Ok I am waiting for FR, Cold War will also need an expansion. By the way kudos for the Beta Testers, first I am just a customer.
  15. We are waiting for Steam's approval reading between the lines.
  16. That must be the one, I was at the time new to the game and thought it was a bug. The engineers blasted a passage, but the Churchills still couldn't get through.
  17. Talking about trees. If the designer has the trees on a forest tile your engineers can't make an area accessible for armor. I found this out in Battle for Normandy 'Seven Winds'.
  18. Just look at Barbarossa to Berlin a few scenarios are there for the taking. Courland, East Prussia, and the list goes on and on.
  19. In the 1980s, 3UBM11 antitank rounds were introduced, with 3BM25 armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS) tungsten carbide penetrator, which increased its armor penetration. In 1983, the T-55M and T-55AM tank upgrade program also added the ability to some tanks to fire the 9K116-1 Bastion guided missile system (NATO reporting name AT-10 Stabber), for long-range engagements of tanks and low-flying helicopters. The anti-tank missile is encased in the 3UBK10-1 shell, which is handled, loaded, and fired exactly like a conventional tank gun round. 1.5 seconds after firing, a laser guidance window in the tail of the round is uncovered, and its rocket engine ignites to burn for up to six seconds, with a total missile flight time of up to 41 seconds. The missile is very expensive, about half the price of a T-55M tank, but allows the venerable 100 mm gun to engage modern main battle tanks. Missile ammunition includes: 3UBK10-1 (9M117 Bastion), penetrating 600 mm at up to 4,000 m 3UBK10M-1 (9M117M Kan) tandem warhead, penetrating 650 mm at up to 4,000 m 3UBK23-1 (9M117M1 Arkan) extended-range tandem warhead, penetrating 750 mm at up to 6,000 m 3UBK23M-1 (9M117M2 Boltok) extended-range warhead penetrating 850 mm at up to 6,000 m Ref: D-10 tank gun - Wikipedia
  20. 2 PAK 75 mm inside their effective range 30 IS2's stop and their commander challenge the Germans. Come on you cowards why don't you shoot?
  21. I want to plant the flag on top of the Reichstag. Will be an interesting scenario.
  22. Also, of the US 60 mm. They complement tactically their water-cooled HMG's as you can hide them just behind a crest and still plot a direct (semi-indirect fire mission). In RL the HMG's could be used in this manner, it was the function of the team leader to find the sweet spot for their positions. In the game we just have to settle for the light mortars.
  23. It is up to you. You can research, find maps. See what could have happened. The purpose of wargaming is to produce a theoretical model. We know the outcome of Market Garden and we know the outcome of the Battle for Normandy campaign. With SF2, BS and now CW we have hypothetical situations. The sky is the limit as far as theoretical outcomes. We now know that both sides planned nuclear retaliations in case of an invasion by the other. The game as we get it is a very unlikely scenario but will be good entertainment, nevertheless. Like having the hypothetical situation on D-Day 6th June 1944. The beaches saturated by biological or chemical agents. The Germans had the means and wiped out 6 million people on an industrial scale by 1945.
  24. I mean in the game. Whatever is in the sight picture stays in the memory located in the nose of the missile. That's what I have read. No practical experience with fire and forget systems.
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