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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I would go with the Easy 8 Sherman came to that conclusion after visiting the Korean war Museum in Seoul. It performed better than the Pershing in many aspects and the US crews had better training than the North Koreans in the T34/85. You're correct with the Panther it was rushed but that didn't make it a bad tank. Tanks nowadays are MBT's mostly. These 3 tanks came close to that concept. I like always to play British or German whether it is WW 2 or Shockforce. The reason I wait with Cold War till they expand it. I would suggest the North German plain is more strategic. The Hansa League cities went from Antwerp all the way to Gdansk. Gdansk started the 2nd World War and there began the first stage of failure for the Soviet Union. In the Netherlands Delfzijl, Emden, and Hamburg. There is where the British ended World War 2. it stopped the Soviets moving into Jutland. For the Cold War it would make an excellent scenario.
  2. The 'Pirate Flag' is called the Jolly Roger and was raised when a Pirate Ship was about to attack. These guys probably felt inspired by that.
  3. NATO Handstreich SF2 takes the cake. 2 Hour Game Folds after some 48 minutes. Syrian forces surrender and gave me a Major Victory. Penalized me for destroying too many buildings. I followed the guidelines and returned fire after I received it. I like to know what the Editor had in mind when he designed it. Anybody else experienced some frustrations? Played on Iron against the AI. Will try it on Hotseat and play as Syrian, I don't think it is much good against the AI.
  4. It was the Marschall Plan continuation of the 'politionele akties' would have seen it suspended. But I am not here to discuss Dutch politics of the time.
  5. The Chassis of the JSIII's was used to transport intercontinental missiles during the cold war. The dinosaur still had its uses.
  6. @Lethaface we make our judgements in regards which tank came closest to the MBT concept of postwar Europe. 3 tanks shined in that regards during WW 2. The German Panther, The T34/85 and the Sherman Easy Eight with the 76 mm Gun. The Sherman Easy 8 was a Johnny come lately, around Christmas 1944. Post war Europe they had the tanks they wanted during WW 2. Only the ATGM made them obsolete. The Josef Stalin family became obsolete quickly, its gun was a field gun and not a tank gun. In the Sinai it showed its weakness it was designed to beat the static German army of 1944. Against the maneuvering Israeli army, it just sat in a static position. The T34/85 as a tank was much better it carried the ammunition required in an MBT around 60 and as a tank it was suitable for pursuit. The strength of the Sherman was that it could be used as a tank and already as a FiST vehicle. The name was not invented yet.
  7. Hungary 1956, Prague 1967, Afghanistan 1979-1989. Soviet forces Cold War performance. Like they say in the game of cricket, they didn't get exactly the runs on the board. But we can play a game of a war which never was. All hypothetical we could play the Dutch in Indonesia too. At least they captured Soekarno and Hatta and thereby lost the police actions as it was a political disaster in the UN. Militarily they performed well! Imagine the US capturing Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi we would have been saturated with Chuck Norris movies. Police Actions, it makes a nice game. Airborne forces capture the airfield, DC 3 transports land and unload the transport (Jeeps). Drive to Yogyakarta reach today's Jalan Marlboro. Settle at Ford Vredesburg. Get a Sergeant with a hand grenade cross the road to the parliament building and throw a grenade over the walled fence. Soekarno and Hatta come outside to surrender. A textbook example of how to lose a war. Going back to the Cold War in Europe I just can't imagine it how it ever would have turned hot. Support in Eastern Europe was at the most lukewarm. Happy gaming
  8. The best tank is the one which brings victory. The Sherman was a winner during the war and in post war deployments. It did the role a tank is supposed to do. The topic was the ISII the best tank in WW 2 I just committed the unforgivable sin to disagree with it. How many JSII's or Tiger tanks are still in running order? It still fought in the Sinai and on the Golan heights up to more than 25 years later. Naturally, it is relevant even in this game it is an excellent weapon. Outgunned? use it to call in a fighter bomber other HQ Sherman makes it operate under an umbrella of artillery. But if you don't look further than the gun or armour the argument of mediocre carries some, I said 'some' weight. I think it is better to keep my mouth shut on the forums.
  9. It is to show their troops got a higher IQ than the horses. The horses can poo on the pavers the soldiers cannot.
  10. Like the modern Steyr Rifle Scope 1.5 Magnification. For less-than-ideal light conditions and for normal tactical ranges. The idea was ahead of its time, to concentrate solely on the front sight is hard to do during stress fire. (The other guy shoots at you). A marksman should be allowed to boresight his own rifle and be trained how to do it. It is not a sniping scope for that reason. Still a useful scope just make it for up to 300 meters and the reason that it is easier to get a sight picture is worthwhile.
  11. My pacifist inclined sister called the M113 a tank when she saw one. Your buddy is among good company.
  12. Makes a nice game flush out 18 MG42 with 2 - 60mm mortars.
  13. This forum calls it the best tank of WW 2 the best in what? Lower rate of fire 28 shells only ergonomics in the turret. Are the arguments against it. I imagine to be located inside the blast of an exploding 122 mm HE shell is not a pleasant experience. For the 28 shells and lower rate of fire, the solution is 2 JSII tanks. Quantity has a quality all its own.
  14. Like the Easy 8 American 76 mm Shermans could be called a completely different tank. The Russians did something similar put a different turret on a T34. The 17 pounders was put in a standard M4 turret which was according the YT experts too small (Chieftain and David Fletcher of Bovinton museum). I take their word for it.
  15. I wrote (copy and pasted) Both tanks were an improvement on the WW II counterparts.
  16. Exactly it was not a tank in the strictest sense of the word. An innovation shoehorned a 17 pounder ATG in a too small of a turret. Kudos to the people who served in it. Better the 77 mm of the Comet, there they produced a different shell for the gun. Easy for us to judge what is a good tank. Brews up the other guy and the armor protects you excellent. We don't sit in it and operate it from the PC. We sit in a computer chair with a cup of coffee clicking at leisure. Never mind the smaller size of a T72 for example, its 125mm gun can penetrate an Abrams. That a tank is good in a PC game doesn't mean it is good in real life. JS III in the Sinai vs Israeli Shermans in 1956. Guess which tank came out on top it was not the JS III. Both tanks were an improvement on the WW II counterparts. 28 Shells takes 2 stages to load the gun and has a lower rate of fire. People have the right as a computer gamer to call it the best tank in WW II. I disagree happy gaming.
  17. I think you're right, the best way let the TacAI solve the problem or use a cover-arc.
  18. JS 2 is a field gun on tracks firefly is an AT Gun in a tank. Comparing apples with oranges really. I am not a huge fan of the firefly it was a product of innovation.
  19. His German friend (Panzerschreck) took 5 turns to walk across a little pedestrian bridge. Got split from his ammo bearer too. Yes, a two men team can split. It is probably a bug.
  20. SU 100 and T34/85 who says they were the WW 2 variety? At least there were no Lend and Lease Shermans.
  21. I know it affected the outcome on the Golan Heights between Israeli Centurions vs Syrian T62's. The 115 mm Gun on the T62 was at least on par with the L7 105 mm gun. As attacker all the hull of the T62's were exposed, The Centurions were mostly fire from cover thanks to the gun depression. Longe range gunnery was achieved by specialist training of the crews. I imagine the M60 woud have the upper hand against an attacking force. The T64 I understand is a generation ahead. Do they fire ATGM's like the T72's do and is this part of the game? Or is the APDSFS their sole ammunition vs armor? You need to be David outranging Goliath in a firefight.
  22. I never check either. In RL artillery is either by grid, reference points or from the FO position. The situation with artillery is like so many other issues generic. In the game I suspect a runner would go to a unit with a radio, with the references. Something could have been arranged with flares prior operations It is a game play it as it comes.
  23. On Engine 4 in Battle for Normandy or Final Blitzkrieg units without a radio can't call in arty. But in RT they can. A few things you can do, make a little house rule. Assume field telephones Company HQ or higher let Armor with radio do FO work. IN RT infantry can ride on tanks and acquire RTO communication. Or you leave things as they are.
  24. I just checked in RT Engine3 (Waiting for Fire and Rubble). He is right without radio calling up for an on map 81 mm is 6 min. It could be done by a runner but in that case, you can't adjust fire.
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