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    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Get outta here with that neo-tankie crap. NATO was not a threat to Russia. Nobody was itching to drive on Moscow like it was 1941 or 1812. If the Russians had played nice instead of weaponizing their whole "Russkiy mir" concept the Europeans would have been perfectly happy to just sit there and buy cheap fossil fuels pumped in from Siberia. 
  2. Upvote
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Get outta here with that neo-tankie crap. NATO was not a threat to Russia. Nobody was itching to drive on Moscow like it was 1941 or 1812. If the Russians had played nice instead of weaponizing their whole "Russkiy mir" concept the Europeans would have been perfectly happy to just sit there and buy cheap fossil fuels pumped in from Siberia. 
  3. Like
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Get outta here with that neo-tankie crap. NATO was not a threat to Russia. Nobody was itching to drive on Moscow like it was 1941 or 1812. If the Russians had played nice instead of weaponizing their whole "Russkiy mir" concept the Europeans would have been perfectly happy to just sit there and buy cheap fossil fuels pumped in from Siberia. 
  4. Like
    Bearstronaut reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If future historians go about it the way current ones do, historians/archaeologists a few thousand years from now will say that a Zerg was probably some deity or mythical creature, anyway something with a cultic background. And/or there will be endless discussions about what kind of background in reality the Terran-Zerg conflict had and whether the Zerg were real creatures or people who just vanished. Noone will have enough imagination that it was just fiction. Just like with Atlantis or the Iliad...
  5. Like
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Panserjeger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It kind of amuses me to imagine future historians writing about this war and having to write a footnote to their readers to describe what a "Zerg" is. 
    *A Zerg is a fictional alien species from a computer game popular in the late 1990s known for attacking in suicidal wave attacks and ignoring casualties.
  6. Upvote
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It kind of amuses me to imagine future historians writing about this war and having to write a footnote to their readers to describe what a "Zerg" is. 
    *A Zerg is a fictional alien species from a computer game popular in the late 1990s known for attacking in suicidal wave attacks and ignoring casualties.
  7. Like
    Bearstronaut reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes, and poor Imperial Japan was just nicely minding its own busines, rampaging across China, raping Nanking, cutting down all the trees in Korea, fortifying the entire ex-German Pacific islands mandate. Co-Prosperity Sphere, you know.
    ...and mean old Roosevelt needlessly provoked them with his metals and oil embargo, like a literal dagger to the throat of an oil poor maritime power I tell you!
    I mean, what else could they do? but rampage across the entire Pacific, mass-murdering civilians by the bucketload?
    Bring better arguments than drive-by Carlson/Buchanan retweets, mate. Otherwise, The American Conservative is over there.....
  8. Like
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Man, you just believe everything you read on the internet don’t you?
  9. Upvote
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I play on Mac. 
  10. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to ZPB II in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    While the Satanism angle invites ridicule it makes a lot of sense.
    QAnon cultists represent a significant domestic threat for the US and have been eating RUS propaganda for years. They will feel vindicated and reinvigorated. Stochastic terrorism and separatism in the US will likely increase after this move.
    If there is one thing Russia is very good at, it's psyops.
  11. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to Phantom Captain in Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review   
    Excellent.  I have about 30 min left in this one.  Looks like we are going to hit the finish line about the same time!
  12. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to Anxel Torrente in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    If I remember correctly from the time when you were waiting for Fire and Rubble, you were so annoyed about waiting for that DLC so people got annoyed by your complaints of being annoyed about the long waiting time. When the DLC finally arrived you promised not to complain anymore. But it seems that you almost are about to break that promise now when you're annoyed about waiting for this new DLC.
    Just relax and take some deep breaths and all will be fine.
  13. Upvote
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Lille Fiskerby in Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review   
    I got through with a Total Victory. Guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. I just avoided the forest altogether. Used 434 troops to screen the edges and pushed up the right with armor. I lost two Panthers breaking up the Pak line but once that was dealt with it was fairly simple to clear out the place with the PzG company.
  14. Like
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review   
    I just started Warazyk Forest. I am quite dismayed that I only have 5th Company from the 434th. I only have one squad in the entire company that has more than five soldiers in it. This may be where my campaign ends.
  15. Like
    Bearstronaut reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Looks like RU is preparing for another regrouping in Kherson
  16. Like
    Bearstronaut reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Gawd, I hate when that happens.
    Ok, that is a major unsupported leap of logic, and frankly we are get way too many of these in the last 50 pages - at some point this is going to devolve this venture into the same rhetorical and propaganda spaces we see all over the internet, and at that point I will be lobbying to close the thread down because it is no longer keeping people informed, it will have become a dogmatic platform.
    If Russia employs battlefield nuclear weapons, there will be a response, there must be.  However, let's say hypothetically that the West backs down and says "ok, well now it is getting real - let's negotiate an endstate".  Yes, it is not a good thing for the future risk the employment of nuclear weapons may have on imperialist expansion.  Russia will likely try the same game elsewhere; however what is missing between the Baltic nations and Ukraine is certainty. 
    If Russia annexes, invades or attacks a Baltic nation, and IF that nation declares an article 5 then Russia is not getting handsie on some side hustle, it is declaring war on NATO.  "Oh, sure but who says NATO will actually do anything about it?" some say cynically - well 1) NATO nations sure as hell have done something about Ukraine and 2) NATO is too big to fail, and 3) if NATO does fail - and don't take this too personally - but we individually won't give two figs what happens in Baltics or the entirety of Eastern Europe, and even more bluntly in North America, we might not even really care too much about all of Europe anymore - at least as far as collective defence goes.
    1) You know, a simple "thank you for having our backs" would go a long way once and awhile.  Instead we get "well what have you done for me lately" and "what do you mean you are not willing to risk nuclear escalation for Ukraine?!  How dare you!!"  I am very grateful that those voices are in the minority.  NATO has already committed to the defence of Ukraine, the question is how far will that will last in a nuclear exchange...good question, but I suspect it isn't to drop everything and declare unconditional surrender.  But we are not likely to be interested in a bottomless pit of cost and risk either.  And before anyone crawls on a morality high horse - take a long look at Africa and the Middle East, we have and will let places burn to the ground outside of our orbit/key interests or if risk/cost gets too high - "change the channel Marge."
    2) In NATO and out of NATO is a very significant different state - kinda why we make such a big deal about entry.  By definition NATO is a collective defensive alliance, supported by a very complex and political treaty.  NATO is, in effect, the military power of the western world and the hard power that backs up the western rules-based order.  Without it, that order starts to unravel.  If Russia pushes the West into "well let us do what we want, and NATO collapses" situation, we are living in the End Times.  Russia, as immensely stupid as they have been, has yet to try and back the West into a corner, even though they themselves are being rammed into one.  Why?  Because the West would crush Russia beyond recognition to protect itself...and NATO is central to that equation.  I expect that NATO would accept nuclear exchange losses, leaving Russia a radioactive wasteland for a few centuries, before it is going to allow itself to fall apart through direct force.  Oddly enough,  Putin was on the right track to actually defeat NATO by continuing to support narratives that "NATO was irrelevant" - NATO could have evolved into something less than it is now, that would have given Russia more....wait for it...options space.  But then they did this useless war and pushed NATO in the exact opposite direction.  Maybe Russia needs NATO to be big and strong and scary so that it can hold itself together, but they even have to be smart enough to realize...they just made NATO big strong and scary.
    3) If NATO collapses under direct pressure.  The whole edifice falls apart.  Then, and try not to be too hurt, we got much bigger problems than Ukraine, the Baltics or Russia to worry about.  We would likely see a series of new collective defensive bodies arise from the ashes, and a fair number of them can't even find Ukraine or the Baltics on the map.  The EU might hold together militarily but Europe has a bit of shaky history in that regard.  I suspect it may fall back on internal alignment, most of which won't care what happens in the Baltics.  The bigger players will likely try to hold it together, 5 EYES+ for example but even then, the most liberal humanist nations are going to start to contract back to their own borders and interests.  This will have economic repercussions as we no longer have unified collective military power to secure globalization. I expect China will be invading Taiwan the following Tues - at which point all of this Eastern Europe/Russia noise is going to fade to background while we hit a singularity decision point in Asia. 
    So as bluntly as I can - The Baltics are more important to NATO and the West because  they are in NATO under the collective defence mechanism that affords.  We will take far fewer risks or BS from Russia in these countries because  they are within that framework.  I suspect that there are more than a few politicians that are quietly thanking whatever gods they pray to that Ukraine is not in NATO right now because we would not even have the option to pull back. 
    That said, the issue of having Ukraine in NATO is likely largely settled at this point, so once this war is over, it will also come under that collective protection - for the love of god, just take the freakin win!  Russia nuclear deterrence is working in this war, that is why we are not Shock and Awing Moscow, Bagdad Style.  In this game of chicken Ukraine may lose - I personally do not think that is the most probable outcome but, dare we admit it and not get yelled at for 15 pages - it is a possibility.
    Lastly, I am going to put out the question of "what are we doing here?"  On this thread?  If we are continuing the collective and distributed objective analysis and assessment of this war as it unfolds, then let's do that.  I think we are safe to say that we all agree Russia's war is illegal and immoral and they deserve everything they are getting.  However, if this is turning into a maximalist Pro-Ukrainian propaganda machine, I am out - lock it down and people can go elsewhere for their information.
  17. Upvote
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Simcoe in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I’m 33. I’d played the Close Combat series games since I was 11 or 12. I had never heard of Combat Mission but I had always thought “man, Close Combat would be so much better if it was 3D and had larger units.” Discovered Combat Mission around 2016 and never looked back.
  18. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Douglas MacGregor is a hack, an appeaser and an all around toerag. Print that article off and use it as toilet paper. It's about what it's worth.
    And with that, off to happy hour. Cheers. 
  19. Like
    Bearstronaut got a reaction from Bubba883XL in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I’m 33. I’d played the Close Combat series games since I was 11 or 12. I had never heard of Combat Mission but I had always thought “man, Close Combat would be so much better if it was 3D and had larger units.” Discovered Combat Mission around 2016 and never looked back.
  20. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to Warts 'n' all in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    No, we don't. Kindly leave the stage.
  21. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to A Canadian Cat in She did her bit.   
    If you don't care there is no need to comment.
  22. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to Arjuna.R in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    That's like stealing! I don't think I've ever regretted a single cent spent on Battlefront releases. 
  23. Like
    Bearstronaut reacted to Aragorn2002 in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Quite disgusting remark. With a father as Dan he must be. Gay or straight, who cares?
  24. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to Combatintman in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Pre-order is the key bit you've overlooked.
  25. Upvote
    Bearstronaut reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Kind of off topic, but I do have one major gripe.  The F'n Russians have ruined military fiction for me.  Now every time I look at a book depicting a Russian advance all I can think of is... "yeah no way.  Too much fantasy, maybe I'll go back and just read the Silmarillion".  sigh
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