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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Some excellent points (pun intended) made above. I'm always comparing the places I "fight" in between what the scenario designer has given us, period maps, and modern maps. I find it fascinating to see what has changed and what remains from '44. In the current game I'm particularly impressed with the map of Aachen that we get to fight on. A brilliant piece of work.
  2. No, this was a Medium Machine Gun M1919A4 3-man team and they begin the mission on foot. At first I thought it was down to the fact that one of the casualties was in the same AS as the survivor whilst the other was right on the edge of the AS in front of him.. But he wouldn't medic of his own accord, so then I gave him a Face command towards the man in his own AS, nothing happened. Then tried "Slow" and "Move" commands to see if he would medic the man in the other AS, but he still wouldn't budge. Eventually I gave up.
  3. I don't have a screen shot or save. But, I did witness a 3-man MG Team problem in the Aachen campaign. Having taken two casualties, the remaining member wouldn't move, or even change his facing to medic his teammates. I'm playing the game patched up to 1.02.
  4. Another thing to consider as you play more scenarios or campaigns. Both ATRs and snipers have different roles to play depending on whether your are attacking or defending as the Russians. One way to learn how to use, or not use them, is to pay attention to what they do when you are playing as the Germans.
  5. You're spot on. The BBC recently produced an excellent series about the Vikings. Cholm stands on their river-based trading route with the Byzantine Greeks.
  6. I've tried this twice, it's messed up my comp twice. Such a shame it isn't on CMModsIII.
  7. Hi.

    Excuse the private message. But I can't understand a word "Jammersix" is saying. "New huh?" seems a strange thing to say to a "Senior Member". And "But, well, your reputation." isn't a sentence in any kind of English I've ever heard spoken. I'm just telling my fellow Limeys to buy the game before the pound falls any lower. Last year $55 was £37.. Now it is £45.. So in effect we fork out more money without BFC getting any benefit.

    Spike A.K.A. Warts 'n' all.

    1. c3k


      Yeah, it was an odd message. I try (with varying degrees of success) to give the benefit of the doubt to posts like that. I don't harbor ill-will, or keep grudge lists. I have, however, put 3 individuals on my ignore list. He is not one of them, so I'm willing to give him space to expand on his meaning, should he so desire. I hope it's a language and/or alcohol issue.

      Spreading the word is good. I'm a huge fan because NOTHING even comes close to this game series. The detail is amazing as is the power and ease of use of the editor. I've bought copies for various friends and relatives. The more, the merrier. Tell 'em they can find out if Monty really was as bad as Goodwood made it seem. ;)

      Pound vs. Dollar: yeah, it's dropping. It did it before ('80s?), and it'll do it again. My opinion on the Brexit vote is immaterial, so no worry that I'll hold forth on that. Although, it would be an excellent subject for Speaker's Corner. (It has been April or May since I've been to Hyde Park, and no idea when I'll have another chance to swing by.) But I digress. The sooner you buy more games, the better.  (This is, however, prompting me to buy some Chessex dice for my board games. Strike while the exchange markets are hot. ;) )



    2. Warts 'n' all

      Warts 'n' all


      Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and put it down to booze.

      In the meantime I'll be sending my men to their deaths/marching to victory in the streets of Aachen, to the strains of Sonnie Terry and Brownie McGee's "March into Germany" as soon as I can.


  8. This is NOT a B.F.C. funded commercial. But, I would heartily recommend that any forumites living in Limeyland buy this brilliant game NOW before the £ falls any lower against the $.
  9. Surely you can just impose this "option" upon yourself anyway already, just use Level 1 and 2 and no others.
  10. Indeed it should. So if I may be allowed to paraphrase my own paraphrase. I threw it up, and you hit it.
  11. HAHAHA... That was brilliant! If I maybe be allowed to paraphrase. I threw it up and Steve hit it.
  12. And whilst Steve is forking out the money on more staff. Perhaps you could hire someone to teach you the difference between "where" and "were". Sorry mate, you threw it up I just had to hit it.
  13. Given the fact that we were misinformed that this is a Jackson, my invisible "Stonewall" option has gone out of the window, if that isn't too much of a mixed metaphor. So being a Limey I am now going for the crew suffering from a surfeit of Brussel/Bruxelles sprouts. And their farts causing an implosion.
  14. Perhaps it hit an invisible "Stonewall". I thought I'd get in first before anyone else says it. Exits stage right Limey tongue in cheek. --------->
  15. So, in effect what you are saying is, that people who disagree with your new ideas should keep their mouths shut. How are Steve and the boys in the band meant to know that some people are quite happy with us letting them develop the game as they see fit, if we don't say so?
  16. For the most part I agree with the good Cap'n above. Although, in the case of 7th Armoured it does have to be remembered that they had left their Shermans behind in the Med. And had to get used to using the somewhat mediocre Cromwell in a fairly short space of time.
  17. Dismissing reasoned argument from forum members who come from a variety of age groups and social backgrounds as "snooty schoolyard put-downs" isn't exactly helping your case.
  18. I've always felt that for the most part the time limit, unit allocation, and map size, work really well in CM. It is basically, the higher ups giving you the orders, and leaving you to get on with it in the specified time. If you don't, you lose. Fair enough in my book.
  19. It is funny comparing the weather now, with that of 1944. In June 44 Ike is reputed to have said "Don't you people ever have a god damned summer?"... Whereas, the September we are enjoying this year would have greatly aided the Allies advance through the Low Countries in '44. As for the Gulf Stream itself, during your bicentennial of 1976 it must have been too busy partying to get over here. We had no rain at all from the last week of June until the 3rd week of September. And not wishing to confuse other readers too much the phrase "pretty mushy" reminds me of a contemporary vocalist working in your fair city of NOLA.
  20. Can't help but think the key words from Aunty Beeb's piece is "over long ranges".
  21. Just remember these plates often got ripped off either at the front, or even on the way to it.
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