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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. OUCH!!! Now that hurt ........... Speaking of Country did you notice the names of all the agricultural advisers/specialists from the US Consulate?
  2. Michael, we would never leave you out of the fun. There is also a Mac version.
  3. When you are in the Editor and push the space bar the needed module will show to the right of the formation. When I hit the space bar the US Army Infantry battalion showed Marine module to the right. US Stryker and Heavy Infantry showed nothing to the right so came with the base game. Not sure if that is helpful.....
  4. I was wondering if anyone would notice or comment on that. And it took a moder........... those guys notice everything.....
  5. I also only play on Iron and in general I don't think CMFB is hard. However, there are many different scenarios and of course some are harder than others. There is also a learning curve with all the CM titles. If you are having trouble with anything specific you should post the problem here in the forums. Other players would enjoy assisting and all the lurkers that read but don't post might also gain some new tactical ideas .
  6. To be fair this has always been so since the first release of CMSF1. There have been many threads discussing this. I don't think it is considered a bug. The ability to call for artillery fire is based on the call authority of the soldier not the presence of a working radio. This is sometimes referred to as a landline / field telephone abstraction or using a runner etc. I think it would be cool if BFC actually had landline radios ............. maybe in CM3. You will also notice that in a WW2 FO team if the FO officer is KIA but the FO team still has a working radio the team is no longer able to call for fire or even adjust a previous fire mission. This is because the team no longer has a soldier with authority. I'm not defending this behavior and I'll let smarter people argue about the realism of the behavior. I'm just pointing out it has been this way since about 2007. Players often play for years before noticing and commenting on it.................
  7. Thank you. Yes, a Word Document will have the intelligence code the same way Tactical Operations Center does.
  8. WTF Radio Station (game mechanics) A feature included in the scenario is the ability to make a radio broadcast from WTF radio station. Both the rebels and the regime can make a broadcast. A rebel broadcast will result in a unit joining the rebels. A regime broadcast will result in regime supporters flooding into the streets. The rebels can also destroy the radio transmitter preventing regime forces from making a regime broadcast. The broadcast booth contains a regime (RedFor) friendly trigger that will trigger regime supporters to take to the streets. The broadcast booth also contains a regime enemy trigger that will trigger/release a unit from lock-down for rebel use. However if the rebel broadcast is made while political prisoners are still in prison the prisoners will be executed. A rebel announcement will also trigger some regime units to make a final desperate attack on the radio station. A rebel (BluFor) Touch Objective is in the broadcast booth which displays, “Rebel broadcast”, confirming for the player a rebel broadcast was made. Some regime AI units have orders to reach the broadcast booth inside the radio station complex. The regime AI units will fight and navigate through the radio station complex to the broadcast booth. The front (north) door of the radio station is barricaded. The only accessible door is on the south side of the radio station complex. The rebels can use demolition charges to destroy the radio transmitter. More importantly the demo charge destroys the wall along which the radio transmitter is located. This creates a more direct path to the broadcast booth for the regime AI units. As a result, the AI now takes this new shortcut when trying to reach the broadcast booth. However, the new path contains a regime (RedFor) exit zone. As a result, after the radio transmitter is destroyed it is no longer possible for regime units to reach the broadcast booth and make a regime radio broadcast. Regime troops attack WTF radio station, in response to a rebel radio broadcast. However now that the "Transmitter" is destroyed the regime AI path finding runs the regime troops into a RedFor exit zone. The regime is now unable to make a regime broadcast. A regime broadcast would trigger combatants, loyal to the regime, to flood into the streets across the city. Below: The green arrows are regime troops exiting the map after the regime RedFor AI takes the shortcut created by the destruction of the radio transmitter.
  9. A column of T-55s on the move in the early morning darkness.
  10. +1 Very cool mods. Those already look way better than the vanilla fighter uniforms. I'm not picky when it comes to the camo on Fighters. Anything that breaks up the all black Ninja pajama look . +1 Wow, speaking of ninja while I was typing you posted some African mods and those look really, really cool. Like photos out of Soldier Of Fortune Magazine. Hmmm, I think the South Africans have a SWAPO base camp that needs clearing ....................
  11. @37mm those troops with the Fighter mask and the camo uniform look really good. I've never cared for the vanilla looking fighters since IMO they are to ninja looking (or GI Joe Cobra looking). So are those Fighters that were moded with camo or other troops that were given the mask? However it was done it looks cool. +1
  12. A mission can have up to seven reinforcement groups. On the unit purchase screen press number 1 for reinforcement group 1 and [R1] will display after the unit. Pressing number 8 will delete an unwanted reinforcement number. On the orders screen you may paint the setup zone you want the reinforcements to show up at or go to the unit screen & place them directly as you want them to appear. On Units – Purchase screen assign the desired [R] number to the unit (#1 through #7 on the keyboard). On Units - Reinforcements screen select Blue or Red and the desired reinforcement group. Select the time you want the reinforcements to show up in the game. You can name the reinforcement group if you want. (If an AI reinforcement unit has an AI order that begins before the unit is scheduled to appear on the map the unit will never move.) Save DUKES At least one UK vehicle has an IED jammer. I think it is the Warrior.
  13. Yes, @Erwin is providing a great service to the community by collecting, preserving and providing hundreds of unique Mods to CMMODS. Most, maybe all, of these mods would have been forever lost to the community if not for Erwin's hoarder like instincts . And now (I think) he is going to leave on a great quest to personally transport said mods across the big pond from the new world back to the old. How many suitcases and carry on bags does it take to hold hundreds of mods? +3 up votes to Erwin, preserver of mods, and good luck on your quest. @Bootie if you see Erwin buy him a drink for me. I'll buy you one in return next time you're in the rural Midwest .
  14. I read an excellent post by @sburke (see link below) which hinted that it might be possible for any triggerman to set off any IED (as long as they were in range etc.) http://community.battlefront.com/topic/125970-ied-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=1728591 The post read in part "The triggerman is not specifically associated to an IED. I have activated an IED with a different triggerman." This lead to some experiments which demonstrated: An IED can be activated and detonated by any triggerman. Example: A cell triggerman can activate and/or detonate a wire or radio IED.
  15. @IICptMillerII That's pretty cool what you did there. Nice job!!! +1
  16. Well ................. Waiting on Rome to Victory and have to get Coup de'tat out the door. But it will eventually get finished.
  17. Thank you, Sir. And thank you for creating a great urban map to set scenarios in.
  18. Interesting. Also good idea for the video. I had screenshots demonstrating most of this but those are buried in the forum somewhere. .
  19. If this question was for me, I used "Vein effects all" mod. which includes tracers, explosions etc.
  20. Cool!!! Another movie to watch!! Thanks John!! +1
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