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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. It's a bit off topic, or better off Theater of War, but this British site has loads of brilliant aerial photos: NCAP, National Collection of Aerial Photos at www.ncap.org.uk
  2. Regarding the versions, it may be worthwhile to note: you can't play v3.0 scenarios, if you have only the v2.0 base game. And most of the newer, player made scenarios are in v3.0. To make a long sentence short: yes, get the v3.0 base game.
  3. If I recall what I read right, this guy even used his Panther once. Sometime in the 70's. Helping out after a snow storm or something.
  4. Well, what about the first "Call of Duty"? It was a first person shooter, but should meet some of your requirements. And it was fun to play, anyway.
  5. Yep, Umlaut's last thoughts are an important consideration. CMFI is quite different from CMBN in terms of terrain and units. Terrain wise, it is mostly beautiful Italian hill country, compared to the rather flat north-west European terrain. Unit wise, you get stranger, more outdated vehicles than in CMBN. E.g, just the occassional Tiger, no fancy King Tigers, etc. And of course the weather: scorching Italian summer heat compared to rainy French summer. So, if you have to choose, you should not only consider the (user made) content, but also what environment you prefer. I love them both. And the Russian plains...
  6. I have been there from Wednesday to Sunday, 21st June. Great.show! Anybody cares to see hundreds of re-enactment pic's? PM your mail adress and I'll give access to my Dropbox folder.
  7. First one thing (well actually two things), which may be of general interest for those of us, who care for board games: - GMT games just announced a new "Invasion of Malta" operational level game. With their current production rate, it may take two years before it comes out. - Finally GMT's strategic level "Italian Front" game will be shipped. They say, still within this July. And for Kohlenklau: My PBEM buddy and myself are finally just about to start the Ortona mini campaign, which we talked about earlier. That is, if you are still willing to assist us. We just have a few more turns to finish a current CMFI scenario.
  8. It is a little outside the CMBN scope, but does anybody have detailed info about the Battle of Paderborn on 30/31 March 1945 and the destruction of TF Welborn? I recently stumbled over this action and was surprised to read that some people call it "the last big tank battle on the western front". Apparently a company of the " schwere Pz Abteilung 507" destroyed TF Welborn, killing 20+ tanks and a similar number of half-tracks and trucks.
  9. Unfortunately I will not have access to my computer untill next Monday and can't give you any details right now. However, you can find some VP scenarios (perhaps a handful) at the Repository and on GJa's site. The latest one was a scenario for MG, using VP vehicles. Made by Kohlenklau, if I remember right.
  10. Yep, and it is so satisfying, when your Arty finaly hits something. Only the other day, I scored my first, confirmed direct hit on a tank with an air strike. Whoah, THAT was a show. Let me forget all the failed, previous attempts....
  11. Yep, I played it, too, back then. At first I did not like the card game approach. So, It took me quite a while to give it a try. But then I liked it quite much. Quite deep and immersive, indeed. Since years and even today, there is still talk about a new version. But that willl probably come at the same time as "CM Russia '41".
  12. Sorry for the late reply. I missed your post. Thanks for the recommendations,I'll try them. Looking forward to your next deeds! P.S.: cesaro was fantastic, indeed. The best, since I played a CMAK scenario. Some years ago. P.S. no 2: Campobasso sounds interesting. I have a colleague named Campobassi. She is from Rome, though, but if the name speaks for anything: whoah!
  13. Well, Steel Panthers was quite detailed. In it's time. Otherwise: Yes, start with the tutorials, play a few scenarios against the AI and then, move to PBEM playing, when you feel comfortable with the mechanics. From there, it is "Training, training, training". And be prepared to get your bum kicked a few times.
  14. Very tempting, indeed. But unfortunately Austin, Texas, is not exactly "just down the road". At least not, if you look down the road from the Swiss mountains. Since you planted the idea: Is anybody out there going to the "200-Years Battle of Waterloo" anniversary in Belgium? Needless to say: From 16th to 18th June.
  15. Hi Kohlenklau Just like in the real world: each answer creates a bunch of questions.
  16. No, just suspense. The famous Tiger has some "magic" appearances and, if I recall right, the starring Russian tanker feels with his tanks and is sort of "re-born", just to kill the White Tiger. Otherwise, just too many pictures of burned tankers, after the battles.
  17. Hi Kohlenklau Did you ever complete this and the Ortona campaign project? Would be a shame, if not.
  18. I just recently finished the Cesaro scenario, playing PBEM. Brilliant scenario. The first since a long time, where I constantly bounced between despair and relief. I managed a minor German victory, with more than 100 killed US tanks and vehicles, but was lucky that the game did not last a minute longer. In the end it was almost "Fury like", with my last Tiger being circled by a swarm of Shermans. Any suggestions for equally intense sceanrios?
  19. I have seen The White Tiger completely. Can't revommend it. A crappy story, with some nice tank scenes, though. And far too many, far too explicit pictures of burned tankers.
  20. In some of my CMRT scnearios, the nice, hilly Italian CMFI landscape appears as horizon. I think I remember, that I read something about this issue in an earlier thread, but I can't find it anymore. Can somebody tell me how to get rid of the CMFI horizon?
  21. You see, 30 years project management experience: Just ask the right questions and people will know what to do.
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