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    zinzan reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Well done !  Consider me gobsmacked  It's nice to know I wasn't the only one "wasting" their youth.
  2. Like
    zinzan reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  3. Like
    zinzan reacted to Warts 'n' all in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Purely by co-incidence I do live in the same town as one of the M.P.s who signed Charles Stewert's Death Warrant used to represent.
  4. Like
    zinzan reacted to General Jack Ripper in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    I don't care what everyone else says, you're a good man.
  5. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    ahh yes I miss a good regicide.  Hasn't been one in a while that shows any real panache
  6. Like
    zinzan reacted to Warts 'n' all in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    Well, I'm not bad as regicides go.
  7. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Been reading Quotations from Chairman Ken as well eh?
    One thing to beware of is ammo usage.  I am messing with @George MC's Circle the wagons and have watched  2 teams burn through about 1000 rounds of ammo in 15 minutes.  Granted it is a heavy urban fight, but modern automatic weapons will have you looking for resupply pretty darn fast.
    correction- that was 2000 rounds....  8 guys.... maybe 13-14 minutes of actual fighting.
  8. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Nope.  The only image in the Minute 1 post that I did any post processing on (other than cropping) is on the first image, and then I only added the movement trials and the vehicle info overlays.  All in game shots are direct from the game and unedited.
  9. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    palette grog.
  10. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    MINUTE 1
    Baneman is definitely feeling his oats… without hesitation he threw part of his Scimitar platoon out of his entry point and toward the center of the map.  My irregulars had a clear view of his movements... I can only hope that mine were not so clearly telegraphed to him.  One of his German recon vehicles started to move down AA1.
    In this image, the gray trails indicate the observed German Fennek movements and the ochre trails indicate observed UK Scimitar movements.  I lost sight of the UK FV432 shortly after the turn began.  

    The terrain being what it is, he was able to move into positions much quicker than I.  That could be a problem for me, but it could also tempt him to deploy more units forward than he probably should.  My teams were still moving up at turn end.  It could take another few turns before they are fully into position.
    Eventually one of the British light tanks got a spot on my lead technical and after a few rounds...

    ...it was an ex-technical. 

    Though he is being very aggressive, and with a combat power advantage slightly in his favor (he can afford to be), I am not going to panic.. I will take up some defensive positions overwatching AA1 with Team 1.  Meanwhile Team 2 will disgorge its ATGM team who will move into a firing position.  Losing one or two Scimitars might slow him down some and cause him to get cautious. 
    My USMC LAV platoon will move over the bridge into a forward position and await orders.  They will dismount their recon teams there.
    PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a recon in force down AA1?  One Fennek spotted moving down this route PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a counter-recon operation?  PIR:  Will the enemy recon force take up overwatch positions at KT1?  It appears this may be happening, but need more information The situation in DUMAYR.  No action here yet, but it looks like there will be soon.

  11. Like
    zinzan reacted to General Jack Ripper in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Oh man.
    I might have to put in for some vacation time once this AAR really kicks off.
    Aww geez, he's even highlighting his analysis elements!
    You are setting a standard not easily achieved once again. Look at that blue highlight!
    I never would have thought of that!
    TYes, I'm drunk. UI work for the post office. you would be too.
  12. Like
    zinzan reacted to MikeyD in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Yaaaay! Looks like fun!
    I'm ashamed to say I had entirely forgotten about 'movie mode' despite being one of the original people to lobby for it.
  13. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    there is one in every crowd... the map is about 1500 meters by 2350 meters (give or take)  
    Heh, I apologize ahead of time.    I'm sure Baneman will post many lovely full color screen shots.
  14. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Here it is folks.. the time has arrived for the CMSF2 BETA AAR.  I will be adding to this thread later today,, but wanted to get the thread started. 
    My opponent?  My nemesis from the CMFB  BETA AAR, Baneman ,agreed to a rematch.  I really do owe him a more thoughtful game than I gave him the last time.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with that game, Baneman beat me rather soundly.  Hope that doesn't happen again!   
    This game is well under way, we have completed 16 minutes of action, so there are a lot of turns to come in relatively quick succession and the Blood Board™ is filling rather alarmingly.  
    For those of you who were following my "Lesson in Defense" AAR in the CMBN forum.. sorry about not updating that thread for a while, but I can really only do one of these at a time, and this one takes priority.,  Once I started this game it took up my full attention.
    More anon.  Bil
  15. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in A long delayed update   
    Hey we want to test something, can you give us a 46 million dollar engine we can destroy?
    Actually in the scheme of things I guess that is kind of cheap. 
    Maybe off topic but that was very cool @Ultradave
  16. Like
    zinzan reacted to Ultradave in A long delayed update   
    You are right about aerospace being the exception. When I was teaching nuclear engineering at NC State, our research reactor, besides doing lots of esoteric research,  also did a side business in NDT by "x-raying" (Not really x-rays but close enough for the layman's purpose)  EVERY turbine blade that was eventually going into GE jet engines. EVERY SINGLE ONE. 
    As we've so recently seen, the effects of a mechanical failure inside a jet engine can be deadly to catastrophic. And a sheared off, high velocity turbine blade getting loose from the confines of the engine cowling is about as bad as it gets.
    One of the few cases where statistics to determine a representative sample are not used. The risks of even one faulty blade are much too high.
    I"m sure Rolls-Royce does something similar. When I was working in England, we had to make occasional trips for meetings at Rolls-Royce in Derby. We were there for reactor design, but right next door in the same factory complex was jet engine manufacture and testing. They do a destructive test on the occasional engine where they explosively sheer off 3 turbine blades simultaneously on an engine in a test stand that's running at full throttle. It's absolutely amazing to watch. The goal is that no part of that engine can escape from the engine cowling when that happens. I have to say, seeing that test, and knowing the work our reactor group did at NCSU gave me a feeling of confidence that everything possible is being done to ensure the quality and integrity of jet engines. And yes, that drives up the cost tremendously. Worth every penny, in my opinion.
    [edit]  Cool, found one. Here's the destruction test of an A380 engine. 
    Apologies for straying a mite off topic
  17. Like
    zinzan reacted to Rinaldi in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    I apologize for the delay, both Surplice and myself have been quite busy with finals - but this DAR is far from dead. So let's continue....
    Turns 10-12
    Surplice's Wiesels continue to displace. He either knows, or anticipates, that I am shifting the weight of my attack and is moving to stop this.

    This movement is not only observed this time. Despite his effective and aggressive use of mortars to break up anything that remotely looks like a support-by-fire position the bulk of my MMGs and ATGMs are in position. The movement of the Wiesels draws fire from one of the ATGM teams.

    As the ATGM whines towards its target, a second Wiesel trundles out of cover just behind the first one. He's trying to move them through a copse of trees that is quite thick (by Syria's standards) and the Wiesels jam up on one another...could it be?

    Two for one!

    The support-by-fire positions are restricting movement to their immediate front to my immense satisfaction. They continue to take, and lose men to, mortar fire but they are sufficiently spread out in frontage that he can't destroy or suppress all the positions in one fire mission. That means its go time: the Mech Group's vehicles begin to deploy into positions that can lay some direct fire on known and suspected positions. Shilkas and BMP2s from the ATGM platoon lead the way. 

    The BMPs take some fire from light anti-tank weapons and waste no time in returning fire. 

    The situation in front of TAI 21 (if you need a refresher on the key terrain, see here)

    Of course, things have been going too well for far too long, and Surplice gets some shots in once again. A Wiesel is spotted taking a battle position by several T-72s....who have target arcs that do not cover the Wiesel's position. I can do nothing but watch as the TOW lazily snakes its way to the T-72 and catastrophically destroys it.

    The Wiesel retreats moments later. Surplice amazes me at how quickly he learns, you can see how he handle his units improving over the course of a battle. Its a tidy little engagement and he doggedly continues to try and bleed me white. This time however, I'm calling his bluff: I know his anti-tank defenses are greatly weakened and am going to push forward; something I can now do since the trailing platoons of both Mechanized companies have arrived. 

    Next update: I intend to continue with the templated plan. With TAI 22 largely abandoned by my enemy I can move forward the Armor Group's weapons and BMPs to occupy it and at least act as a trip wire for any reinforcements that may arrive. The surviving T-72s and newly arrived Mech platoon can bypass the greenhouses (TAI 23), which have German infantry trapped in them. The goal here is to secure the causeway across the Wadi and shift my ATGMs to cover expected counterattack routes. I do not expect Surplice's trapped infantry can survive the firepower that can be brought to bear on their fighting positions, one at a time. 
    He still has Wiesels out there, however, and he may show me my assumptions are based on erroneous math yet.
  18. Like
    zinzan reacted to MOS:96B2P in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    Good AAR.  Interested to see how this turns out.  
  19. Like
    zinzan reacted to Sequoia in Afrika Korps or Early War?   
    The CMSF base game was released on July 27 2007.  The Black Sea Battlepack was released on April 25 2017. So in roughly 10 years we had an additional 5 base games, 6 modules, 1 Vehicle pack  2 Battlepacks and 3 major Engine upgrades.  What's been announced for sure? CMSF 2 (which I'll call a new game),  the last CMFI module, except for possibly an elite forces module,  and another module for CMRT, CMBS and CMFB.  At the same pace of release in the next 10 years (after which I suspect Steve and Charles will be ready to retire) we'd expect to see another 7 more Game or module releases plus odds and ends. Say CMBS, CMFB and Red Thunder get another (2nd) module. That about leaves only enough time for the East Front 1943 to be covered along with the odds and ends. So it looks doubtful to me if we will ever see either early war or North Africa. This is not meant to be a big downer, as that's still a hell of a lot of content, and yes Steve might be laughing his butt off after reading this attempt at prognostication since only he and Charles, I would think, really know what's going on, but I thought I'd offer this assessment.
  20. Like
    zinzan reacted to Mord in Afrika Korps or Early War?   
    Well, it's damn near unanimous! If given the choice between Afrika Korps and Early War Europe,  Fulda Gap would win!
  21. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in The state of CMSF2   
    This is why Steve doesn't generally start these threads. 
    You know we can only answer so much due to NDA and Steve can't stop to answer several pages of questions.  Yeah it is like getting an appetizer only to find out dinner isn't for an hour and you've eaten nothing else all day....
  22. Like
    zinzan reacted to Sublime in Tanks crossing Train Tracks   
    big whoop. my lifes a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Just like the comic Hobbes is in my head
  23. Like
    zinzan reacted to A Canadian Cat in Tanks crossing Train Tracks   
    What no, Hobbs is real!
  24. Like
    zinzan reacted to StieliAlpha in Tanks crossing Train Tracks   
    No worries. I am well aware that not everybody is an engineer. And living with an engineers reputation is not always easy. You know Scot Adam‘s „Dilbert“ cartoons? They describe our short comings frightenly precise.😱😎
  25. Like
    zinzan reacted to Erwin in Tanks crossing Train Tracks   
    KABOOM...!   That put me in my place.   
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