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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. @ Repsol OT...(who would expect anything less?) Next stop Paris-Dakar! PS - love your suggestion
  2. There is something to be said for fighting fire with fire.
  3. If you must blame someone, Baneman's granddaddy invented fire. You can look it up.
  4. I'm pretty sure the Olympics settled the issue once-and-for-all as to who the "Good Guys" are.
  5. Are you certain he didn't just self-combust? He always seemed rather spontaneous to me.
  6. Canadians know many things, Burkey. Like Hockey, for starters. As for the NSA, doesn't that stand for No Stragglers Allowed?
  7. This just in: Bil and Elvis have been named Directors of Public Relations at BFC. Keep up the good work, Lads.
  8. I'd say that pretty much guarantees a release by March 9, at the latest.
  9. Tell that to the boys on the receiving end of an OT34.
  10. Am I the only one who feels like he's watching a re-enactment of "The Three Little Pigs", where Bil's OT34 plays the wolf?
  11. Thanks for the clarification, womble. To me the clock always spells "death."
  12. "The game's going to overtime!" Sorry, Gents. I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to Sochi. Back on thread, I cannot count the number of times I've squeaked out a win in "injury time". So, yes please to bringing it back.
  13. Funny, that. Quebec's been a 'home away from home" for me ever since studying there back in 1982. I even "popped the question" to my wife on the Terrace Dufferin...in both official languages, no less.
  14. Many thanks, Gents, for doing what you do. Now, can I have my life back?
  15. You had hair? Must be nice! And where did you get the matches from, Burkey? I don't even remember fire having been invented yet.
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