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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. At the risk of being banned (again), I must make the following observation: how many leaders would permit the sort of open dialogue we are enjoying in this thread? The Nazis? The Bolsheviks? Here's to freedom of thought and freedom of expression.
  2. How can we settle this once and for all? I know, let's host the Olympics. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113682
  3. Welcome to the Forum, Jack. I suspect you are no longer "Little" after all these years. I must say, I do admire your self-restraint in posting. I mean, six (6) posts since 2000, now that's what I call an economy of words. I suppose I could learn to be more "economical" myself. Here's hoping you don't wait nearly so long between posts in the future. After all, we don't all bite.
  4. Just doing my part to get her back on track.
  5. Further proof that we're all Canadians deep down inside.
  6. Too funny, Oddball. (It would appear as if you aren't the only one with the odd ball.)
  7. Looks like the Germans are looking to finish what they started back in WWII. This time it isn't oil, but gold they're after.
  8. I'm enjoying your play-by-play, Bil, visuals and all. As if BFC needed to promote this game any further, you have whetted our wargaming appetite, leaving us wanting more.
  9. I hear you, Jorge. Change can be a good thing. Don't mind us musing out loud. Some of us (myself included) have way too much time on our hands. The sooner BFC Brings The Thunderâ„¢, the better for all concerned.
  10. Of course, von Albert, how could I have missed the Schnürsenkel Ausf. D? Or as we in North America call it "the Sasquatch". Last spotted travelling east, it could revolutionize warfare as we know it.
  11. Surely, Jorge, you don't mean bocage?
  12. Come now, Banesy. No need to be so modest. I've seen ya in a kilt.
  13. On the other hand, they're more likely to see their fathers a whole lot sooner.
  14. Well said, Banesy. A "dead giveaway" indeed.
  15. But mainly it's the hair on the back of the horse's neck...
  16. Fenris, I feel your pain. Set-up is the single most daunting part of the game. But as far as determining success or failure it is a "necessary evil". Once you've committed yourself to a plan, it's "Go Time". And there's no turning back.
  17. Goes to show what some men will do when you show 'em some skin. Betty Grable eat yer heart out.
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