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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. What, Banesy? You mean paint isn't just for sniffing?
  2. Just don't let your cat find out about the sandbox. I used to have a cat with a terrible habit of laying his own mines. Scooping them out was not my idea of "fun".
  3. "Not tonight, Waterloo." (Josephine Bonaparte)
  4. Is it the OT-34 or are things about to get a whole lot hotter in here?
  5. @ Vinnart No sooner had I sent my post than I realized the value of AA in its other roles: namely anti-tank and anti-personnel. So yes, Elvis, there's that as well. Carry on.
  6. I just won't tell my wife what I'm learning in Spanish.
  7. You could always pretend you are assaulting an enemy position somewhere in Belorussia. Just don't miss the book return date.
  8. Smart man. I bet the mines pay big dividends. As for the 20mm AA, I feel your pain. Especially given the potential of a heavily armoured ground attack plane coming your way. Then again, it's not as if Bil has control over his air support.
  9. @ Crowley @ Bastables Why do you grown-ups always insist on spoiling my "fun"?
  10. [quote=Whiterider;1503289It´s impossible to get tits and ass (in spanish: Imposible tener teta y culo ).
  11. Well then, the good Doctor needs a cat. Molester?
  12. Welcome to the Forum, Tor. Who needs to play the game when we have "Bil and Elvis' Big Adventure"? I, for one, have given up the game for Lent. Of course Lent officially ends the day BFC releases Red Thunder. But this thread is not about me. Patience is the key. Even those who dislike the current AI will love what awaits.
  13. How hard is the slogging through the woods with your SPG, Bil? That machine doesn't seem to have a whole lotta wiggle room.
  14. YankeeDog makes a good point. You may find your AA comes in handy after all. What would you rather have chosen in place of the AA? Were mines an option?
  15. How mobile is your AA, Elvis? You may wish to keep it close to your armour.
  16. My thoughts precisely. As in, "they go up in flames".
  17. And yet, as long as we respect each other's right to express an opinion the world is a better place. Which is more than could be said for the "world" in World War II.
  18. Good thing the sole survivor in this unit also happens to be the chaplain.
  19. Correction: "It" was one of your pixeltruppen. It is one thing to dehumanize the enemy. It is another to dehumanize one's own people.
  20. It's early days yet. As it stands now, the Russians have more medals. But The Germans have more gold. Debaters take your positions. Let the games begin!
  21. Let's not forget The Siege of Sevastopol. Now that would be fun!
  22. Might I offer you a wafer thin mint...a Vichy perhaps?
  23. Too funny, sburke. Doesn't that make you "un collaborateur"? Just asking.
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