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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Joel Hayward, "Stopped at Stalingrad: the Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East (1942-43)"
  2. I'll get there yet. And when I do, I'll bring your hardcopy of "Red Thunder". Hope you can wait that long.
  3. Interesting, where I come from we call that a "dealer". To each his own. (just joking) I do agree with your observation about "Generation Next". As a teacher, I have the privilege of working with many capable young adults. I just hope "our" generation (aka "The Boomers") give them a chance to reach their full potential. Sorry for derailing the thread...it's what I do.
  4. I am jealous. Not so much of the New Zealand postal service, but of the current climate. I just took the snow blower for a spin. How I love (Canadian) winter!
  5. I feel your pain, Jonesy. We Band of Brothers will raise a glass on the day of release to celebrate CM: Red Thunder as well as the plight of the common man. Seems somehow fitting.
  6. ...only because BFC has "raised the bar" so high.
  7. Ouch. That's either a commentary on my hand-eye coordination or general intelligence...or both. On the other hand, our future generation might have a chance, after all. Of course, that could also mean your son is part Swede.
  8. Juri...I couldn't have said it better myself.
  9. One man's wargame is another man's fetish...and vice-versa.
  10. Good stuff, Juri. BTW, the official title of the liaison officer mentioned above was Fliegerverbildungsoffizier or "Flivo" for short. Heyward makes ample mention of the Luftwaffe's role in close ground support in "Stopped at Stalingrad", another must read for fans of this chapter of military history.
  11. The setting: Junkers 88 production facility. The soundtrack: Wagner's "Ride of the Walkyrie" percussion provided by "Was fur ein...are zose bombs?" (and the band played on)
  12. The best part is, they only reveal themselves a bit at a time. Adds to the excitement level. Is it me or is it getting warm in here?
  13. How's that for service, Laddie? Here's a solution to the world's postal service woes: let's clone Steve!
  14. On a lighter note: We have two choices, Gentlemen: a Belgian brew or a California cold one. Shall we cluster in a cloister or have "Sex on the Beach"?
  15. I feel your pain, Umlaut. If it weren't so sad it would be funny.
  16. I'm moving to Malibu. One question though, SixxKiller. How's the beer?
  17. The Canadian government recently announced that it would be ending home delivery and going the Superbox route. It would also increase postage rates in the process. Hmmm...less service for more money. Makes sense to me.
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