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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. You sweet talker. You had me at Chimay.
  2. Decision time, Raven. How will you spend the extra $6 dollars? I know, you could raise a glass to your less fortunate brethren. Failing that, we (Canadians) could apply for charitable status.
  3. I've been to Belgium. And going there would be worth the trip for the beer alone! But I digress. You seem to misunderstand the offer: you will be charged an additional $17 for BOTH the download and hardcopy. The "download only" option is not offered at this time. I hope this helps.
  4. Outrageous! It would cost me an additional $23 for the hardcopy sent to Canada. WTF? At this rate, it might be cheaper to move to Belgium.
  5. The Luftwaffe used "Flivos" to operate as a liaison between the air corps and ground troops. As a military concept it had no equal in combined arms tactics. Of course, success on the battlefield required air superiority. Once this was lost, so was the war.
  6. As a compromise I will tend to "hide" everyone except the FO. I realize this makes the FO more vulnerable but feel his ability to spot will also translate into an improved ability to conceal his own movement, thereby reducing the odds of finding the first bullet.
  7. Another gem from JasonC. Thanks for sharing this, Crinius.
  8. Michael, Michael, Michael. Weren't you paying attention in your American History class? It was a draw at best.
  9. And we still ended up with CRAP.
  10. Someone has a little too much time on his hands. Fear not Ian, help is on its way. Goodbye spreadsheet, hello "Red Thunder"!
  11. re: CM:VN...there is this: Why build a game that neither side can win?
  12. Keep that up and you'll get yourself elected...Leader of the Free World. Disclaimer: Paid for by the Tea Party.
  13. Keep that up and you'll get yourself elected...as Prime Minister. Disclaimer: Paid for by the Scottish National Party
  14. Nah, we'd all be better off just moving to The States.
  15. Followed closely by "CM:We'll Kick Yo Ass All the Way to the Whitehouse Before Proceeding to Burn it Down (Again)".
  16. Shipping to Canada rings in at $23, a 42% surcharge. Can't wait to download this baby.
  17. As StieliAlpha mentions, Hetzer was built by Skoda in Czechoslovakia. Incidentally, the word "skoda" means "shame", as in "Now that we have the Hetzer it would be a shame not to use it." Gentlemen, start your engines!
  18. CM: Lemmy Atom! www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-kKLZH0xlE
  19. Good stuff, Guys. Thanks for posting this thread. I'm enjoying the stream of consciousness approach each of you is using to describe your plan(s). To me the BAR (as in Before Action Report) is just as compelling as the AAR. Will continue to follow with interest as "Bil vs Elvis" develops.
  20. It's rumoured that Lemmy will be the new host of "Pimp My Ride".
  21. It's all about the music, man....that, and the uniform.
  22. Pity the V1 is not yet available. Could be a game changer.
  23. If it's good enough for Lemmy, it's good enough for me!
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